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Nama : Alvaro Haryokusumo

NIM : V0120005

1) Three people are calling the company Micah Information Systems.

Listen to the three dialogues and complete the table.
1. Call 1
Who is calling? John Ellis
Who does he want to speak to? Mr. Seida
Does he get through? If not, why? No, because Mr. Seida is in a meeting
What will happen next? Sylvia take a note from John for Mr. Seida to call John back
2. Call 2
Who is calling? Karren Miller
Who does she want to speak to? Maria
Does she get through? If not, why? No, because the line is engaged
What will happen next? Sylvia give Karren Maria’s extension number
3. Call 3
Who is calling? Bob
Who does he want to speak to? Seida
Does he get through? If not, why? Yes but Seida is talking with someone in another
What will happen next? Seida will call Bob back in 10 minutes
2) Listen again and complete the sentences from the dialogue
1. Speaking
2. Tell, called
3. Here
4. Wanted
5. Hang, connection
6. Afraid, engaged
7. Calling
8. Get
9. Hear
10. Line
a. 1,3
b. 9
c. 4
d. 2
e. 6,10
f. 7
g. 5,8
3) Match the two parts to make a question from the dialogues. Now match these
answers with the questions. Sometimes more than answer is possible
1. I : a,h
2. F : c,f,j
3. J : a,c
4. E : d
5. C : b
6. H : g
7. B : c,j
8. G : i
9. D : c
10. A : e

4) There are usually two ways of saying the same thing: a formal way, or a less formal way.
Find pairs of expression with the same meaning and complete the table.

More Formal Less Formal

Could I speak to Bob, please? Can I speak to Bob, please?
Thank you Thanks
Certainly Sure
Can I just ask what it’s about? What’s it about?
Shall I put you through to her? Do you want to speak to her?
Could you please hold? Hang on a moment

5) There are different ways to give our names on the telephone. Match the sentences
with the explanation.
6) Look at- or listen to- the three phone calls in exercise 1 again. Who uses first names,
and who uses surnames, why?
Call 1 : Uses surnames, because John call him Jorg Seide and Mr. Seide don’t have Jorg’s
phone number so I think it is John first time to call Mr. Seide.
Call 2 : Uses first names, because Sylvia and Karren already know each other or maybe
they had a contact before.
Call 3 : Uses first names, because Bob call him Jorg not Seide and I think they already
had a contact before.
7) Rewrite the highlighted sentences below with I’m afraid or actually
1. I’m actually trying to get through to Jake Woodward. He asked me to call him this
2. Marie Dupont. You’re from France, aren’t you? – Actually, I’m from Belgium
3. Can I talk to Kevin Shields? – I’m afraid, he’s not here.
4. Would you like to leave a message? – Actually, I’ll call back later.
5. Can I call you tomorrow? – I’m afraid I won’t be in the office tomorrow.
6. I’m afraid heather’s line is engaged. Shall I tell her to call you back.
8) Look at the situations below and make excuses for why your boss doesn’t want to
come to the phone. Try to use I’m afraid, I’m sorry, or actually in each sentence.
Remember that you don’t always need to tell truth when making an excuse!
1. Out of this office today/this afternoon :
I’m afraid she’s unavailable. She’s actually out of this office today.
2. Having lunch :
I’m sorry but now it’s a break time. I’m afraid it will disturbing his lunch.
3. On another line :
I’m afraid her line is engaged. Can I take a message?
4. On a business trip :
I’m sorry, but he’s not here. Yesterday our Boss and his manager went to Bali for a
business trip.
5. In a meeting :
I’m afraid he is in a meeting with his new client. Shall I tell him to call you back
10) Often when we telephone we have to deal with communication problems. Listen to
the dialogues and match them with the problems. Sometimes more than one answer
is possible.
C : 1,2
D : 2,8
G : 3,5
Now complete the extracts from the dialogues with words from the box. Then listen
again to check your answers.
1. Sorry, I didn’t catch that
2. Sorry, could you repeat that, please?
3. Sorry, can you speak up a bit, please?
4. Sorry, I think you have the wrong number
5. Sorry, this is a really bad line
6. Sorry, we got cut off
7. Sorry, could you spell that for me, please?
8. Sorry, could you say that a bit more slowly, please?

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