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Take a clean sheet of paper and write down:

Goals and todays date and then write down 10 goals that you’d like to accomplish in the next 12

And write them in the present tense. And just write down I earn, I achieve, I drive such and such a car, I
own…. Whatever happens to be and you say If I had a magic wand, and I could wave this magic wand
and I could have any one goal on my list within 24 hours, which one goal would have the greatest
positive impact on my life? And usually, …… at you put a circle around that goal. And that is the goal you
transfer to a clean sheet of paper, and then you follow the 7 steps:

1- Write it down
2- Set a deadline
3- Make a list of everything you have to do to accomplish it
4- Organize the list into a checklist
5- Take action and then do something every day. If you’d just do this, this simple exercise, then
you’ll all br rich. Nothing can stop you but yourself. IT you can look at it and say I did that I think
its pretty damn good that’s a great feeling so don’t let idiots talk you out of something that you
think is good whatever you do give it your best shot you will be glad you did

Most important ingredient is hard work is there, dedication is there, passion is there, but I felt being
honest is one of the most important things be to start a being honest to yourself unless honest to
yourself you cant be honest to others and what it also does it. It helps you in expecting what the
shortcoming are. You may not be great player. you may not be great human being but if you willing to
accept the shortcomings. Ypu can also look for improve

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