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Lecture 1:


The speaker gave a presentation on critical analysis, performing critical analysis, and
constructing assignments in the first guest lecture. The first lecture covers critical analysis,
critical thinking, mind mapping, assignment writing, and how to condense all of the lecture
material into an assignment. We maintained the central concept, concepts, and viewpoint while
summarizing any subject, presentation, or lecture and condensed the whole lecture accordingly.
A summary is a condensed version of a lengthy lecture that informs the audience about the
narrative. From the summary, the reader may deduce the primary concept or plot. The speaker
gave a presentation on how to create a summary and assess a lecture in its entirety. We also
spoke about critical analysis and how to do it on any subject. Critical analysis is the process of
thinking thoroughly about something and expressing our thoughts, points of view, and logic. We
must use critical thinking, brainstorming, and mind mapping to analyse a particular issue
critically. We examine the issue critically and thoroughly, determining the primary issue
presented in the lecture, identifying the issue's primary issue, logical reasoning about the issue,
gathering views and ideas about the issue, and finally concluding your thoughts on the issue.
Understanding the key themes, concepts, and issues of a subject and the relevance and
limitations of the subject requires critical analysis. There is a systematic approach to follow
while doing critical analysis, including how to do critical thinking, conduct mind mapping,
identify the issue, evaluate it to come up with plausible and correct answers, reasoning, and
concluding your thoughts and reasoning.
Lecture 2:


The instructor covered the critical analysis issue with the students in the second lesson. The
speaker instructs students on how to do critical analysis, construct a tale, identify a problem in a
tale, engage in critical thinking, assess, offer reasons, and make a conclusion. The speaker gave a
presentation and then spoke with the students, addressing their questions. The speaker engaged
the students in a discussion on critical analysis. It is vital to understand how to conduct a proper
analysis; your reasoning must be precise and reasonable. The professor gave a critical critique
and instructed them on how to complete an assignment. The students then express their opinions
and views, as well as ask questions concerning the issue. Students also shared tales to learn how
to do critical analysis. To execute critical analysis, the first step is to comprehend the tale or
issue, followed by brainstorming and identifying the issue, logical reasoning, evidence
collection, and concluding your thoughts on the whole issue. Critical thinking and problem-
solving are used to do critical analysis. However, correct critical thinking is required to
determine what is correct or incorrect, reasoning must be logical, the evidence must be current,
and no false statements must be made.
Lecture 3:


The third session focuses on marketing strategy, including how companies implement strategies,
sales figures, strengths and weaknesses, unique selling points, economic roles, supply chain
objectives, and sales and marketing strategies during pandemics—the company's strategy for
attracting audiences, clients, and consumers. We will explore Tecnon orbicam, a petrochemical
firm; Forest 2 Market, a wood and fibre supply chain; Fisher International, a multinational pulp
and paper corporation. Since 1976, the organization has been offering comprehensive data on the
petrochemical sector and world-class marketing consultancies and advising customers on how to
solve problems and compete in the market. The chemical that the corporation sells to businesses.
The firm specializes in delivering organic chemicals, which are subsequently utilized to make
intermediates such as synthetic fibres and resins. They have consulting experience and
competence in marketing strategies, development, innovations, adaptations, planning, mergers,
and diversification. They assist their customers on how to plan, make decisions, evaluate,
analyze, adapt, innovate, digitalize, provide high-quality data, implement integrated solutions,
and provide leadership skills in consulting and guidance. Plastics, plastic goods, PVC pipes,
paints, adhesives, medications, automotive, packaging, furniture, agricultural goods, fertilizers,
textiles, food industries, wires, cables, papers, and other items are made using 2nd generation
resins. BMW, IKEA, NICHE, and 3M, for example, utilized business raw materials to create
high-quality goods.
The marketing and sales strategy is divided into three sales funnels: the upper, medium, and
lower sales funnels. Consumers and clients are the primary focus of the first funnel and how to
present items to consumers, brand recognition via connections and marketing efforts, and how to
attract customers via attractive concepts. The emphasis in the middle is on teamwork with the
sales staff. This will aid in decision-making. The last component of sales and marketing is
feedback on how services and goods are delivered to consumers and clients. The company's
approach is to examine the issue, evaluate the solution, and bring it to market. The company's
approach is to provide answers to client demands rather than selling products and services to the
market. Because there were no meetings, no events, no travelling, and no such activities during
the COVID epidemic, the company's sales rate dropped. Chemical demand is much lower than in
prior years.
Furthermore, the corporation provided additional services and sales to its goods to entice and
attract consumers and clients. The firm also contributes to the economy by recycling, reusing,
and repurposing materials. Recycling allows for the reuse of 50% of plastics and the return of
40%. Clients and consumers are persuaded by strategies, which result in a better future. By
distributing these things all around the world, the economy becomes wealthy as well.

 What is your opinion of the company and its business model, presenting evidence to
support your position? What does it do well what does it do less well? (20 Marks)? 
The company uses intelligent methods and plays a positive role in the world by solving
challenges. They have experience in problem-solving and decision-making for the future. During
pandemic outbreaks, the company also plays a key role. During COVID crises, the firm changes
its marketing and strategy, adopts new technologies, and adds new services for clients and
customers, such as online services, to address clients and consumers, advise them, and
communicate with them via various online media channels. Through marketing efforts, the
corporation persuades the public, clients, and consumers. The technologies are employed as a
means of adaptation and survival in the event of a pandemic. The firm also contributes to the
economy by recycling, reusing, and repurposing materials.
I believe they should focus more on their goods during the pandemic since more items are linked
to the COVID epidemic. As a result, consumers will be more interested. By reducing pricing, the
corporation should be able to boost sales. The firm should implement certain pandemic-related
advances. To entice clients, provide additional services and incentives. By lowering pricing, the
corporation may improve production, launch specific COVID campaigns, and donate to the
COVID pandemic via sales. Overall, the firm employs sound techniques and contributes to
marketing penetration.

Critically assess each organization’s MARKETING STRATEGIES and programmes.

And how have they responded to the COVID crisis (25 Marks)


Marketing Strategies for companies and organization:

We will explore Tecnon orbicam, a petrochemical firm; Forest 2 Market, a wood and fibre
supply chain; Fisher International, a multinational pulp and paper corporation. Since 1976, the
organization has been offering comprehensive data on the petrochemical sector and world-class
marketing consultancies and advising customers on how to solve problems and compete in the
market. PVC, Chlorine, Hydrochloric acid, MDI, TDI, Propylene Oxide, Ethylene,
Epichlorohydrin, Caustic Soda, EDC, VCM, Monochloroacetic Acid, Propylene Oxide, etc. are
some of the chemicals that the firm delivers to the industries. The firm specializes in delivering
organic chemicals, which are subsequently utilized to make intermediates such as synthetic
fibres and resins. They have consulting experience and competence in marketing strategies,
development, innovations, adaptations, planning, mergers, and diversification. They assist their
customers on how to plan, make decisions, evaluate, analyze, adapt, innovate, digitalize, provide
high-quality data, implement integrated solutions, and provide leadership skills in consulting and
guidance. Plastics, plastic goods, PVC pipes, paints, adhesives, medications, automotive,
packaging, furniture, agricultural goods, fertilizers, textiles, food industries, wires, cables,
papers, and other items are made using 2nd generation resins.
The product's unique selling feature is that it is a true rival in the market. We addressed firms
such as Tecnon OrbiChem, Forest 2 Market, and Fisher International in this session. The
marketing and sales strategy is divided into three sales funnels: the upper, medium, and lower
sales funnels. The top of the sales funnels all about identifying the issue, primary subject, issue
awareness, interest in the issue, and thorough research. Consideration and assessment, purpose
and dedication all play a part in the intermediate funnel. The firm checks conversion and sales,
loyalty and advocacy in the last area. Marketing objectives and goals may be easily achieved via
categorization. Consumers and clients are the primary focus of the first funnel and how to
present items to consumers, brand recognition via connections and marketing efforts, and how to
attract customers via attractive concepts. The emphasis in the middle is on teamwork with the
sales staff. This will aid in decision-making. The last component of sales and marketing is
feedback on how services and goods are delivered to consumers and clients. The company's
approach is to examine the issue, evaluate the solution, and bring it to market. The company's
approach is to provide answers to client demands rather than selling products and services to the

The importance of sales figures in determining whether or not a marketing plan is effective is
critical. Sales figures play a vital part in future views, decision making, further adjustments, and
company improvements. Marketing strategy includes sales figures as well. It is used to control
risk, improve marketing and sales tactics, plan for the future, and allocate resources for corporate
During COVID Crises:

Because there were no meetings, no events, no travelling, and no such activities during the
COVID epidemic, the company's sales rate dropped. Chemical demand is much lower than in
prior years. People who lived at home didn't have to shop as much. As a result, the corporation
changed its methods and began contacting consumers through online media platforms and
marketing efforts. Furthermore, the corporation provided additional services and sales to its
goods to entice and attract consumers and clients. I believe they should focus more on their
goods during the pandemic since more items are linked to the COVID epidemic. As a result,
consumers will be more interested. By reducing pricing, the corporation should be able to boost
sales. The firm should implement certain pandemic-related advances. To entice clients, provide
additional services and incentives. The corporation may improve production by lowering costs,
launching specific COVID campaigns, and donating to the COVID pandemic via sales.
What is each organization’s Unique Selling Point (USP), are you convinced of its
value? (10 marks)

The term "unique selling point" refers to distinct and enticing items to buyers and clients. The
product's unique selling feature is that it is a true rival in the market. We addressed firms such as
Tecnon OrbiChem, Forest 2 Market, and Fisher International in this session. These are chemical
expertise, chemical and resin supply chain, forests and fibres supply chain, paper and pulp
business, and paper and pulp business, respectively, to other well-known enterprises worldwide.
These are firms located in the United Kingdom that provide products and services all over the
world. They offer various organic chemicals to produce resins and other goods such as PVC
pipes and plastic items.
Chemical markets, natural gas and crude oil applications, industrial machinery, automotive,
plastics, furniture, mobile phone displays, and running shoes are just a few of their distinctive
selling advantages. It encompasses several sectors and firms inside an organization that produce
various goods in response to consumer and client demand.
Yes, I am persuaded of its worth. The firm produces high-quality goods; I've purchased running
shoes, kitchen furnishings, and automobiles from them. Because they provide high-quality
brands and goods, they are valued and high-quality. I prefer to buy raw materials from Tecnon
OrbiChem, Forest 2 Market, and Fisher International if I own a business that deals with
chemicals, woods, pulp, and raw wood materials. They manufacture and offer human-needs
goods and provide problem-solving services to their consumers and clients via technological
breakthroughs and modifications.

How would you rate the guest lecturer’s presentation of their organization and their
overall delivery (5Marks)?


I heard all three guest speakers give their presentations, and they were all excellent. I heard the
whole debate and understood precisely what the professor is trying to say. The three lectures are
all clear, well-communicated, and easily understood. Although there is some noise from the
media channel, I can completely comprehend the lectures. Every kid has an equal opportunity to
participate. I have a basic understanding of critical thinking, how to undertake critical analysis,
an organization's marketing strategy, and how the firm solves customer and client problems.

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