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TASK TYPE 4 Multiple Choice Giraffe and wildebeests roam the landscape, Kenya Read the information about the task type. Then look at an online quiz. Choose the correct options to complete the quiz. The Multiple Choice task tests your ability to understand detailed factual information, as well es the speakers’ attitude and opinion. It's used to test your understanding of both monologues and dialogues. On the question paper, you see a set of question stems with three possible answers. Your job is to listen to the recording and decide which one of the three options correctly answers the question. There are two types of question: 1 Aquestion which has three different answers (A, B or C). An incomplete sentence which has three possible endings (A, B or C). Here are the basic rules for the Multiple Choice task: The spoken instructions tell you about the speaker(s) and the topic. You may hear one person or two people talking, Tne questions follow the order of the information in the passage. The question stem tells you what to listen for. When you read the question stems, you see some words and names that you also hear on the recording These help you to know when relevant information and ideas are coming The wording of the options is not exactly the same as the wording of the recording, You hear information relevant to all three options on the recording, but only one option matches the meaning of the recording exactly. You write the correct letter on the answer sheet. You have to choose one / two of the three options in each set. 2 The questions are in random order | the same order as the information in the passage. 3 The incorrect options refer to information you hear / do not hear in the recording, 4 You are ltkely / unlikely to hear the words used in the options in the recording, ‘You write a letter / number on the answer sheet. 36 LISTENING B Sample questions 2 © 20 Listen and answer the questions. Use the rules about the task from Sect to help you. Then check your answers. Which questions did you find difficult? IELTS PRACTICE TASK Questions 1-6 Choose the correct letter, A, Bor C. 11 What research finding surprised the speaker? A. The majority of phone owners fal to use simple security measures. B_ Alarge number of lost phones end up in the hands of criminals. € Most people who find lost phones look at the data on them, 2 With regard to shopping apps, the speaker suggests that her listeners ‘A. remove all sensitive information from them. B log out of them when they're not in use. © choose those which are most secure. 3. The device known as a ‘scream’ is most useful when ‘A aphone has been lett in a public place. B_ apphone has been temporarily misiaid © aphone has been stolen, 4 What does the speaker think of the ‘complete data-wipe feature’ offered by some apps? A. It may not offer value for money. B It shouldn't really be necessary. It’s useful as a last resort. 5 What problem with passcodes does the speaker regard as most serious? A They make it harder to recover missing phones. B People find it difficult to remember therm. € They can also be. lost or stolen 6 What service does the ‘global lost-and-found’ service offer? A. Itartanges the retum of lost phones to their original owners. B_ It provides financial rewards for people returning lost phones. € _Itenables people who find lost phones to get in touch with owners. C Tips and tactics 3 Work in pairs. Read the tips and ta a Which tips and tactics do you think are the most useful? b_ Did you use any of these tips and tactics when you answered the sample questions in Section B? © Which tips will you use in the future? and ‘cuss these questions. 1. Before you listen, you have time to read the question stems and options and underline the most important words and ideas. 2. Remember that the questions follow the order of the information in the recording. 3. When you listen to the recording, you hear words and ideas from the question stems. ‘These help you to know that the relevant information is coming 4 Remember, the correct answer reports the meaning of the recording, but doesn’t use exactly the same words and expressions - listen for the meaning, 5 Don't use your own knowledge of the subject to help you to choose an option. Remember, you are being tested on your understanding of the recording Remember to write one letter on the answer sheet. Always answer all the questions, even if you're not entirely sure. Remember, you hear the recording ONCE only. USTENING TASKTYPE 4 Multiple Choi 7 D Skills-building exercises 4. Look at the question stems (1-4) and underline the main words and ideas. 38 Identifying the target information 1 What main point is the tutor making about proposals? 2. In terms of topic, the tutor suggests beginning with 3. The tutor says that the best procedure to adopt is one that 4 What does he say about the outcome of a research project? 5 Look at the excerpts from the recording (A-F). Choose the excerpts which best match ro 7 Identifying the focus of the question USTENING the question stems (1-4) in Exercise 4. (There are two extra excerpts.) A. After you have a topic, youll want to focus on the procedure that you'll fllow to do the research, B_Inorder to complete your idea for research, you need to have @ possible outcome for your research in your head © The topie you start with should be quite wide, so that you can narrow it down as you get more ideas: D_ For space exploration, your outcome might revolve on whether the space programme is moving forward E One of the key aspects of the proposal is getting off on the right track F Whereas if you're researching an author, you might strive to find out what his motivation was, or what her enduring influence will be 21 Look at the questions. Listen to the university tutor talking about student research projects. Choose the best answer (A or B) for each question. 1. The tutor's main point about proposals is 3. He says the best procedure ‘A. submit them by the deadline. A draws on the experience of other researchers, B think them through carefully B supports your intended conclusion. 2 He suggests starting with 4 The outcome of the research project A. abroad area of research. ‘A. will become evident once it’s underway. B a specific area you're familiar with. B_ should be clear to you from before you begin. Look at the question stems (1-6) and decide what you will listen for in the recording (A,B or C). Then underline the main words or ideas in each stem. A factual information 8 one speaker's point of view —_C_ both speakers’ point of view When should the research projects be submitted? How does Graeme organise the notes he takes during background research? What problem does Lisa have with detailed references? Graeme agrees with Lisa that mind maps Graeme and Lisa agree that when using direct quotes from another writer ‘What point does Lisa make about oral presentations? onsen > 22 Look at the questions. Listen to two students discussing a research project. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 When should the research projects be submitted? A Tuesday 8 Wednesday —C_ Thursday 2 How does Graeme organise the notes he takes during background research? ‘A onhis reading list’ 8 onhis outline plan C_ ina separate file he sets up 3. What problem does Lisa have with detailed references? ‘A. keeping accurate records B deciding what information to include finding her notes when she needs them 4 Graeme agrees with Lisa that mind maps A. aren't as useful as some people suggest. B_ holp keep you focussed on the main topic. C can create a false impression of what's important. 5. Graeme and Lisa agree that when using another writer's ideas, A. it's always best to reword the information. B it’s important to keep a clear record in your notes. direct quotes can be an effective way of making a point. 6 What point does Graeme make about oral presentations? A You need to make a new set of notes. B It’s better to work from your written report C_ Your original notes can be a good source of reference. IELTS PRACTICE TASK O23 Questions 1-6 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C 1. The original aim of Fiona and Jack's research was to find out ‘A whether the migration pattems of robins changed over time. B how robins knew which direction to fly in at diferent times of year. C ifthe findings of previous stucies of robin migration were accurate 2 They agree that the most surprising aspect of the birds’ behaviour was ‘A how much it changed. B_ how quickly it changed how regularly it changed. 3 Fiona’ first theory was that the birds had been affected by A something they had eaten. B something they had heard © something they had breathed in 4. How did Fiona react initially to Jack's suggestion about radio waves? A She realised that the birds must be sensitive to them. B She thought it was an unikely explanation. © She refused to take it seriously 5 How did Jack fee! immediately ator tho experiment with the Faraday Cage? A. relieved to be able to get back to his normal task B sure that they had uncovered something significant © doubtful whether they had drawn the correct conclusion 6 What implications have Jack and Fiona drawn from their further research? ‘A. Other forms of communication could have the seme effect. B_ tis only a matter of time before all birds are at risk. C_ Birds in cities are more likely to be affected, | feel confident about doing Multiple Choice tasks. I did OK, but | stil need to do more work on Multiple Choice tasks. need more practice with Multiple Choice tasks. | need to focus on Minne USTENING 39 40 LISTENING Before you watch 1 You will watch a video about the photographer Steve McCurry, who has had many of his photos National Geographic magazine. What kind of photos do you associate with National Geographic? Compare with your partner. 2. Work in pairs. Answer the questions about taking photos. 1. What do you take pictures of ~ special occasions or people (e.g. family and friends), things that speak to you personally or are visually interesting (e.g. landscapes or architecture), or something else? 2 What do you use to take photos? A digital camera, your phone, a tablet, or something else? 3. How often do you take photos? Do you print your photos out or store them digitally? While you watch 3 Watch the video about Steve McCurry and say which statements are true according to what you hear. Write NOT GIVEN if there is no information about the statement. 1 He studied photography at college. 2. He's retiring after 30 years with National Geographic. 3 He's looking for 36 shots to take on the roll of film, 4 He's decided to shoot all the frames at Grand Central Station 4 Watch the in and choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 What was Steve McCurry's ambition? ‘A to be a professional photographer B_ to take pictures for a newspaper C to travel around the world 2. How does he describe loading the last roll of Kodrachrome into his camera? A. Itreminded him of the past. B It felt unfamiliar to him, C_ He felt the same as he always had. 3. What does he say is fun about photography? A. being outside B looking for the unexpected Clearing about life 4 What does he think might lead to a good photo at Grand Central Station? A. the activity in the main hall B_ the interesting light conditions C the interactions between the people there 5 What do you think of the shot he takes at Grand Central Station at the end of the video? After you watch 6 Work in pairs. In the video, the narrator asks, ‘What would you take pictures of if you had the last roll of Kodachrome film ever made?" Discuss your answers to this question. 7 Now think about each of the following. Then compare your ideas with your partner. Explain the reasons for your choices. Do you have any items in common? + two things you always take with you when you leave the house + three things you would save from your house in a flood or fire + five items you would put into a time capsule in your town or school 8 Work in small groups. Discuss TWO of these questions. 1. News stories are usually made up of both images and words. Which do you find is more informative? Why? 2 How do changes in technology change the way we live our day-to-day lives? Give examples. 3. Does the list of things which ere important to you change at different times of your life? In what way? USTENING 41 42 Dependent prepositions 1 Read the information about dependent prepositions. Prepositions have various functions in English, such as indicating time, direction or place. Additionally, certain verbs, nouns and adjectives are followed by particular prepositions, for example, depend on. In the Listening paper of the IELTS exam, being aware of which prepositions to use is important. Correct use of prepositions is also valuable LISTENING both the Speaking and Writing papers of the IELTS exam. 2 Complete the table. Match the verbs (1-8) with the correct prepositions. Some verbs match with more than one preposition. 1 divide 2 focus 3. deal 4 conduct research 5 look 6 make 7 rest 8 sit at into on out of/from | with 3 Complete the sentences below with a verb and preposition from the table. Use the correct form of the verbs. 1 The course is seven modules. 2. This year we are core subjects 3 Each student conducts his own his chosen topic. 4. The department secretary any scheduling problems. Recognising and organising synonyms and antonyms 4. Look at the following words used to describe bikes in the listening on page 33. Find three pairs of antonyms and one pair of synonyms. hard high light narrow new old ordinary normal smooth soft wide 5 Match the remaining words from Exercise 4 with their antonyms (a-c). a low b heavy cc rough 9 Look at the following extracts from the IELTS Pra Formal and informal synonyms 6 Read the information about synonyms. Listening and Reading tasks rely on you recognising synonyms and parephrases. Build your awareness of synonyms by collecting words into pairs and groups with similar meanings 7 Match the words from column A with the words from column to make pairs of synonyms. Which column has more formal words (column A or column B)? A B 1 locate a many 2 mislay b lose 3. foolish © easy 4 significant d. silly 5 simple e safe 6 select 1 choose 7 secure g think about 8 allarge number (of) h find 9 consider i important Use a word from column A to complete the following sentences. Use the correct form of the word as necessary. 1 The speaker suggested that phone owners should secure apps. 28 number of people do not use @ password for their phone. 3 Even when a phone has been temporarily . you should still report it as lost. Guessing the meaning from context -@ Task on page 37. What is the meaning of the words and phrases in bold? Match them with the words in the box. brief look annoying finds itis obvious private _take the trouble 1 We generally keep a lot of sensitive information on our phones. 2 70% of people never bother to lock their phone. 3. Have a browse through your apps later. 4. It goes without saying that you need to have your data backed up. 5 Passcodes, however, can be a pain 6 How is the kind person who comes across the phone by chance able to return it? Complete the following sentences with your own ideas. 1. It goes without saying that 2... can be a pain. 3. I don’t usually bother LISTENING 43 Wordbuilding 11 Look at the word or phrase in bold in each sentence. What part of speech is it? @ noun b verb © adjective 1. You should submit your proposal in writing 2. Your ideas should relate to your field of study. 3. You should do plenty of background reading. 4 You should eite references at the end of the paper. 5 You should keep your reading relevant to the main topic. 6 You should use quotation marks to avoid plagiarising another person's work, 12 Complete the tabl Verb submit relevant relate 3 plagiarise 4 5 quotation research research 6 citation 13 Complete the sentences with a word from the table in Exercise 12. 1 It's important our references accurately, 2 The between your research question and the outcome should be very clear. 3 - is taken very seriously. You can fail a paper or lose a percentage of marks. 4. You have to ‘your paper on time, meeting any deadline set. 5 Staying on topic is important, so keep your reading, 6 Always acknowledge your source if you ‘someone in your paper. 14 Look at the advice in Exercises 11 and 13. Which ideas do you agree with? Write three pieces of advice for developing academic skills, using words from the table. 44 LISTENING Common IELTS topic: Academic life Formal and informal synonyms 15 Look at the word or phrase in bold in each sentence. Replace it with the word or expressions with a similar meaning (A, B, C or D). 1. If you lose your key to the laboratory, you should inform security immediately, A unlock —-B mislead —-C destroy mislay 2. The examples on display in the exhibition show the students’ wide range of backgrounds. A illustrate B argue —C tell_~—— explain 3. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time it is essential that you apply for an extension, A propose B turnout CC submit —_—D apply 4. The idea behind this particular course is for the students to get real world experience by visiting different factories and working in the production process themselves. A opinion B philosophy C publication practice 5 tis clear from the graph that most students at the university have a part-time job. A the pluralof —_B the minority of __C the significance of —_D the majority of 6 Students whose assignments are copied from another source will be severely, penalised, A plagiarised B repeated —C cited quoted 7 The researchers then did a second study with a much larger group of subjects, A composed B conducted —C collaborated corrupted 8 Remember, in order to continue as a member of the sports club, your membership fee must be paid each year. A monthly B quarterly C promptly —_D annually 9 In my view, each student should set themselves clear goals at the beginning of each academic year. A undertakings _B objectives C supplements —_D regulations 10 On the other hand, the figure for public transport use between 2,00 a.m, and 4.00 a.m. was relatively small A predictable —B light = C minor ~—-D_ moderate intences by writing in the correct preposition. In some cases there may 1 The course consists two lectures each week and a weekly tutorial 2 We have been forced to restrict, the number of students who can apply for each course 3 lam not convinced that this quotation is relevant the point you are trying to make. 4 Its essential that we persuade the government to invest the university's research and development programme. 5 In particular, your assignments should focus... research before 2010. 6 The university has decided not to regulate the number of additional classes students take this semester. 7. Scientists have now confirmed the findings of previous researchers at the University of Edinburgh. 8 Research subjects were divided four groups based on their age and each group was then observed for a period of seven weeks, 9 Its essential that candidates respond the question that is actually asked, so you should read it carefully 10 This department doesn’t deal research of that type. 11 Researchers looked six different cities and found that most respondents held similar views. 12 The report concluded that the research had had no significant impact, the focal environment, LISTENING 45

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