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22 Perfect active participles

From the box below, select the perfect active participle to complete each sentence.
Then, on a separate sheet of paper, translate each sentence.
cōnspicātae locūtus precātus adepta
ingressa ēgressus cōnspicātus locūta

1 fūr, senem ________________________, post columnam sē cēlāvit.

2 Vilbia, thermās ________________________, Bulbum humī iacentem vīdit.
3 Bulbus, dē mātrimōniō ________________________, nihil umquam effēcit.
4 Bulbus, deam Sūlem ________________________, exitium Modestī laetus exspectābat.
5 Vilbia et Rubria, Latrōnem ________________________, dīligenter labōrāre coepērunt.
6 Vilbia, fībulam ________________________, Modestum amāvit.
7 Bulbus, ē thermīs ________________________, Guttae cōnsilium callidum prōposuit.
8 Vilbia, haec verba ________________________, Modestum verberāre incēpit.

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