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Stage 22

Practicing participles
In each of the following sentences, circle the participle, draw an arrow to the noun it
modifies, and identify the type of participle (present active participle, perfect passive
participle, perfect active participle). Then translate the sentence, using natural English.
One is done for you.

1 Modestus, deam precātus, statim convaluit. perfect active participle

Because Modestus prayed to the goddess, he recovered at once.

2 duo servī, ad vīllam redientēs, amīcum cōnspexērunt. _______________________

3 Galatēa, fīliae haec verba locūta, marītum vituperāre incēpit.


4 rēx, remedium petēns, ad thermās advēnit. ______________________

5 Alexander frātrēs inter sē dissentientēs vituperāvit. ______________________

6 multae puellae, ā Modestō dēceptae, eum statim amāvērunt.


7 rēx, thermās ingressus, pōculum aquae bibere solēbat. ______________________

8 vīnumne in āram fūsum deō placuit? ________________________

9 amīcus Bulbī, pecūniam adeptus, laetē discessit. ______________________

10 fūr gemmās in fontem iniectās quaerēbat.


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