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Avina Munawar 1718185 BABS 6-C

The following are the contingency measures I will take in my organization:

During the covid-19 lockdown:

 In order to have successful virtual events, research virtual event delivery options
 Develop creative messages and email messages now to be ready to announce
cancellation or postponement of events.
 An employee’s portal will be established to facilitate those working from home and get
information on their home office status.
 All business travels will be suspended and virtual meetings will be encouraged.
 Psychological support will be provided to those employees who are working in home
office and have requested for it.
After the lockdown is over:

 Screening will be conducted at the facility to eliminate any chances of having an

employee with the disease and prevent it from happening to others.
 All employees and users of the facilities in general will have to promote the
strengthening of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
 All workers who enter our premises will be required to use a hand gel on
entering on each and every occasion.
 In our organization, an isolation room will be made available to be able to react to
situations where there are symptoms of COVID-19.
 Employees who fall into risk groups because they are elderly or suffer from
chronic illnesses (such as heart diseases, diabetes or respiratory diseases) or are
pregnant will have to contact the health area to guarantee a case-by-case
assessment of their situation.

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