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~_ Here is a rich background (and foreground) for the Dune Chronicles, including scholarly bypaths and amusing sidelights. Some of the contri- butions are sure to arouse controversy, based as they are on question- able sources. Others round out long speculation. Specialists have had their field day here with problems geological, biological, astronomical, and mystical, with pronounciations, major biographies, histories and accounts of little-known figures. The range of topics is catholic: cf. from games for amusement to games of life and death (Cheops or Pyramid Chess to ‘‘The Assassins’ Handbook’). The history of the Financial Synod which spawned CHOAM gets its first airing in these pages. In fact, many secrets hidden in the Dune Chronicles are answered here. How did Irulan first gain and then arouse the displeasure of Ghanima? Who was Jehanne Butler and why does the Butlerian Jihad carry her name? What are the hidden origins of the Spacing Guild? Where did Spice-trance navigational techniques develop? What was Leto II's pri- vate opinion of Holy Sister Quintinius Violet Chenoeh? Does Cheops have something in common with the three-body problem? I must confess that I found it fascinating to re-enter here some of the sources on which the Chronicles are built. As the first ‘‘Dune fan,’’ I give this encyclopedia my delighted approval, although I hold my own counsel on some of the issues still to be explored as the Chronicles unfold. Frank Herbert Port Townsend, WA November, 1983 THE —— ENCYCLOPEDIA ENGYGLOPEDIA COMPILED BY DR. WILLIS E. McNELLY ERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORK THE DUNE ENCYCLOPEDIA A Betktey Book/published by arrangement with the author PRINTING HISTORY Berkley trade paperback edition/June £984 All rights reserved. Copyright © 1984 by Dr. Willis E. McNelly. Designed by Jeremiah B. Lighter This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For information address: The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. ISBN 0-425-06813-7 A BERKLEY BOOK ® TM 757,375 Berkley. Books are published by The Berktey Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. ‘The name “BERKLEY” and the stylized “‘B’’ with design are trademarks belonging to Berkley Publishing Corporation. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTRODUCTION Snippets of poetry from the Imperium; a sample folk tale from the Oral History; brief biographies of over a dozen Duncan Idahos; two differing approaches to Paul Muad'Dib himself and to his son, Leto II; Feemen recipes; Fremen history; secrets of the Bene Gesserit; the songs of Gurney Halleck—these are just some of the treasures found when an earthmover fell into the God Emperor’s no-room at Dar-es-Balat, and are now included in The Dune Encyclopedia. Dozens of scholars have rushed into print with their translations of one or more of the ridulian crystals, and the popular press on many planets has been filled with hypothesis, conjecture, and outright fabrication. In the meantime literally hun- dreds of scholars, ranging from anthropolinguists and cultural historians to professors of every facet of science, have been laboring quietly and patiently with the incredible amount of material left hidden by Leto II nearly eighteen hundred years ago. : The labors of the Library Confratemity have finally brought some order to the chaotic randomness of the no-room artifacts. While only a-very smal] percentage of the extant material has been either unearthed or translated, and little has received any kind of scholarly evaliation, nonetheless enough progress has been accomplished to present this initial volume of The Dune Encyclopedia. This book has been the work of literally dozens of scholars who have contributed their efforts so that readers on worlds from one end of the galaxy to another may finally have a clear, coherent picture of the legendary days of Paul Muad’Dib and his son Leto Atreides, known during his 3,500-year lifetime as the ‘‘God Emperor.”” Readers of The Dune Encyclopedia should understand its limitations: it is not designed as a definitive. study of the entire eras encompassed by the Atreides Imperium. Yet the thousands of descendants of Duncan Idaho and Siona Atreides can now, after the recovery from the deleterious effects of the Starvation and the Scattering, learn something of their ancestors and the conditions that produced the God Emperor. They may also become aware of the undercurrents that resulted in his Fall. However, if readers of this volume are searching for the formulae which cover the electronic intricacies of the Spacing Guild trans-light Ixian Navigational systems, they will be disappointed. This type of material already exists elsewhere and need not be duplicated on these pages. Rather it has been the aim of the editors and the Library Confraternity to present in this volume a broad spectrum of material conceming those events and people which shaped our present worlds. In addition, we must also consider something of the eccentricities of Lord Leto, who was solely responsible for accumulating, assembling, and secreting what is now known as the Rakis Hoard. If Leto was interested in some topic, the material was saved. If he was not, its absence in the Rakis digs is obvious. Furthermore, if he was amused by some scrap of information, he preserved it, even though many contemporary scholars feel the information may well have been false or mislead- ing in the first place. We have made no attempt to separate Leto’s truths from his foibles or to indicate which is which. Such judgments are best left to scholars or to the general reading public at whom this book is aimed. In addition, Leto assembled much material from the centuries post-dating the Butlerian Jihad, and we present some of. it in this book, including newly discovered information about the hitherto legendary Jehanne Butler. who gave her name to the jihad she so nobly led. Thus some of the entries in The Dune Encyclopedia were written by people who actually lived at the time of Muad’Dib; others were prepared by contemporary scholars based upon older materials, and still other entries represent preliminary papers prepared by the, many investigators at Dar-es-Balat. Selection of the final material was most arduous, but the entire governing aim is to present as well-rounded a picture of the early days of the Atreides Imperium as ssible. . rm 1 would like to acknowledge the specific contributions made to The Dune Encyclopedia’ by Gweleder Miiarz and Kriteen. Gwuutan, whose labors were singularly devoted. Professors Gwilit Mignail and Zhauzaf Kluursh contributed many hours to the. book. Poet Rebeth Vreeb and her husband Rebeth Farnark were instrumental in helping sort out some of the voluminous material found in the Hoard and both gave unstintingly of their time and advice. In addition my husband Zhenaweev Benotto was both patient and long-suffering. I owe him more than words can. say. All of these people caught many errors that would otherwise have crept into the pages of The Dune Encyclopedia, but final responsibility for the text Toust ultimately be my own. HADI BENOTTO, Editor 15540 Vi A CHRONOLOGY OF SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS IN HUMAN HISTORY BEFORE GUILD 19000-16500. Barly civilizations on Terra. 16500 Aleksandr creates FIRST EMPIRE. 16400-16000" ROMAN EMPIRE arises and conquers the known world, except for China, which resists until 14400. 15800 Imperial Seat moved to Byzantium in retreat before pro- - Vincial rebellions and minor jihads. 14700-14608 THE GREAT STRUGGLE: The Century Without an Emperor. 14608 Discoveries in America allow Madrid to attain the status of the Imperial Seat, 14512 BATTLE OF ENGLICHANNEL. Seat of Empire moved from Madrid to London. 14500-14200 THE GOLDEN AGE OF INVENTION: Development of radio, television, ‘atomics, rocketry, genetics, and the computer. * 14255 First atomics demonstrated in an intraprovincial war. Seat of Empire moved to Washington. 14100-13600 THE LITTLE DIASPORA: The solar system is colonized, and the population of Terra is eventually outnumbered by 20 to I. 13402 Ceres gains the Imperial Seat after a planetoid strikes Terca. 13402-13399 THE RESCUE. OF THE TREASURES from Terra. 13360 ‘Terra re-seeded and set aside (by Imperial edict) as a natural park. 13004 SUSPENSOR-NULLIFICATION EFFECT discovered. 12200 THE EMPIRE OF TEN WORLDS. Communications becoming strained. - 11200 THE EMPIRE ‘OF A THOUSAND WORLDS (an empire in name only, because. Imperial power was so diffuse as to be nonexistent). 11105 AGE OF PRETENDERS begins when Ceres is destroyed by rebellion, and the Imperial Seat ceases to exist as a single entity. 11100-7562 THE AGE OF TEN THOUSAND EMPERORS (sometimes called “The Great Dark Ages’’). 7593 LV. Holtzman bom on Liesco Il. 1565 Holtzman disebled and cyborged. 7562 Holtzman reveals the “‘wave-effect” nature of the suspensor- nullification device. 7556 Holtzman severely damaged and thrown into a cometary orbit. Communications with him are lost. 7562-5022 + THE WARS OF REUNIFICATION, consequent on the imme- diate communication made possible by Holtzman Effect. 5022 THE EMPIRE OP TEN THOUSAND WORLDS ‘united w Ladislaus the Great: . 5022-3678 THE FIRST GOLDEN AGE. 3832 . Holtzman reappears at Liesco, and presents the theory for construction of the DEFENSIVE SHIELD. 3678 THE SILICON PLAGUE; the ‘Death of the Machines."* 3678-2000 THE LITTLE DARK AGES, ending with the development of plague-resistant conductors. vit

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