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454 Come, Ho PENTECOST / PENTECOSTES. Ghost / Ep Nuestro Ser Mora, Creador 1. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, 2.0 Com-fort - er, 3.0. Ho ly Ghost, 4. Praise we the Lord, J. En so mues-tro ser 2. Hay que de - ar 3. Es nues-tra fe, 4. Ho - mor a is Cre - a - tor blest, And in our to thee we = cry, Thou heav'n-ly through thee a - lone Know we the Fa - ther and Son, And Ho - ly uma = ra, Crea - dor, Ven, San -ta_Es - en al - ta vor: jE - res Pa- Con - so - la - dor: Hay tres per - Pa - dge dea -meor, Ya Je - su - t hearts take = up thy rest; Come with thy grace Bift of God = most high, Thou fount of life, Fa - ther and the Son; Be this our firm Spir - it with them one; And omay the Son poo ori - te ae -mor, Ven sin tar - dar, rd + cdi = to Dios. Fuen - te dea - mor, sO - mas, un - flor, IZ - nos ore - er cris to “Di - dor. Tam - bien a i, and heav'n-ly aid To fill the hearts which thou hast and fire of love, And sweet a - noint - ing from = a- un - chang-ing creed, That thou dost from them both pro- _on us be - stow All gifts that from the Spir - it Don ce - les “ie fe de ola gra’ - cia, ma - nan~ fue - ga, faz, -cidn fra - gan - te de Je - es + ta i Vieg- tes hoy con san + ie Fuen - te nes ti nos ver = de pa: r 6vieW, made, To fill the hearts bove, And sweet a noint ceed, That thou dost from flow, All gifts that from tial, Y de la gra suis, Un = cidn fra + gan dad, Tie vi es das, Tix sie revi Tex: Went Creer Sinus oRabanes Maseo, 726-886, Eng by Fant Corral, 12-FET at Spa. by Roel which thou hast’ made. ing from a - bove. them both - ceed. the Spir - it flow, cia, oma - nan - fial. fe de de = suis! - dad, das. mE san - fi VW nos Tune: -AMBILLOTTE-UM wth ee Louis mbt, 1796-1858 hay Richard ros, 1937-2010, © 1986,GA Plc,

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