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Alexsandra Black

Ms. Alexia Enriquez


April 30, 2021

A Proud Thriving Society on Mars

When imagining a perfect community, most people would imagine a place unlike the

communities we have on Earth. They would probably imagine a place without homelessness, a

place where people have the freedom of speech, press, and religion, a place where everyone has

an income, a place without poverty. Well, since we have the opportunity to build a thriving Mars

community, all of those things will be important to making sure the community is at its best.

When we build a community on Mars, it gives us a chance for a fresh start, to make everything

as perfect and functional for everyone as possible. So what do humans and society need, for this

community on Mars to be at it's best? Keeping all of the problems we face on Earth in mind, in

order for our Mars community to thrive and be a better place, there can’t be homelessness, there

needs to be jobs for income, and freedom for the people.

Narrowing in on one of the most important things, no homlessness on mars, people need

a place to live, a place where they feel safe and secure, a place that they can call home.

Homelessness not only affects those that are homeless, but it affects the society as a whole. It

impacts the security and safety of a community, costs the community money, and spreads

diseases. When people are homeless, they are in need of money, supplies, and food. This makes

stealing an ideal solution. A community becomes unsafe if people are getting robbed, and getting

their houses broken into. Also, when a community has homelessness, it costs the community
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money. People end up paying more taxes, and those tax dollars go towards the homeless, and

paying for them. Once someone becomes homeless, it's very hard to recover, and get your life

back in control. And when people are sleeping on the streets, it gets unsanitary fast, and that

causes the spread of diseases. It can create outbreaks in diseases from the bacteria and germs that

are created. Judy Ponio from the organization Soup Kitchen states that “Sleeping rough on the

streets, exposed to the elements, can compromise one’s immune system. Add to that the often

unsanitary living conditions and they don’t stand much chance during outbreaks of diseases.” In

addition, people living on the street makes the community seem unclean, and not well kept.

People need to all have homes to prevent any of this from affecting the community, and the

people that are homeless. One thing that ties into homelessness, is jobs for everyone. Not only

does this prevent homelessness, but it assures that everyone has income.

Jobs are obviously important, it's the way people support themselves, and their family.

The article “Why Do People Need Jobs?” from states that “Access to money can

provide people with a sense of control in their lives, as earning an adequate salary helps

individuals achieve a healthy standard of living. They are able to lessen finance-related stress

once they can more easily pay for their living expenses and entertainment.” One way to assure

that everyone in the community has housing and their expenses covered, is to make sure

everyone has a job. When people don't have jobs, they don't have an income, and that means

their expenses go unpaid, which can lead to homelessness. Jobs also give people a sense of

reward, and something to do. With a job, each person has an income, which helps them lead a

stable life, where they can support their family, and cover all their expenses. Not only do jobs

benefit people individually, but it benefits the community as a whole. Everyone having a job

means everyone contributing to the community, because each person's job helps another person.
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This grows and strengthens the community as a whole. Having a strong community is an

important factor. For a community to be strong, people need to feel heard, and feel free.

That's why everyone in the Mars community should have the freedom of speech, religion

and press. Freedom of speech, press, and religion play an important role in maintaining

democracy. A society that will always work is a free society. When people are controlled by the

government, or silenced, that's when things start to go downhill. Research from MLDI states “A

robust media – of citizens or news organisations – can act as a public watchdog, bringing

important issues into the light. Because if no one knows: no one cares.”A society grows when

people speak up, and face problems, because then they get resolved. If people feel the need to

share information or post and advocate for something, they should be able to. Freedom of

religion is also important too. If Mars is going to be a safe place for everyone, it should be a safe

place for people to practice their religions freely. If Mars is going to be a place where the people

are free, there can't be any restrictions on religion. As long as someone's religion does not harm

anyone, they should be able to practice it with no restrictions or consequences. If there's going to

be democracy on Mars, the freedom of speech and press tie directly into maintaining it's

democracy. How will people be informed, if the press is limited and controlled? How will people

hear new information and news, if there's no freedom of speech? Finalizing it off, Mars needs

these things to thrive, and they are all extremely important.

Now people might say “Oh this won’t make Mars a thriving community” or “These are

just minor things in a community” making homelessness, no jobs, and no freedom seem like

minor problems. But in reality, all of these things are huge. Having no homelessness, jobs for

everyone, and freedom of speech, press, and religion, are vital for a community. It keeps the

community strong, and helps prevent problems. Even if they might seem minor, they all add up,
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making a huge difference. A difference that is needed for a thriving community. Keeping

all of these things in mind, it should be obvious that a strong, thriving, community and society

need to have no homelessness, jobs for everyone, and freedom of speech, press, and religion.

Certainly it will be hard, but it's not impossible. It's necessary for the community to be at it's

best. The citizens of a Mars community need to be able to be proud to call Mars “home” because

of how amazing it is.

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Works Cited

Ponio, Judy. “How Homelessness Affects Society.” Our Fathers House- Soup Kitchen, 27


Wermiel, Stephen J. ``The Ongoing Challenge to Define Free Speech.” American Bar



Staff Writer. “Why Do People Need Jobs?” Reference.Com, 6 Apr. 2020,

“10 Reasons Freedom of Expression Is Important | Media Legal Defence Initiative.” MLDI,


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