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TPOL Question & Answer Responses 2021

After your presentation slides, we will continue the conversation with specific questions that we have for you
about your work throughout the year.

Directions: Write at least a 1 paragraph response to each prompt using complete sentences and proper
spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

1. What have you learned about yourself as a student this semester? How will you use this
information/knowledge as you approach a new school year?

This year I learned a lot about myself. Since most of the year I had to do school in my room, and the only way I could
get help from teachers or students was online, I ended up finding different ways to help myself. I realized that I always
end up finding a way to do something. I used to be very reliant on other people, but now, I feel like I can rely on myself
more. For example, if there is something simple that I can’t figure out, I keep on trying until I end up figuring it out. Since
I can’t get immediate help, I rely on myself to figure it out. Before I wouldn’t have to rely on myself because I would
have help from teachers and students that could help me immediately without me having to problem solve on my own. I
can use this new information to help push myself next year. When I’m doubting myself, I know that I can problem solve
on my own, and to not just give up. I can be more self-reliant.

2. Describe a stressful (positive and/or negative) situation from this year. How did you handle the
situation and what was the outcome? How have you learned to productively and effectively handle
yourself around others when you are feeling stressed/frustrated/sad/angry or other intense emotions?

One stressful situation for me this year was group work. Since it wasn’t face-to-face interactions with people, and it was
only through breakout rooms, it was extremely hard to do group work. Especially since sometimes people don’t do their
roll. I remember I had to make slides with a group of people, but not everyone was finishing their slide. We had to
present the slides on a specific day, so we had a deadline to finish everything. We didn’t end up finishing our whole side
deck, because the slides that one of our teammates were supposed to fill out were empty. I was feeling stressed and
frustrated because I meant this would mean that we would present a slide deck with an incomplete slide. After thinking
it over I realize that it wasn’t my fault, and as long as I do my part I am fine.

3. How have you challenged yourself to “get out of your comfort zone”? Explain and be specific with

I think at the beginning of this year was when I challenged myself the most to get out of my comfort zone. I am a quiet
person, and I don’t usually step up and start conversations with people that I don’t know. But since this year we were in
breakout rooms, and he gets awkward fast, it kind of left me to step up. When I was in a breakout room with a group, I
pushed myself to start discussions or conversations when everything was silent. I didn’t want breakout rooms to get
awkward so I pushed myself to talk to my classmates even though I didn't know them.

4. What would you tell your 10th grade teacher about the way you learn, the way you interact with
others, and your strengths? What is important for them to know about you, and why?

I would tell my 10th grade teacher that I am a fast learner, but I usually need to look back at something for reference.
This year I took lots of pictures of examples to look back on for reference. I am an organized person, so I like to learn in
an organized way, meaning having an easy organized example. I also like working in groups. I think I learn a lot when
I’m in a group, hearing other people's ideas. I would say I am a good listener, but I am also good at sharing my ideas. I
like sharing my ideas in a group if I think it’s beneficial. I think one of my biggest strengths is explaining things in an
organized way. Meaning being able to make something that might seem complicated at first seem a bit easier and more
organized. Something important to know about me is that I am a quiet person, but I enjoy being around other people,
and talking with classmates.

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