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They had studied 

English before they went to London.

Habían estudiado inglés

antes de irse a Londres.

When I arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.

Cuando llegué al cine, la

película ya había comenzado.
I had saved my document before the computer died.

Había guardado mi documento

antes de que la computadora
1. He had read the book that you gave me yesterday. (El había
leído el libro que me diste ayer)

2. My cousin had gone to Europe to study. (Mi primo se había

ido a Europa a estudiar)
1. We had lent money to you many times. (Nosotros te
habíamos prestado dinero muchas veces)

2. He had finished reading my book. (Él había terminado de

leer mi libro)

Mary and David had not visited our high school.

Dylan had eaten before go to the church (Dylan había comido

antes de ir la iglesia)

My mom had worked there a long time (Mi mama había trabajado
allí mucho tiempo)

1.I had found the exit by

the stairs
yo habia encontrado la salida por las escaleras parents had studied

english before going to
mis padres habian estudiado ingles antes de irse a londres
3. My brother had
finished washing the
Mi hermano haabia terminado de lavar la alfombra


Mary had not visited the

restaurant for dinner
mary no habia visitado el restaurante para cenar

5.someone had grabbed my arm

very hard
alguien me habia agarrado del brazo muy fuerte

6.we had borrowed you from

that fabric many times
nosotros te habiamos prestado de esa tela muchas veces

we had borrowed you from

that fabric many times classmates had read
several books in the library
mis compañeros habian leido varios libros en la biblioteca

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