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Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the

modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as UNAD student: can – could – may - must - should -
ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

Example: I must follow the netiquette rules to participate in the• forum. I can’t present the
English quiz three times because there• are only two attempts.

1. I must do what the guide says

2. I have to treat my classmates with respect
3. I need to cancel the pecuniary rights and legalize the registration
4. may participate in the forum in a timely manner
5. We can speak English
6. I ought to practice my lessons
7. had better respect my classmates and tutor
8. I could keep the university facilities in good condition
9. I would never disrespect my classmates
10. I should follow the rules of the university

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