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Taller de ingles

Wendy Johana Miranda Tapiero

Ibeth Yamile Rodríguez Angarita

Fundamentos en Educación y Pedagogía

Universidad Uniminuto

Lic. Educación infantil


The Value of Inclusive Education

1.¿What is the main idea of the text?

The main idea of the text is based above all on the right of each individual, in this case it is the
right that all children have to be supported by their parents and by the whole community in order
to grow, learn and develop in their early years and that upon reaching the school stage, they are
received and included by teachers and peers alike, without differentiating their disability, race,
language, religion, gender or poverty.

2. Extract two main ideas of the text that call your attention.

Main ideas that call my intention:

* Separate special education does not offer guarantees of success for children who need special
attention, it seems completely true because there would be no reason to exclude them otherwise
we should help them with the other children and make a regular child adapt to the disability they
have Your partner.

* Inclusive education is important because we can help regular children to adapt and respect the
wide variety of children who may have different problems, be it poverty, race, disability, etc.
Having respect and understanding, it could be increased more when students of diverse abilities
and backgrounds play, socialize and learn together. This could reduce discriminatory attitudes

3. What is your personal position against the text

My personal position against the text is that inclusive education should not be a duty but an
obligation in schools, since all children, regardless of their abilities or needs, have the right to
receive an education, a teaching, a learning.
I like the text very much and it is of great importance, because it is a reality in dream but not in
life but it should be so in all schools that we accept children regardless of their educational

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