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Name: Lachlan carter

Born: Hornsby Hospital Sydney 1988

I grew up in the suburb of Sydney known as Berowra, when I was young I lived in places such as
Adelaide and Houston in America. I’m currently still living in Berowra while I undertake my university
education. The degree I am studying is a bachelor of science with chemistry major and I am currently
in my final year.

I choose this course as I find the effects of modern phenomena, such as the internet, on society to
be a fascinating topic. Before undergoing this course I had many preconceived notions about the
effect of the internet on social health particularly the doctor patient relationship. I was surprised and
gratified to find throughout this course that my preconceptions were either incorrect or justified. For
example I had always had the faint idea that Florence nightingale was both an extraordinarily nurse
and an advocate of women’s rights. To learn that she was merely adequate and that her power and
historical influence came more from here political skills and strength of character was remarkable
and insightful, it really helped highlight how power can influence the health of society as a whole. It
was also significant in increasing my understanding of the role engineers, architects and other
professions have on the health of not just society as a whole but also the health of individual people.

Before taking this course if you had asked me to define health I would have said that I believed it
concerned both the physical and mental wellbeing of and individual, at least where governments
and international organisations are concerned, to learn that the World Health Organisation also
includes social health of the individual and community within its definition of health as well was
remarkable. I found the influence of structural design on the mental health of the community to be
particularly interesting.

With regards to the coursework itself I found the layout to be well executed and while normally class
presentations result in poorly presented power points and speeches, the way in which the course
places great stress upon class participation and involvement meant that the tutorial group
presentations were immeasurably influential in both my enjoyment of this course and furthering the
learning obtained as well as sparking my interest in doing further research on the topics involved. I
also found the inclusion of interactive internet during these presentations to be a novel way of
linking the topics to the course brief.

Over all I found this course immensely enjoyable and educational, I will recommend this course
remain the same and would like to thank everyone involved. I have learnt a lot and my ideas about
health in our society have grown.

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