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III. The following verbs describe the different ways of walking. Match them to the definitions given.

shamble, slog, stagger, stride, stroll

to walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall ___________________

to walk in a slow relaxed way _________________

to walk with quick long steps _________________

to walk or move with difficulty _________________

to walk slowly and awkwardly with dragging one feet ___________________

saunter, shuffle, slink, straggle, swagger

to walk in a slow and relexed way without purpose ________________

to walk without lifting one feef of the ground __________________

to walk with an air of self-importance _____________________

to walk or move away quietly without being noticed as if from fear, shame or guilt __________

to walk or move away so as to stray course or from others _________________

Iv. There are four words belonging to each category.

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the given lists to the categories they belong.

ablaze, aflame, alight, blazing, deadly, fatal, hazardous, lethal, mortal, noxious, parlous, perilous,
precarious, toxic, venomous, virulent

burning _______________,________________,_________________,______________


poisonous _______________,________________,_________________,_____________

causing death_______________,________________,_________________,___________

2. There are five words belonging to each category.

devastate, flee, hasten, race, ravage, raze, ruin, rush, scurry, wreck

destroy _________________, ____________, ____________, ______________

hurry _________________, ____________, ____________, ______________

3. There are five words belonging to each category.

crazy, demented, deranged, exhausted, fatigued, hapless, ill-fated, insane, jinxed, luckless, lunatic,
spent, unfortunate, weary, worn-out

tired __________, ___________, ____________, _____________, ___________

mad ___________, __________, ____________, _____________, ____________

unlucky __________, _________, __________, _____________, ____________

4. There are six words belonging to each category.

assassination, bloodbath, carnage, execution, genocide, killing, liquidation,massacre, murder, pogrom,

slaying, slaughter

causing death _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

causing death of many _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

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