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I think this movie has successfully portray the beautiful natural scenery of Australian outback and its

contrast with the crowded city of New York.

I will mention some Australian natural phenomenon that can be found on this movie especially the
outback because they only shown that part of Australia. The first one is we can see a big flock of white
birds hanging around trees but I don’t exactly know what kind of birds they are, maybe cranes? like at
the beginning of the movie when sue rode a helicopter, the flock of birds fly away. Also, I noticed that
there are a lot of lotus plants covering the lake, river, or swamp. I bet when it’s their season to bloom, it
will be a beautiful sight to see. But those body of water are mostly crocodile’s habitat so it could be
dangerous. Except, if the water is a mineral water like the Echo lake, crocodiles won’t live in it. We can
also see Australian kangaroos in their natural habitat. Another natural phenomena was mentioned by
The main character, mr. Dundee. that in the wet season or rainy season, the water can reach 20ft or
around 6 meters which means the rain is heavy there, and that’s probably why his boat is stuck on a

Through what our friends has analyzed, such as Australia cultural phenomenon and Australia versus new
york crash culture, This movie is worth to be called a big movie of its time.

Well Im just gonna say Thank you for our friends who has analyzed and presented, it was a very good
information about Australia. I learn a lot

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