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Muhammad Rafi Zaen (Nama Anda)

Semarang, Central Java (Alamat Anda) (Alamat email/nomor telepon Anda)
Dear Mr. Azhar (Individu yang dituju)
Re: Poor customer treatment (Lampiran dari pesan keluhan Anda)

I have been a loyal customer of your stores for the past 5 years. I have time and again received great
service at your mart which is one of the main reasons I shop at your store. But, to my surprise, on the
date of 23rd August, 2010, I was at the receiving end of some very poor service at your mart.
(Permasalahan yang dikeluhkan)
On said date, I made a purchase of my weekly groceries. As soon as I arrived to the counter to pay for
them, the person sitting there under the name of Ninda was talking to her cellphone and when I
asked her to make the bill, she said she would do it in 5 minutes. Unfortunately, it wasn’t 5 minutes,
it was in fact 10 minutes before she started working again and she did it very slowly. Not only that,
but the bill that I was supposed to pay is much higher than usual despite the discount shown. When I
asked her to re-check it, she rudely told me to take my business elsewhere if I did not like the price.
(Penjelasan kronologis mengenai permasalahan)
I did not expect such a behavior from one of your employees and I am disappointed. Please address
this issue because I do not want a single person to tarnish the reputation of your company, known
for providing excellent services. (Menunjukkan kekecewaan Anda) If I may suggest to you, please
give her some well-earned scolding and evaluation for her behavior. (Memberikan solusi yang sesuai
dengan permasalahan)

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincere regards,

Muhammad Rafi Zaen

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