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This year in World Studies for Business II I feel like

I have learned and grown so much as a student. I

found that I was mostly challenged on keeping up with
my work because I’m a huge procrastinator and
horrible at time management. I really feel like I grew as
a writer in this class, simply because of the fact that I
was able to become better at finding supporting details
for my claims. Before I really struggled with that, but
after working on it in groups, I was then able to do it a
lot better by myself. Something new that I experienced
in this class was a ton of group work. I don’t think I’ve
ever had a class with so much group work besides
some academy classes. As a virtual learner, I think this
really helped because I was able to communicate with
classmates and hear different perspectives.

Looking back at what we learned through the year,

I realized that a good amount of what we learned has
plenty of ties and connections to business and
entrepreneurship today. During many of the time
periods we learned about, people took what they had
and made better versions of it. They were able to
collaborate and overstep their boundaries. This
resulted in tons of new inventions, ideas, religions, and
more. For example during the renaissance time period
they were able to advance their culture, style of art, and

After participating in this class, I feel there are

some areas that I still need to grow in. One being time
management. I wasn’t wise with the time I was using
and ended up turning in assignments late. I feel like if I
were more organized and stopped procrastinating I
would have had an overall better experience in this
class, as it is easy to fall behind and hard to catch back
up. But as the school year is coming to an end, I will
say this was one of the best classes I’ve had in all my
school years and it sucks that I wasn’t able to enjoy it in
person and I will miss it.

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