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Attack of Coatings
By Clive H. Hare, Coating System Design, Inc.

aints and coating films are and water in the presence of sunlight.
vulnerable to a range of bi- Fungi (mold and mildew) may be
ological attacks. These may range from the en- found widely both indoors and outdoors (particularly on
zymatic attack of primitive bacteria to the colonization of the north or sun-sheltered sides of structures). Algae are al-
larger, relatively advanced marine species such as barna- most always found outside, especially where sunlight is
cles, mussels, etc. Biological attack may be sub-catego- present.
rized by Wet Paint Infestation1,2
• the selective bacterial infestation of certain raw materi- As noted above, the in-can spoilage of latex paints, includ-
als of water-borne paints (before or after compounding); ing latex maintenance paints, is bacterial. It occurs in the
• bacterial and fungal attack on protective coatings lead- finished can of paint and in the paint plant where it may
ing to microbiologically-influenced corrosion of metallic destroy latex binders and other raw materials stored in
substrates and rot in wood; bulk. Attack is confined to water-borne systems because
• mold and mildew (fungus) growth, as
well as the disfigurement of applied films
” the gram negative bacteria (mainly
pseudomonas aeruginosa) that initiate
by algae in moist environments; and Given a supply of the attack cannot exist outside of the
• the affixation and growth of larger aqueous environment. (A minimum
species (both plants and animals) on sub- moisture, virtually moisture content of 35% is required.)
merged coated (and uncoated) surfaces If a bacterial inhibitor is not used,
in the marine environment (marine foul- any composition certain raw materials in water-borne
ing, as discussed in Trouble with Paint in paints are highly suited to the support
the June 2000 JPCL, pp. 50-65).
or any substrate of bacterial growth. In an environment
In all cases, the key to growth is mois- of suitable pH and temperature, fungal
ture; in the absence of water no micro-or-
is vulnerable to growth is supported at lower moisture
ganisms can grow. Given a supply of microbiologically- levels. Rarely does in-can attack in-
moisture, virtually any composition or volve fungi. The specifics of the envi-
any substrate is vulnerable to microbio- influenced ronmental conditions will, in large

logically-influenced deterioration. part, determine which microbe will in-
This month, we will discuss wet paint
deterioration. habit a particular environment and
infestation, the growth of fungi and algae, how fast it will grow.
the defacement and deterioration of painted and un-paint- The contaminating organisms that initiate the attack may
ed surfaces, and the more common control strategies. For come from the water used in the manufacture of the paint
the past 30 years or so, all appropriate control measures and the raw material. Although not usual, a new infesta-
against biological attack have been in a state of consider- tion may be traced to a prior infestation through poor
able flux because the general and scientific public have be- housekeeping practices. Aqueous tinting colors, surfac-
come more aware of the environmental, aquatic, and tants, and other additives not containing a biocide may
mammalian toxicity of many of the control measures. also introduce the bacteria.
Microbiological growth on, and the deterioration of, Once infestation occurs, the long-chain carbohydrates
coating films involve attack by either fungi or algae. Fun- and any proteinaceous-based raw materials that may be
gi, primitive spore-bearing filamentary species, are free of present in the paint and latex are vulnerable. These mate-
chlorophyll. They obtain nutrients from the substrate or rials are selectively broken down by the cellulase, an en-
their environment. Common nutrient sources are various zyme secreted from the bacteria itself. Most vulnerable are
kinds of hydrocarbons, including organic paint films and cellulosic polymers used in paint and latex (as thickeners
linings. Algae are an equally primitive plant species but and protective colloids). Stored solutions of these materials
they photosynthesize their nutrients from carbon dioxide Continued

Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company JPCL September 2000 51

are particularly vulnerable. These cellulosics undergo ran- eties as a result of their metabolism. Degradation of the an-
dom enzymatic hydrolysis. Eventually, they yield the dou- tifoam agents leads to increased foaming and the deposi-
ble anhydroglucose unit, cellobiose, and, sometimes, the tion of porous films. Breakdown of the humectants (in-
single anhydroglucose unit. These products are most easi- cluded to increase wet edge time) and coalescing agents
ly assimilated by the bacteria as nutrients. will lead to reduced film properties and poor adhesion, re-
One characteristic of all bacteria is their extremely high duced flow and leveling, reduced freeze/thaw stability, and
metabolic rate. To maintain their growth, bacteria require shifts in pH as well as loss of gloss.3
100-500 times their own weight in nutrients per hour. At In addition to bacteria (pseudomonas aeruginosa), other
this rate, cellulosic components of the film are rapidly de- micro-organisms such as fungi (unicellular yeasts and mul-
graded. Bacteria also reproduce readily, every 20 minutes ticellular molds) can and do attack these products (Table
under favorable circumstances. Complete hydrolysis of 1). Some bacteria are aerobic, growing only in the presence
such thickeners is not necessary before untoward effects of oxygen; others are anaerobic, growing more effectively
are noted in the paint. Bond cleavage in one or two loca- in the absence of oxygen.
tions along a cellulosic chain will severely inhibit the Aerobic bacteria often begin the attack. They cause paint
thickening power of the substituted cellulose. to lose viscosity, and pigment sedimentation takes place.
Defoamers, surfactants, and stabilizers may also be at- These changes will accelerate with time as the bacteria
tacked, although there is rarely any breakdown of the ac- multiply. Within the pigment settlement, the environment
tual polymer itself. Microbial attack on other components becomes relatively anaerobic, and the growth of other
of the paint formulation inevitably lead to other untoward types of bacteria is fostered. Sulfate-reducing bacteria
effects. Degradation of the dispersants may result in di- found under these conditions will produce hydrogen sul-
minished hiding, color shifts, pigment sedimentation, and fide with objectionable odor and color. Odor was particu-
gelation. Attack on dispersed colorants may give similar larly putrid when thickeners were based on proteinaceous
problems, including uneven color. Bacteria and yeasts can materials such as casein. Yeasts may also contribute to the
cause discoloration by producing colored pigmentary moi- Continued

52 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company


development of gas (CO2) build-up and a highly discolored that can induce not only paint film degradation but also
(blackened) material. Gas build-up may cause the distor- metallic corrosion. These include sulfate-reducing bacteria,
tion of cans, and, in certain cases, may explosively force which reduce sulfates to sulfides and depolarize cathodic
the lid off the can. sites of corrosion cells by consuming hydrogen.7 Sulfate-re-
Aerobic fungi may also grow on the surface of the paint. ducing bacteria are among the oldest types of organisms on
Since bacteria and fungi are to some extent symbiotic, the earth. They are widely distributed in soils and waters the
bacteria can feed from the residues of fungal attack.4 Many world over. Kobrin explains how iron- and manganese-
of the newer types of thickeners are far less sensitive to based bacteria accumulate in bulky deposits, creating met-
bacterial degradation than are the cellulosics. As the use of al ion or oxygen concentration cells.6 He shows that these
these materials has increased and the use of cellulosics has deposits foster the establishment of anaerobic conditions
decreased, the need for the most efficient bactericides has beneath the colony (as do other poultices).
diminished. Even where newer thickeners are used, how- Other potentially damaging organisms include the hydro-
ever, cellulosics at much lower concentrations often re- carbon feeders and acid producers. Sulfur-oxidizing species
main in latex emulsions as well as in the paint itself. Both may produce sulfuric acid. Other microbes can metabolize
require protection. hydrocarbons (including the hydrocarbon chains of paint
Bacteria thrive in diluted paint more readily than in the film binders and additives). These reactions produce low
fully-formulated composition. The practice of storing wash molecular weight carboxylic acids. Both types of acid pro-
water from one batch for use in future batches is prob- ducers will destroy acid-sensitive organic coatings, expos-
lematic. (Wash water is water used to clean vessels in ing the metal to acid attack as well as attack by other sym-
which latex paint is made. The water is stored and used in biotic microbes. Like the iron and manganese microbes
the next batch of latex paint instead of virgin water.) High- (noted above), slime-forming fungi, algae, and bacteria can
er levels of effective biocides must be added to these wa- form oxygen concentration cells on metal, increasing gal-
ters if aerobic and, subsequently, anaerobic bacteria are to vanic corrosion.
be avoided. As is noted by Opperman and Goll, more ex- Free swimming, planktonic, and fixed (or sessile) bacte-
amples of gassing and viscosity loss have resulted from the ria are often found under localized conditions. They may
practice of reusing such wash waters.4 associate on the metal surface (coated or uncoated). Nu-
merous case histories that highlight microbiologically-influ-
Microbiologically-Influenced enced failure in metals are available. These range from mi-
Corrosion of Metals crobiological attack on aluminum alloy fuel tanks of jet
Bacteria and fungi (including yeast) also thrive in fresh aircraft (and the consequent constriction of fuel lines) to
and saltwater environments where there are available the pitting of the bottoms of ballast tanks and cargo holds
sources of nutrients such as contamination, sedimentation, containing hydrocarbon/water sludges that feed the meta-
or even suitable organic coatings on submerged structures. bolic processes of acid-producing microbes.8
As we will see, types of microbiological attack vary5 and In some cases, aerobic and anaerobic growth may coexist
several types of microbes are prevalent6, including those Continued

Table 1:
Biological and Microbiological Agents Affecting Paint and Paint Films

Classification Example Effect on Paint Film and Substrates

Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wet paint infestation, corrosion of metals,
Flavobacterium marinum paint film degradation
Fungi (multicellular molds, mildew, Aureobasidium (Pullularia) pullulans Disfigurement and degradation of applied paint
unicellular yeasts) Penicillium citrinum, Cladosporium sp. films, corrosion of metallics, rotting of wood
Aspergillus niger
Algae Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Synechocystis sp. Disfigurement of applied paint films
Protococcus sp.
Marine growth
Animal species (submerged) Barnacles, mussels, tube worms Colonization of underwater surfaces of marine
structures (vessels)
Plant species (submerged) Enteromorpha ectocarpus laminaria Colonization of underwater surfaces of marine
structures (vessels)

54 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company

symbiotically. Acid-producing bacteria scavenge oxygen volacs) may also serve well against fungal/bacterial attack.
from water as they metabolize hydrocarbons to produce Again, coal tar hybrids of this type should not be crosslinked
acids. The deprivation of oxygen in turn helps establish with polyamides. Other sensitive coatings include wax-based
anaerobic conditions in which other species (such as the systems, and systems bearing sulfides or hydrocarbon-based
sulfate-reducing species) may thrive. The latter microbes, plasticizers, diluents, or additives.
which depend on the availability of electrons to sustain Microbiologically-influenced acid attack is best con-
their own metabolism, associate adjacent to the metal. trolled by the use of coatings that are not bacteriologically
There, they induce sulfidic conditions. Concentrations of nutritious and that do not degrade. In designing systems for
strongly acidic sulfide conditions can destroy protective contaminated oil cargo tanks, Smart8 recommends the local
coatings and set up concentration cells that lead to micro- application of topcoats that are most resistant to attack over
biologically-influenced pitting. This type of attack in the the most vulnerable areas of the tank interior (the bottoms
bottom of cargo holds is reviewed in some detail by Smart.8 and lower sides). Such coatings include the amine-cured
Many types of coatings are ineffective under these condi- coal tar epoxies as well as the coal tar polyurethane hy-
tions because of the diverse nature of the attack. In spite of brids, epoxy novolacs, and polyurethane finishes. Aromat-
their adhesion and overall corrosion resistance, for example, ic amine-cured epoxies and other systems properly maxi-
epoxy polyamides may be severely deteriorated by hydrocar- mized for acid resistance might also be used.
bon feeders that attack the polyamide backbone of the curing Microbiologically-influenced corrosion is a problem encoun-
agent. Conditions may become too acidic for the system, and tered in many other industries, including petrochemical (gas
the coating rapidly degrades to mush. Amine-cured epoxies, and oil production and distribution), pulp and paper, chemical
which do not contain the long hydrocarbon polyamide processing, electrical power production (fossil fuel and nu-
chains, are often more acid resistant than the polyamides, and clear), and sewage and water treatment. Scott and Davies9 list
are more resistant to such bacterial attack, as are coal tar a wide variety of relatively extreme conditions where microbi-
epoxies cured with aliphatic or aromatic amines. The pheno- ological corrosion has been noted. These conditions include
lic compounds of coal tar epoxies (and probably epoxy no- immersion in fresh, salt, and brackish water (both stagnant

56 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company

and free flowing), under oxidizing and reducing conditions,
and over a temperature range of zero to near boiling. All met-
als (except titanium and its alloys) seem vulnerable.

Microbiological Defacement and Degradation

of Applied Coating Films
Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew are both forms of fungi. Conditions must
be suitable for mold and mildew to develop. The availability
of water is mandatory, and a minimum humidity of at least
70% is usually necessary for growth. Mildew growth is neg-
ligible below 5 C (41 F) and above 50 C (122 F). Mildew
grows best in a pH range of 4.5-6.5. Molds do not thrive un-
Fig. 1: Mildew infestation of a deeply grained wooden board
der alkaline conditions, though growth may occur up to a pH
Photos courtesy of the author.
of 8.5 (to 10.0 in the case of aureobasidium pullulans). Molds
will, however, grow readily on painted plaster under moist Fungal attack and disfigurement will also depend on the
conditions. Mildew growth is a much more serious problem morphological nature of the surface of both paint film and
in sub-tropical environments than in the more temperate ar- substrate. Paint systems on wooden substrates provide the
eas. Molds are not UV-resistant and grow best in darkened lo- high cellulosic content that supplies the mold with nutri-
cations. Mildew is widely noted in warm, moist interiors ents. This high cellulosic content will make control more
(breweries, canneries, dairies, etc.), as well as on films in difficult than when the same films are applied over metal
bathrooms and other damp, dark areas. In exterior locations, or masonry substrates (Fig. 1). Primer films that bear
mildew thrives in dark areas, especially those sheltered by fungicides in addition to those used in the finish coats are
excessive vegetation, where the films can retain moisture. Continued

Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company JPCL September 2000 57


of value here. Contamination of both substrate and un- dangerous, slippery conditions. Drisko and Crilly report sig-
dercoat will lead to re-infestation of newly applied finish- nificant growths of blue-green algae (cyanophyta) and green
es and even delamination. Mildew growth and dirt pick- algae (chlorophyta) disfiguring U.S. Marine Corps installa-
up occur more readily on matte, fissured, and uneven tions in Guam and elsewhere.11 In Australia, it has been re-
films (especially softer surfaces) than they do on smooth, ported that the cleaning and repainting of buildings infested
hard surfaces. (Dirt pick-up is increased by the presence with algae and fungal growth were estimated at between
of mildew.) Rough wooden surfaces painted with high $15 and 30 million annually.12
pigment volume concentration/critical pigment volume
concentration (PVC/CPVC) oil-based stains are very sus- Susceptibility of Paint Films to Defacement
ceptible to growth. Intense growth often coincides with The defacement of mature latex and particularly oxidizing
cracks and fissures, especially on wooden surfaces with films by fungi (molds and mildews) is still common. Fun-
heavily worn or weathered grain patterns. Latex paints gal attack on other films may have more important engi-
seem more vulnerable to attack than might be expected. neering consequences, but defacement of trade sales paint
This tendency is probably related to moisture take-up by films is more widespread. Although oil paints are less wide-
the film. Hill and April10 postulate that given sufficient ly used than they once were, alkyds and other oxidizing
moisture content, mildew control, even with relatively species are also affected.
powerful fungicides (such as the phenyl mercurials), is A similar phenomenon is seen, if less extensively, on inte-
very difficult. rior and exterior latex paint films, especially those bearing oil
or alkyd modification for adhesion to
chalky surfaces. Hard, smooth amine-
Table 2: cured epoxies, polyurethanes, vinyls,
Common Micro-organisms (Mildew) Isolated from and baked amino-formaldehyde finish-
Oil- and Latex-Based Paint Films es are less subject to the phenomenon.
Chlorinated rubber films modified with
Agent Type Location linseed oil have become heavily de-
Aureobasidium (Pullularia) pullulans* Fungus Universal, black, and most disfiguring faced with micro-organisms.13
Phoma glomerata* Fungus West coast of U.S. only Polyamide-cured epoxies are vulner-
Cladosporium sp.* Fungus Eastern seaboard of U.S. able to attack because of the nutri-
Flavobacterium marinum* Bacterium Universal (co-operating bacterium) tional value supplied by the fatty acid
Alternaria sp.* Fungus Universal in the polyamide. After attack, the
Aspergillus flavus** Fungus Domestic, food processing plants, paint film may be incapable of main-
canneries, breweries, dairies taining the level of service that it was
Penicillium sp.** Fungus Domestic, food processing plants, intended for. In other cases, while the
canneries, breweries, dairies binder itself may not be resistant to
micro-organisms, other moieties such
* Isolated by Rothwell on oil paints and by Drescher on latex paints
** Isolated by Krumperman as plasticizers and additives may be
susceptible to microbes. Microbe at-
Algae tack may severely deplete necessary properties (change me-
Primitive plants that do not require paint film binders for chanical properties, for example).
nutrients are frequently found to colonize on (and, there- The effects of microbiological attack on paint films are
fore, deface) almost all substrates in moist, warm locations. most apparent with oxidizing systems and latex paints be-
Whereas fungi tend to favor dark locations, algae require cause the fungi, as parasites, find these entire binders very
plenty of sunlight and with few exceptions are found main- rich in potential nutrients. As was the case with the bacte-
ly outdoors. Unlike fungal infestation, algae is not inhibit- rial in-can infestation, the fungi secrete enzymes that break
ed by high pH. This is probably why algae grows predom- down portions of the film binder into components required
inately on concrete and masonry substrates, which have a for their own biochemistry.
higher pH. Such substrates are more hospitable to algae Organisms are varied. They can be specific to geographi-
than to fungi. Algae will itself produce little paint deterio- cal location or the local environment, although not neces-
ration, but it will increase moisture retention, which may sarily to the nutrient (film) itself. Rothwell14 and Dresch-
be problematic. Certain algae, visible as grayish-black or er15, separately working with oil paints and latex paints
bluish-green (sometimes green, orange, or pink) growths, respectively, found the microbiological propensities of both
are certainly unattractive. More important, on walkways, to be similar. Four fungi and one bacterium were common
especially during the rainy season, algae growth may cause Continued

58 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company

to both types of paint (Table 2). Certain species seem to oc-
cur predominantly in one area of the country. While inves-
tigating film defacement in food processing plants and can-
neries, breweries, and dairies, Krumperman16 found many
species of aspergillis and penicillium not found in normal
exterior environments. Flavobacterium marinum was more
Vegetable oils are particularly vulnerable to attack by
molds and mildew. As was shown by Ross17, the infesta-
tion of the surface involves not only aesthetic loss but also
an actual degradation of the binder itself. Scission of the es-
ter linkages and aerobic oxidation of the fatty acids with
the eventual accumulation of short-chained acids also oc-
cur. The specific nature of the acid depends on the organ-
ism involved.
Flavobacterium marinum was found to produce oxalic
acid from linseed oil films. Pullularia pullulans produced
acetic and acetoacetyl acids, as well as oxalic acid from the
same films. Reaction pathways are probably similar to
those represented above for the microbiological degrada-
tion of hydrocarbon species that leads to metallic corro-
sion. Attack on latex paints again involves cellulosic
residues and does not involve the binder. The discoloration
is still quite objectionable, however. Microbiologically-in-
fluenced changes in the film structure will also lead to
changes in the mechanical and chemical properties of the
film. (These changes include adhesion loss and brittle fail-
ure, as well as increased water sensitivity.) On microbio-
logically-sensitive substrates such as wood, infestation will
often lead to loss of engineering properties (rot, etc.).

Controlling Microbiological
Growth with Biocides
To combat bacterial attack, paint, wash water, and the paint
raw materials—particularly the latex and cellulosic thicken-
er solutions—must be inoculated with a wide spectrum bio-
cide against bacteria. Perhaps to a lesser extent, they must
be inoculated against fungi, both yeasts and molds (Table 3).
A given biocide will not necessarily be effective against both
bacteria and fungi. In fact, specific bactericides may be se-
lectively effective against only gram negative or gram posi-
tive bacteria. Gram negative bacteria, most often found in
wet latex paint, have highly complex cell wall structures that
inhibit the penetration of bactericides. Unless very high lev-
els of bactericide are used, the additive becomes exhausted
before it can completely deactivate the species. Any poten-
tial bactericide should be easily incorporated within all sys-
tems in which it is to be used. It should also be effective over
as wide a pH range as possible. It should be environmental-
ly innocuous and have low mammalian toxicity.
Conformity with the latter requirement has grown in im-
portance over the last 30 years and has been difficult to
achieve. At one time, the phenyl mercurials were widely

60 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company

used and were very efficient against a broad range of bac- paint is not today easily reclaimed.
teria. These products, as well as other highly efficient bac- It was once common for latex manufacturers to preserve
tericides (the chlorinated phenolics), are now prohibited latex emulsions with additions of formalin- or formalde-
because of concerns about their toxicity. A va-
riety of wholly organic-based bactericides has
” hyde-producing biocides. Formaldehyde
has strong bactericidal properties.
been introduced. Many of these are often pro- Formaldehyde is released by the hy-
prietary combinations presumably designed to
A variety drolysis of materials such as 5-hydrox-
broaden the spectrum of their effectiveness. of wholly ymethoxymethyl-1-1 aza-3,7-dioxabicy-
One of the more effective classes of this type clo(3.3.0)-octane. This substance,
of materials appears to be 2-methyl-4-isothia- organic-based however, cannot be used with vinyl chlo-
zolin-3-one and its chlorinated derivative. ride-containing latexes because of toxic
Modes of microbiological attack5 are various bactericides gas generation.
and include enzyme inhibition (barium metabo- Again, because of toxicity concerns,
rate, tributyltin oxide); protein deactivation or
has been the use of formaldehyde has been dis-

inhibition (the phenyl mercurials, zinc oxide); introduced. continued, and manufacturers now use
coagulation (the mercurials, copper (II) 8-quino- proprietary materials. Residual monomer
linolate); and chelation with metals required for itself has some biocidal properties.
bacterial growth and metabolism (2-mercaptobenzothiazole,
zinc 2-pyridinethiol-2-thione). Other biocides function Fungi
through electrophilic deactivation of nucleophilic areas of the Zinc oxide has long been favored in paints because of its
microbe’s cellular structure (1,2-benzisothiazoline-3-one). fungicidal properties. It was used in oil-based house paints
While effective against bacteria, most modern bacteri- in loadings of more than 2 to 3 lbs/gal. (240 to 360 g/L).
cides do not neutralize the enzymes the way the phenyl These levels of zinc oxide caused embrittlement of the
mercurials neutralized them. Thus, once contaminated, a Continued

Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company JPCL September 2000 61


paint system. Two authors13 describe used in latex paints for the same rea- modern organic fungicides (Table 3).
good growth inhibition with levels of son. Fortunately, lower levels (<1 This is fortunate because zinc oxide is
zinc oxide of up to 3.5 lbs/gal. (419 lb/gal. [<120 g/L]) have been found18 a reactive pigment. As such, it destabi-
g/L) in polyvinyl acetate latex paints to be satisfactory, especially when lizes latex paints and reduces
and alkyds. Zinc oxide is still widely used in combination with some of the freeze/thaw resistance. Specially de-
signed dispersant systems have been
developed to improve the stability of
zinc oxide in latex paints.
It may be in part the basicity of zinc
oxide that inhibits mildew growth.19 It
has also been claimed that calcium car-
bonate reduces such growth. Localized
growth inhibition has also been noted
by the author around the scribe of a
borosilicate-pigmented silicone alkyd
(Fig. 2). This inhibition of growth was
attributed to the effects of cathodic al-
kali alongside the corroding scribe (an
anode). Bacteria do not thrive at a pH
range of 10-11.7 Cathodic protection
will retard bacterial growth on sub-
mersed marine coatings when the po-
tential (with respect to a saturated
calomel electrode) is maintained more
negative than -1.024 volts.20
Fig. 2: Mildew on a scribed alkyd. Note freedom from infestation around scribe, Fungicidal attack, especially nodular
believed to be related to alkaline pH of cathodic area surrounding active anode (scribe). growth, may often be mistaken for
dirt. Micelean growth is more obvious,
but it is often diminished in favor of
Table 3: nodular attack where paint films are
Biocides Used in Paints as Preservatives and Mildewcides inhibited. Differentiation between
nodular infestation and dirt can be
Bactericide made using a 2% sodium hypochlorite
5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one solution that will kill and bleach away
the infestation. This solution will not
Diiodomethyl-p-tolyl suphone affect dirt. The test area should always
1-(3-chloroalyl)-3,5,7,-triaza-1-azoniaadamantane chloride be rinsed after de-infestation and be-
1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one fore repainting. Before repainting an
infested surface in the field, a similar
Fungicide hypochlorite solution may be used as a
2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one preparatory wash. Rinsing and drying
the surface before painting are impor-
Zinc oxide tant. Repainting the area with a prod-
N-(trichloromethyl) thiophthalimide uct (latex or oil) that is itself fully in-
hibited is crucial to avoid further
Bactericide and fungicide (wide spectrum biocide) growth.
Phenylmercurials* An important feature for controlling
1-aza-3,7-dioxabicyclo(3.3.0)octanes microbiological attack of the dry film
Tributyltin oxide*
is non-fugitivity. (Non-fugitivity is the
ability of the fungicides’ effectiveness
Barium metaborate
2,3,4,6- tetrachloro 4(methyl sulfonyl)pyridine to last. Fugitive materials have short-
*Usage either has been banned or is being phased out. lived effectiveness.) All fungicides (in-
cluding zinc oxide) tend to leach from

62 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company


the film, reducing their long-term ef- banned in some areas and regulated pigmented with barium metaborate
fectiveness. Loss via leaching is not strictly in others because of its toxicity had algicidal properties equal to those
the only mechanism by which mildew- to shellfish. Copper compounds with high levels of 2-(4 thiazolyl) ben-
cidal paints may lose effectiveness (cuprous oxide), effective as mildew- zimidazole.
with time. Vaporization of organic cides on wood, are not as effective •••
agents and loss due to chalking and by against terrestrial algae. Copper com- Next Month:
chemical change or reactivity (hydrol- pounds are, however, effective against Chemical Changes Occurring
ysis) are also possible. algae in the aquatic environment. within the Can
Gabriele and Iannucci21 showed that Drisko and Crilly11 found that paints Continued
most of these materials (including the
phenyl mercurials, organotins, and
chlorinated phenols) are sensitive to
light-induced degradation. Fortunately,
such loss of effectiveness may be com-
bated with combinations of hydrox-
yphenyl benzotriazole light absorbers
and piperidinyl-based hindered amine
light stabilizers (HALS). Biocidal com-
binations that do exceptionally well in
the short term but fall off in protection
after one to two years are less desir-
able than materials that remain in the
film for longer periods. In films that
chalk heavily, even zinc oxide may be
prematurely depleted. This effect re-
futes earlier beliefs that chalking is a
positive factor in mildew control.22
There may also be unexpected sensi-
tivities. The effectiveness of mercury
compounds is decreased in formula-
tions that also contain iron pigments
and sulfur compounds.1 1-(3-chloroal-
lyl)-3,5,7-triaza-1-azonia adamantine
chloride has been found to yellow
films. Sodium sulfite has been found to
reduce this effect.5 As one study con-
cludes, it is important to evaluate the
effectiveness of a biocide combination
after at least 24 hours have elapsed
since inoculation.18

Biocidal measures for preventing algae
growth are much the same as those for
fungi. Again, the most effective bio-
cides are generally those that have the
highest toxicity for higher life forms.
These include the phenyl mercurials
and tributyltin oxide. The latter has
been widely used in anti-fouling coat-
ings (as described in the June 2000
Trouble with Paint column). Now,
however, the use of tributyltin oxide is

Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company JPCL September 2000 63


References and Their Usage, 3rd Edition (Lon- 4. R.A. Oppermann and M. Goll,
1. A.L. Eilender and R.A. Opper- don, England: Chapman and Hall, “Presence and Effects of Anaerobic
mann, “Biocides: Bacteriocides 1993). Bacteria in Water Based Paints I—
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Handbook of Coatings Additives, Effects of Anaerobic Bacteria in nal of Coatings Technology (May
ed. L.J. Calbo (New York, NY: Mar- Water Based Paint II—Effect on 1984), Vol. 56, #712, p. 51.
cel Dekker, 1987), p. 177. Paint Ingredients” Journal of Coat- 5. V.M. King, “Bactericides, Fungi-
2. J.A. Tracey, “Preservatives,” in Sur- ings Technology (November 1985), cides and Algicides,” Chapter 29 in
face Coatings Vol. I, Raw Materials Vol. 57, #730, p. 33. Paint and Coatings Testing Manu-
al, ed. J.V. Koleske (Philadelphia,
PA: ASTM, 1995), p. 261.
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logical Organisms in Natural Wa-
ter” Materials Performance (July
1976), p. 38.
7. C.A.H. von Wolzogen Kuhr, “The
Unity of the Anaerobic and Aerobic
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presented at the Fourth National
Bureau of Standards Soil Corrosion
Conference, Washington, DC 1937.
8. J.S. Smart, “An Introduction to Mi-
crobiologically Influenced Corro-
sion in the Marine Industry” Jour-
nal of Protective Coatings & Linings
(February, 1997), p. 56.
9. P.J.B. Scott and M. Davis, “Micro-
biologically Influenced Corro-
sion—State of Art vs. State of
Mind” Materials Performance (Sep-
tember 1993), Vol. 32, #9, p. 8.
10. D.O. Hill and G.C. April, “Influence
of Moisture Transport on Fungal
Growth” Journal of Paint Technolo-
gy (September 1971), Vol. 43, #560,
p. 81.
11. R.W. Drisko and J.B. Crilly, “Con-
trol of Algae Growth on Paints in
Tropical Locations” Journal of
Paint Technology (August 1974),
Vol. 46, #595, p. 49.
12. E. Hoffman, Materials Research
Std. 10, #12, 21 (1970).
13. A. Saracz and E. Hoffman, “The
Evaluation of Paint for Fungus Re-
sistance—Zinc Oxide Latex Paints”
JOCCA (February 1968), 51, 2, 103.
14. F.M. Rothwell, “Microbiology of
Paint Films II—Isolation and Iden-
tification of Microflora on Exterior
Oil Paints” Official Digest (1958),
30, #399, 308.
15. R.F. Drescher, “Microbiology of

64 JPCL September 2000 Copyright ©2000, Technology Publishing Company

Paint Films IV—Isolation and Iden-
tification of Microflora on Exterior
Emulsion Paints” American Paint
Journal (1958), 42, #38, 80.
16. P.H. Krumperman, “Microbiology
of Paint Films V—Microorganisms
Found on the Interior Paint Films
of Food Processing Plants” Ameri-
can Paint Journal (1958), 42, #38,
17. R.T. Ross, “Biodeterioration of
Paint and Paint Films” Journal of
Paint Technology (April 1969), Vol.
41, #531, p. 266.
18. R.C. Trueblood, et. al., “Three Year
Study of Mildew Growth on Coated
Surfaces” (Technical Committee of
the Columbus Dayton Indianapolis
Chapter of the Federation of Soci-
eties for Coatings Technology)
Journal of Paint Technology (March
1971), Vol. 43, #554, p. 76.
19. T.T. Broome and E.J. Lowrey,
“Mechanisms for Film Preservation
by Phenyl Mercurials on Wood
Substitutes” Journal of Paint Tech-
nology (April 1970), Vol. 42, #543,
p. 227.
20. H.P. Dhar in Electrochemical Meth-
ods for Prevention of Microbial
Fouling (New York, NY: Plenum
Press, 1986), p. 593.
21. P.D. Gabriele and R.M. Iannucci,
“Protection of Mildewcides and
Fungicides from Ultraviolet Light
Induced Photo-oxidation” Journal
of Coatings Technology (May 1984),
Vol. 56, #712, p. 33.
22. E. Hoffman and R.R. Couper, “The
Formulation of Fungus Resistant
Paints IX: Influence of the Primer
and Pigments Causing Chalking”
JOCCA (December 1970), Vol. 53,
#12, p. 1063.

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