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There are many theories about who invented the airplane but the most accepted
theory points to the Wright brothers. They started selling and renting bicycles in Ohio. But
the inventive spirit was within them, in 1896 they manufactured their own bicycle and
sold it to the market. Man always felt the need to fly. Since pre-Hispanic times he used to
imitate birds. The plane gave the opportunity to fulfill this dream and was also very
important for transportation.
In 1898 Wilbur formally declared his interest in aviation in a letter that sent to the
Smithsonian Institution in Washington requesting that they send him a preliminary
investigation. The interest he had in the construction of the plane is clear. He wanted to
contribute his knowledge and contributions so he achieved the imaginable with his
aspiration. That same year, the brothers achieved one of their key breakthroughs for their
plane: a lightweight method of controlling balance and turning the plane. The brothers
successfully tested the idea on the 1899 Wright Kite and began developing life-size gliders.
Over the next 3 years, Wilbur and Orville built three gliders and tested them at Kitty Hawk
in North Carolina. His ideas worked but not enough to rise. Until they finally focused on
the engine and did it on December 17 at 10:35 a.m., despite the wind, Orville hopped on
the Wright Flyer and made his historic 12-second flight. Here began the era of aviation.
The plane was very important in the World War I and World War II, The end of the WWII
left a very positive balance for aviation and the development of modern aircraft.
Commercial flights became the safest means of transport due to their very low accident
rate relative to their direct competitors, ships and land vehicles.
The plane is very important in our days, it is a safe means and allows us to travel to
distant places in less time and where we never imagine arriving. The invention of the
brothers allowed a very great advance for the development of humanity.

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