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Comment and recommendations

Research notes:
● How will u defend the conclusion that you reached when you don't have the same
conclusion with the other group? Convince me of the reliability of ur group’s findings? Y
would i believe you? How would u convince me that your research is correct?
○ Special covid: focused on the awareness of the respondents? When the
consumers are aware of the sugar tax, there is a lower consumption, albeit small,
the software believe that this is still significant
○ Novachrono: research questionnaire asks for the awareness of the respondents
to ssb, only when they say yes will they be directed to the main survey. It is also
stated in the questionnaire is the price and name and kind of the drinks that are
included in the SSB. We say that this is reliable bcs the respondents are already
aware of implementation of the ssb tax.
○ Variable used which is servings, most accurate bcs it is not limited compared to
exoenses, which could be affected by inflation and orices of the drinks.
■ In a research study, there is no absolute accuracy. U can not vouch
for accuracy. Only if less accurate or not.
■ Thank the res advisor bcs nothing will equal to his expertise.
● Explain y the evidence u have presented in ur research is sufficient to arrive at the
conclusion u have reached. (For special covid)
○ Special covid: first, most of our respondents are of the same age with us ranging
from 21-30. With our respondents, source of income is allowance. And this would
result to buying less bcs of the allowance.
■ Check conclusion 3. The impostion of ssb does not affect the
consumption pattern.
■ Conclusion 5. There is a significant relationship between awareness of
the excise tax and the consumption behavior.
● In ur recommendation increase daw ssb for health reasons, what if to increase it would
eman not for health purposes but rather for economic purposes?
● Fernandez: what is the intent of the ssb? Curb or increase revenue?
○ Special group: both
○ Novachrono: WHO recommendation, And both sad.
● Did it increase recenue? Decrease consumption?
○ Special group: wdk
○ Nova: Goal 50 million, 2018: 38 million.
■ Fernandez: so u dont know? With regards to revenue? This is important
data when knowing about the effectivity of ssb
● Consumption?
○ Special group: yes, focused on 12/liter.
○ N: yes, carbonated beverages, sweetened beverages, energy and sport drinks,
sweetened iced tea, others were not included since researchers are of the
opinion that other beverages are not that common. So this is the only scope of
the study.
■ This could be not that accurate, bcs it is too broad. The decrease in
another area, might offset the increase in the other area.
■ The title itself would let a reader presume that it would cover everything. It
should have been stated that the “impact of ssbs to young people”. This is
misleading bcs one would think that it is a general impact to the whole
cebu city. Taxation generally impacts corporations, people buy bcs of
price not bcs of tax, which would also lead to an increase in price. Why
not study the companies themselves and gather the data from those
companies? Which is more accurate in atty f opinion.
● Why not study the companies themselves and gather the data from those companies?
Which is more accurate in atty f opinion.
○ Special covid: companies usually need appointment, researchers not from cebu
city, and it is difficult to set an appointment if you don't know anyone from that
○ Novachrono: we had two options. Due to the pandemic, it is difficult to inquire
smes and corporations for their data of sales that's why we were forced to go to
the other option. We clearly segmented our respondents to really represent each
group, we did not stick to the young people.
● What is the period of your study?
○ Special covid: 2018 - 2020
■ Im not saying ur wrong, but you could have gotten these data from the
SEC bcs these are public documents.
■ Not saying study is inaccurate, but he has an issue with the title which
would lead to more questions rather than answers. Misleading. Title
should have been adjusted to include what was specifically studied.

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