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Integrative Physiology of Fasting

Article  in  Comprehensive Physiology · March 2016

DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c150013


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2 authors, including:

Stephen Molyneux Secor

University of Alabama


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Physiological responses to fasting and feeding, specific dynamic action, molecular mechanisms of intestinal remodeling, and blood glucose control in snakes.
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Integrative Physiology of Fasting
Stephen M. Secor*1 and Hannah V. Carey2

Extended bouts of fasting are ingrained in the ecology of many organisms, characterizing aspects
of reproduction, development, hibernation, estivation, migration, and infrequent feeding habits.
The challenge of long fasting episodes is the need to maintain physiological homeostasis while
relying solely on endogenous resources. To meet that challenge, animals utilize an integrated
repertoire of behavioral, physiological, and biochemical responses that reduce metabolic rates,
maintain tissue structure and function, and thus enhance survival. We have synthesized in this
review the integrative physiological, morphological, and biochemical responses, and their stages,
that characterize natural fasting bouts. Underlying the capacity to survive extended fasts are
behaviors and mechanisms that reduce metabolic expenditure and shift the dependency to lipid
utilization. Hormonal regulation and immune capacity are altered by fasting; hormones that trigger
digestion, elevate metabolism, and support immune performance become depressed, whereas
hormones that enhance the utilization of endogenous substrates are elevated. The negative energy
budget that accompanies fasting leads to the loss of body mass as fat stores are depleted and
tissues undergo atrophy (i.e., loss of mass). Absolute rates of body mass loss scale allometrically
among vertebrates. Tissues and organs vary in the degree of atrophy and downregulation of
function, depending on the degree to which they are used during the fast. Fasting affects the
population dynamics and activities of the gut microbiota, an interplay that impacts the host’s fasting
biology. Fasting-induced gene expression programs underlie the broad spectrum of integrated
physiological mechanisms responsible for an animal’s ability to survive long episodes of natural
fasting. © 2016 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 6:773-825, 2016.

Introduction which homeostasis is compromised due to the loss of tissue

function (83, 305).
All animals require at some stage of their life, if not all, the While all animals alternate between bouts of feeding and
acquisition and ingestion of food. Food provides the fuel and fasting, it is those species that experience prolonged episodes
supportive compounds for all of the body’s activities from the of fasting that have garnered the most attention. The focus
most routine of cellular processes to movement, growth, and of many such studies is on a specific life history event (e.g.,
reproduction. Animal food habits run the gamut from mono- reproduction and care of young) or natural history (e.g., hiber-
typic diets to a relatively limited selection of foods, to very nation, estivation, or migration) that includes an extended
catholic diets that include both plants and animals. Feeding period of not eating. For over a century, scientists have inves-
habits are likewise diverse, arranged over a spectrum of feed- tigated how animals survive fasts relying only on endogenous
ing frequencies, from near constant feeding and digestion to resources. Studies have examined how metabolic depression
cases in which digestion is a relatively rare event. Furthering and switches in substrate utilization aid survival during fast-
this complexity of food and feeding habits is that both can ing, and how tissues and organ systems vary in their responses
vary seasonally as a function of animal activity, ambient tem- to fasting and refeeding. Such inquiry has led to a wealth
perature, and food and/or water availability. Generally, a bout of information on the integrative physiology of fasting, but
of feeding and digestion is followed by an episode of digestive many gaps remain. Such inquiry is sometimes complicated
quiescence (i.e., fasting). If feeding is frequent, such fasting by the inability to easily separate responses that are dis-
bouts are relatively brief, during which the animals experi- tinctly attributed to fasting from those that stem uniquely from
ences only a modest fluctuation in energy flux and homeosta- the life/natural history event itself. Likewise, responses to
sis. For extended fasting bouts, the animal endures with time
a compounding negative energy budget. For the majority of * Correspondence to
such cases, extended episodes of fasting are predictable and 1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama,
are ingrained into the species’ or population’s natural and life Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA
history tactics. These species employ an adaptive repertoire 2 Department of Comparative Biosciences, School of Veterinary

of behavioral, physiological, morphological, and biochemi- Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
cal responses that maintain homeostasis and prolong survival Published online, April 2016 (
while existing on endogenous stores of energy (361, 574). DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c150013
Fasting is therefore distinct from starvation, the endpoint at Copyright © American Physiological Society.

Volume 6, April 2016 773

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

refeeding may be enhanced or masked by concurrent changes or synthesis (e.g., amino acids into proteins). If the nutrient
associated with the shift in the animal’s life or natural history pipeline from the intestine to tissues is continuously flowing,
state. then the metabolic needs of the animal can be constantly met
The balance of energy flux in an animal (intake vs. out- by feeding, digestion, and absorption.
put) is a constantly sliding point on a continuum bookended However, animals in nature rarely experience continuous
between fully nourished and starvation. If the level of feed- intake of food. Even if food is seemingly unlimited, animals
ing is such that the intake of metabolizable energy is less eat and digest following a very rhythmic circadian pattern.
than the energy expended, the animal is experiencing a neg- The smallest endotherms (e.g., hummingbirds and shrews)
ative energy budget and losing mass. Behavioral and phys- maintain a near constant assimilation of energy to fuel their
iological responses may lead to an increase in food intake exceedingly high metabolic rates, but cease feeding during
and absorption efficiencies, and/or a decrease in metabolic bouts of torpor (237,330,396). If food becomes limited, feed-
expenditure. ing is less frequent and may stop. Some phocid seal pups
The focus of this review is on the structural and functional are nursed almost continuously for days, but within a few
responses to bouts of fasting (i.e., absence of feeding) and the months are abandoned onshore or on the ice without food
subsequent resumption of feeding in vertebrates. For the most when their mothers return to sea (341). Likewise meal con-
part, we restrict our coverage to fasts that would occur natu- sumption will stop when an animal shifts to activities that are
rally in free-living animals and avoid the body of literature on disassociated from feeding. When feeding ceases the gut emp-
responses to artificially imposed food withdrawal in species ties, nutrient absorption is restricted to only those compounds
that do not typically fast in the wild, and to responses to secreted by host tissues, and the flow of ingested metabolites
food/caloric restriction. The capacity to withstand and recover into catabolic, storage, and synthesis pathways is suspended.
from prolonged periods of food deprivation stems from pos- Given that metabolic and protein needs of an animal are con-
sessing sufficient nutrient stores, engaging adaptive responses tinuous, the source of metabolic fuel and amino acids for
(i.e., adjustments in behavior, physiology, and/or energy and protein synthesis transitions with fasting from a mixture of
intermediary metabolism) that ensure the optimal use of those dietary and endogenous substrates to endogenous resources
stores, maintaining biochemical homeostasis, and retaining alone.
the ability to obtain and assimilate a meal. When possible While the reason for a fast (e.g., dormancy, egg/young
we draw from field studies that document natural history and attending, reduced feeding opportunities, etc.) will often dic-
fasting behavior, and from laboratory studies that explore tate its duration, it is the amount and quality of available
the physiological, morphological, and molecular responses to endogenous resources and the innate physiological mech-
fasting and refeeding. anisms employed to efficiently use those resources that
determine how long an individual can survive fasting. Fast-
ing survival ultimately depends on the amount of sufficient
Biology of Fasting energy and structural resources to meet metabolic and home-
ostatic challenges and the ability to withstand abiotic stresses,
Despite the tremendous diversity of food and feeding habits, depressed immune function, and parasite load.
feeding and digestion follow a relatively standard repertoire The capacity to withstand and recover from prolonged
of organ, tissue, and cellular activities. Food is manipulated episodes of fasting is manifested in suites of fasting responses
within the mouth (with or without mastication) and actively that serve to collectively reduce the rate of dependency on
transported (i.e., swallowing and esophageal peristalsis) to endogenous resources and maintain tissue integrity and func-
the stomach or intestine (if a stomach is lacking). Within the tion. Characteristic is the downregulation of tissue function
stomach, food is partially degraded by hydrochloric acid and and structure (i.e., atrophy) that serves to depress cellular
the proteolytic enzyme pepsin before moving into the small metabolism and hence reduce the rate of substrate catabolism
intestine. Within the small intestine, pancreatic (e.g., trypsin, and tissue degradation. The concurrent switch from carbo-
amylase, and lipase) and intestinal (disaccharidases and pep- hydrate to lipid metabolism stems from the near depletion
tidases) enzymes cleave triglycerides, poly- and disaccha- of glycogen stores and a new reliance on the catabolism of
rides, and small proteins into their basic nutritive components energy-dense lipid stores.
of monosaccharides, amino acids/dipeptides, glycerol, mono- Inherent to the adaptive schedule of life and natural his-
glycerides, and fatty acids. These products, together with vari- tory events that include bouts of fasting is the time when
ous ions, minerals, and vitamins, are transported by passive or feeding resumes. At this time, fasting responses are curtailed
facilitated active mechanisms either transcellularly or paracel- or reversed, previously dormant tissues are reactivated, the
lularly across the intestinal epithelium directly or indirectly body resumes its intake of exogenous nutrients, and begins to
(e.g., mammalian chylomicrons via the lymphatic system) restore depleted glycogen, lipids, and proteins. The ability to
into circulation. Depending on the immediate metabolic needs recover rapidly from fasting is as important as the capacity
of the animal, absorbed sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids to withstand the fast.
can either be catabolized or channeled into storage (e.g., glu- An alternative outcome to fasting is death from starva-
cose to glycogen and fatty acids and glycerol to triglycerides) tion. In the wild, animals do starve to death when they have

774 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

nearly depleted glycogen and fat stores and have catabolized The distinction between fasting and starving, or when a
a significant amount of body protein. Losing 40% to 50% or fasting individual had entered starvation, is not always clear.
more of body mass is considered lethal (157, 321). Accounts Criteria for entering a state of starvation include increases
of starvation are attributed to uncharacteristic long episodes in activity (e.g., food searching and nest abandonment), a
of very cold weather, low food availability, or drought switch in substrate utilization from lipids to amino acids, rapid
(279, 553, 556, 597). Well documented are instance of water- increase in daily body mass loss, and increases in plasma urea
fowl and game birds that after experiencing especially low and/or uric acid (99, 463). Starvation has been identified as
temperatures and lack of food were found dead, emaciated, the transition point from fasting Phase II (dominated by lipid
and devoid of fat and flight muscle tissue (69, 225, 553, 586). utilization) to Phase III (protein utilization) or in the later
Drought conditions in eastern Australia in 1982 reduced popu- stages of Phase III when there is a reduced or no possibility
lations of red and gray kangaroos (Macropus rufus, M. gigan- of recovery with refeeding (see Phases of Fasting).
teus) by 40%, and in the following year a drought in south-
ern Africa reduced herds of buffalo (Syncerus caffer), impala
(Aepyceros melampus), warthog (Phacochoerus africanus),
zebra (Equus quagga), and wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou)
Why and When Do Animals Fast
by as much as 90% (85, 572). Abandoned by their parents Central to this discussion is the question of why and when
because of low foraging success, king penguin (Aptenodytes do animals fast. For diurnal daily eaters, digestive quies-
patagonica) chicks succumb to starvation after 100 to 150 cence may span a few hours in the early morning, prior to
days of fasting (102, 531). the resumption of feeding late in the morning. Similarly for
The terms fasting and starvation have been used, some- nocturnal foragers, a fasting state is temporary, positioned
times interchangeably in the same report, for more than a just before nightfall. The circadian pattern of these animals
century to identify the postabsorptive period for an animal is characterized by an episode of gut inactivity that follows
(26,99,260,360,471,514,605). This has generated some con- the completion of meal digestion and absorption. The focus
fusion given that they represent distinctly different stages of of this review is on longer episodes of fasting that are linked
food deprivation and possess different physiologies (305). to specific life and natural history events that significantly
Fasting is an innate component of many organisms’ natural reduce or prevent feeding. Conditions for extended fasting
history that evokes an integrative array of behavioral, morpho- include:
logical, metabolic, and physiological adaptations that serve
to reduce metabolic expenditure and preserve homeostasis 1. Experiencing a seasonal state of dormancy to escape harsh
(45, 230, 386, 567). Fasting is better viewed in an ecological environmental conditions of low temperatures and food
context, not as a nutritional stress, but often as a tactic for scarcity (i.e., hibernation) or high temperatures and water
averting stress in the face of competing demands for time or scarcity (i.e., estivation).
other resources (386). Fasting animals, therefore, live within
the limits of homeostatic tolerance and can continue to do so 2. Engaging in a natural (e.g., migration and molting) or life
with a constant supply of oxygen and endogenous substrate, history (e.g., reproduction, egg/young care, and develop-
and the ability to remove or store metabolic end products (e.g., ment) event that separates the animal spatially from its
CO2 , urea, and/or uric acid). If loss of homeostasis is immi- food source.
nent with further fasting, animals may abandon the fasting-
associated behavior (e.g., egg incubation) and search for food, 3. Experiencing yearly episodes of food shortage while
hence prioritizing survival over the immediate rewards of the remaining active.
behavior (e.g., breeding success) (10, 226, 321, 462).
Starvation is a nonadaptive event that involves the patho- 4. Employing a feeding tactic (e.g., sit-and-wait) that is char-
logical loss of homeostasis due to the reduction in vital organ acterized by extended fasting episodes between infrequent
performance (83,305). With the sequential depletion of glyco- meals.
gen and then fat, tissue proteins are degraded at an accelerated
rate to provide amino acids for metabolic pathways and gluco- The following is a description of naturally occurring fast-
neogenesis. Since proteins are less energy dense and contain ing states with specific attention to species that exemplify each
more water than fats, body and tissue loss is more rapid. The of these fasting conditions and whose physiological responses
time from the onset of starvation to death is a function of body to fasting has been richly studied (Fig. 1).
size, metabolic rate, and how long organs can tolerate the sal-
vaging of their proteins before they are unable to sustain life-
maintaining performance. Also characteristic of starvation is Hibernation
an additional increase (beyond that which drives lipolysis and Terrestrial, semiterrestrial, and aquatic animals that inhabit
gluconeogenesis) in the release of glucocorticoids (e.g., cor- seasonal environments experience extended periods of
ticosterone and cortisol) which stimulates protein catabolism reduced food availability and lower ambient temperatures that
(293, 468, 596). can limit locomotion and feeding. In response to the onset

Volume 6, April 2016 775

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)


(C) (D)


(E) (F)


(G) (H)





(K) (L)


(M) (N)

Long fasting bouts

Figure 1 (Caption on next page.)

776 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

Interbout arousals Spring


Body temperature (°C)




Time (months)

Figure 2 Circannual body temperature cycle in a 13-lined ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus).
The animal was housed conventionally (Ta ∼ 20◦ C, 12:12 LD with food/water), then moved in September
to a 4◦ C cold room in constant darkness with no food/water. Note spontaneous interbout arousals to
normothermia that interrupt torpor bouts during the hibernation season. Figure courtesy of Sandy Martin,
University of Colorado School of Medicine.

of cooler temperatures, amphibians and reptiles seek refuge to fast during bouts of arousal (e.g., ground squirrels and mar-
either underwater (under the ice) or in burrows or hibernacula mots), or feed during arousal on food that had been previous
(224, 435). This safeguards the animals from freezing tem- cached (e.g., chipmunks and some hamsters) (278). For the
peratures and easy predation by winter-active endotherms. former, hyperphagia in summer and fall promotes accumula-
Dictated by lowered temperatures, the metabolic rate and tion of fat reserves, and fasting lasts from ∼3 to 9 months,
activity of hibernating amphibians and reptiles are greatly although fasting for as long as 1 year has been reported in a
depressed (192, 361). Hibernating amphibians and reptiles captive pygmy-possum (Cercartetus nanus) (209). Black and
rely upon body stores of glycogen and fat to fuel their low- brown bears also hibernate for 3 to 7 months during winter
ered metabolic rate, and the absorption of water from their (167, 404), but in contrast to small mammalian hibernators,
environment to remain hydrated. Warming temperatures in hibernating bears experience a more modest decline in body
the spring accompanied by rainfall cue their emergence from temperature (by 3-5◦ C), and a reduction in metabolic rate up
hibernation and the resumption of feeding. Bouts of ectotherm to 75% of euthermic basal levels (551). Adult female bears
hibernation range from 3 to 9 months and increase in duration give birth during winter hibernation and nurse cubs while
with latitude (224, 435). remaining fasted (167, 404).
Mammalian hibernation is likewise characterized by Although hibernation is more common for temperate and
extended bouts of fasting. Small mammalian hibernators sus- arctic mammals, it also occurs in tropical environments. The
pend the maintenance of a constant high body temperature, Madagascan fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius)
allowing body temperature to drop to ambient temperature hibernates during the dry season when food and water avail-
for 3 to 30 days between short bouts (<24 h) of arousal and ability are low and nighttime temperatures drop below 10◦ C
elevated body temperatures (Fig. 2) (342). Energy expendi- (127). Some small mammals (e.g., deer mice and ham-
ture during torpor bouts can be reduced to 2% to 10% of basal sters) and birds (e.g., hummingbirds) experience short peri-
metabolic rate (BMR) experienced during normothermic peri- ods (<24 h) of fasting, inactivity, and depressed body tem-
ods (63,256,515). Small hibernating mammals either continue peratures during daily episodes of torpor (475, 520). Like

Figure 1 Animals that exemplify diverse forms of extended fasting have been valuable for exploring the ecology and physiology of fast-
ing. For hibernation (A and B), illustrated are the 13-lined ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) and black bear (Ursus americanus);
(72, 74, 248, 262, 404). For aestivation (C and D), illustrated are the African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) and green-striped burrowing
frog (Cyclorana alboguttata) in cocooned state (103, 120, 135, 189, 274, 291, 542); For migration (E and F), illustrated are the green sea
turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the red knot (Calidris canutus) (31, 251). For molting (G and H), illustrated are the king penguin (Aptenodytes
patagonica) and the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) (95, 98, 589). For reproduction (I and J), illustrated are the northern
elephant seal and emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) (141, 142, 320, 463). For development (K and L), illustrated are the juvenile king
penguin (Aptenodytes patagonica) and grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) (97, 102, 148, 412). For natural long bouts of fasting (M and N), illus-
trated are the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and the Burmese python (Python molurus) (113, 328, 390, 391, 491). Photo Credit: (A)
Lesa Hollen; (B) Lynn Rogers,; (C) (D) E.A. Meyer;
(E) Evan D’Alessandro; (F) Theunis Piersma; (G) Katie O’Reilly; (H) Dan Costa; (I) Dan Costa; (J)
2011/06/emperor-penguin-and-chick.jpg; (K); (L) Andreas Trepte; (M); (N) Stephen Secor.

Volume 6, April 2016 777

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

hibernation, daily torpor reduces energy expenditure during Migration

daily or nightly periods of low ambient temperatures and Seasonal or yearly migrations to feeding, breeding, or over-
restricted access to food. wintering grounds characterize the life history of many verte-
brates (145). Because many animals do not feed while in tran-
Estivation sit, fasting during migration can be especially challenging for
migrants that travel long distances and expend large amounts
Estivation refers to states of dormancy that enhance survival of energy on locomotion (5). Well-cited examples include the
during periodic or seasonal episodes of drought, high tem- long treks undertaken yearly by passerine birds, shorebirds,
perature, and low food availability (435, 533). The majority sea turtles, and whales. From breeding to wintering grounds,
of long-term estivators are aquatic or semiaquatic ectotherms distances of 4000 to 5400 km (and maybe as far as 8000 km)
that respond to the drying of their habitat by burrowing into are covered nonstop over 3 to 4 days by the great knot
the substrate and establishing a state of “nonmobile fossori- (Calidris tenuirostris), bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica),
alism” (557). The physiological challenges that face estiva- bristle-thighed curlew (Numenius tahitiensis), and the Pacific
tors include fasting, dehydration, the accumulation of urea golden plover (Pluvialis fulva) (29,31,295,349). Female green
and ions, CO2 retention, and metabolic acidosis. Combin- sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) swim 2200 km from foraging
ing inactivity with mechanisms that depress cell metabolism, grounds off the coast of Brazil to the Ascension Island to nest
estivators are able to survive long episodes of dormancy by and then subsequently return, possibly without feeding dur-
subsisting on endogenous energy stores (535, 584). The Aus- ing each leg of the trip or during nesting (251). Leatherback
tralian frog Cyclorana platycephala and the African lungfish sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) likewise swim tremendous
Protopterus amphibius are projected to survive for as long as distances (>4000 km) from foraging grounds in the northern
5 and 7 years, respectively, in an uninterrupted estivated state Atlantic Ocean to breeding and nesting sites in the tropics
(332,561). A common strategy used to avoid desiccation once and subtropics, possibly feeding very little during this south-
buried is to surround the body (excluding the nares or mouth) ern migration and return (80, 286). Baleen whales, exem-
with a semi-impermeable cocoon formed from layers of dried plified by the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
epithelium (common among estivating amphibians) or from and gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), migrate from high-
a hardened mixture of skin-secreted mucus and soil, char- latitude feeding areas to subtropical regions for breeding and
acteristic of estivating African lungfishes (223, 324). Estiva- calving (162, 452). It is suspected that whales do not feed
tion ends with the rehydration of the environment, emergence along their migratory routes or during the breeding interim
from the subterranean chamber, and resumption of activity (107, 452).
and feeding.
Previously studied vertebrate estivators include species
of African lungfishes (Protopterus) and anurans (e.g., Molting
Ceratophrys, Cyclorana, Neobatrachus, Pyxicephalus, and Whereas the molting of skin, fur, or feathers may only mod-
Scaphiopus) that routinely spend 10 months of the year in estly impact the feeding habits of most animals, marine birds,
estivation (435, 453, 496). Salamanders of the genus Amphi- and mammals simultaneously fast while undergoing their
uma, Pseudobranchus, and Siren likewise remain buried and yearly molt. Penguins come ashore and do not feed during
dormant for much of the year (207, 306, 432, 435). Dur- the 2 to 5 weeks necessary to renew their entire plumage
ing dry seasons, species of turtles (Kinosternon flavescens), (532, 578). The loss of plumage while molting, hence the
lizards (Tubinambis merianae, Varanus albigularis), snakes reduction in thermal insulation, prohibits penguins from enter-
(Seminatrix pygaea), and crocodilians (Crocodylus johnstoni) ing the subzero Antarctic waters to feed (228). While many
become inactive either buried under leaf litter or soil, or seals fast for brief periods while molting, the southern and
sequestered within burrows or crevices and do not feed until northern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina, M. angustirostris)
the next rainfall (105, 134, 434, 469, 583). spend more than a month on the beach fasting while they molt
For birds and mammals, the term estivation is commonly (54, 320, 589).
used synonymously with summer torpor, both generally brief
in duration (∼24 h) (210). The echidna Tachyglossus aculea-
tus, pygmy possums (Cercartetus), bats, assorted rodents, Reproduction/care of young
and several birds including poorwills (Phalaenoptilus nut- Extended fasts characterize the reproductive biology of a
tallii), nightjars (Eurostopodus argus), and Andean hum- select group of marine birds and mammals, as well as
mingbirds (Oreotrochilus estella) have all been documented some reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. Species of penguins,
to employ short bouts of torpor during the summer (210). petrels, shearwaters, albatrosses, ducks, and geese experi-
The distinction between estivation and hibernation is fluid, ence fasts of a week to several months while engaged in
and some species, such as the edible dormouse, Glis glis, courtship, egg incubation, and/or during the care of the young
is capable of hibernation in winter, estivation in summer, (10,15,230,296,309,441). For most of these birds, males and
and daily torpor throughout the year when food is limited females alternate in incubating spells that range from a few
(582). days to several weeks. The longest bouts of avian fasting are

778 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

experienced by emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forester) that Seasonal food limitation/intermittent feeding habits
travel as much as 120 km from the open ocean to breeding
There are many species in addition to those previously noted
grounds and spend up to 50 days in courtship prior to egg
that experience prolonged episodes of fasting due to the tem-
laying. After the single egg is laid, the female returns to the
poral or spatial patchiness of food and/or as a function of
sea to feed and the male remains, incubating the egg for the
their foraging and feeding habits. Many fish species expe-
next nine weeks. Upon her return, she feeds the male and the
rience a seasonal fast of up to 6 months during the winter
recently hatched chick, and the male departs for the sea to feed
when food is scarce or they are separated from food resources
and return with food for the chick. The parents then alternate
(128, 457). Cave-dwelling species of fishes and salamanders
in 15-day foraging trips for the next 6 months until the chick is
(“troglobites”) may experience extended fasts of months to
fledged. Hence with each breeding season, the male emperor
years due to the cyclic nature of flooding and food availability
penguin will fast for as long as 4 months during severe winter
(439). Crocodiles (Crocodylus), turtles (Chelodina and Kinos-
conditions of −30◦ C and wind velocities of 40 m/s (142).
ternon), and lizards (Heloderma and Varanus) are known to
During the breeding season, adult male otariid (fur seals
cease activity and feeding during the dry summer months
and sea lions) and phocid (true seals) seals remain on land or
(105, 304, 431, 466, 502). Birds of prey (Buteo and Falco) tol-
on the ice fasting and without water for as long as 3 months
erate periods of prey scarcity and may fast for a week at a
during the breeding season (122, 320). Female elephant seals
time (283, 303, 508). For large mammalian carnivores (e.g.,
and other phocid seals fast onshore or on the ice for up to 5
wolves and lions), a lack of hunting success can result in
weeks which can include a 1- to 2-week preparturition period
fasts lasting for more than a week (371, 482). The raccoon
and 4 days to 4 weeks of nursing (53, 122, 141, 320).
dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) of East Asia is documented
Female crocodiles (Crocodilus niloticus and C. porosus)
to experience natural fasts of 8 weeks during shallow winter
fast for as long as 3 months as they guard their nest of eggs
dormancy (390). Snakes that employ the sit-and-wait tactic of
(114, 139). For various species of lizards and snakes, females
foraging (e.g., pythons, boas, and rattlesnakes) feed relatively
fast while tending a clutch of eggs (511). Pythons will habit-
infrequently and thereby exist predominately in a fasted state
ually fast for at least a month prior to egg laying and for at
(222, 497).
least two additional months coiled around their eggs until they
hatch (21,581). Females of the possibly extinct gastric brood-
ing frogs (Rheobatrachus silus) were documented to fast for 8
weeks from the time they ingested their eggs until the expul- Physiology of Fasting
sion of fully formed young (555). Mouth-brooding or the
oral incubation of eggs and containment of fry has evolved Metabolism
independently among fish lineages (418). Among ariid catfish An animal begins each fasting bout with a finite quantity
and cichlids, males and females will hold eggs and/or fry in of available fuel that cannot be replenished until feeding
their mouths for 7 to 70 days, during which they do not feed resumes. Therefore, in principal, the duration an individual
[reviewed in (418)]. can survive without food is determined by the quality and
quantity of endogenous energy stores (e.g., lipids, glycogen,
and protein) and the rates at which those stores are utilized.
The rate of substrate catabolism is a function of metabolic
Prior to experiencing yearly bouts of fasting attributed to expenditure, collectively the product of basal metabolism,
reproduction or molting, young penguins and pinnipeds may thermoregulation, activity costs, and any allocation to
experience a single or multiple episodes of fasting prior to and reproduction and offspring development. A common strategy
following weaning. For the first 4 months of life, king penguin employed during extended periods of fasting is to engage
(A. patagonica) chicks are fed frequently by their parents and mechanisms that reduce metabolic costs and/or alter substrate
experience rapid growth to near adult size. The following 5 utilization. Depressing metabolic expenditures lessens the
months are marked by a decrease in parent foraging success, daily depletion of endogenous fuels and thus extends the
irregular feedings, and episodes of fasting that range from 1 capacity to survive fasting bouts and provide sufficient
to 5 months, resulting in a 30% to 68% loss in body mass energy to feed again. However, as noted earlier, there
(96, 97, 102, 531). During the next 3 months, both parents are many instances of fasting where animals are unable
regularly feed the chick which then completes growth and to significantly reduce their metabolic costs. This occurs
joins them at sea. Otariid seal pups are nursed onshore for 1 when animals are simultaneously fasting and engaged in
to 4 days between 2- and 30-day foraging trips their mothers energy consuming activities (e.g., mating, territory defense,
make at sea (55, 211, 212, 567). In contrast, phocid seal (true migration, incubation of eggs, and feeding of young) (87).
seals) pups are typically nursed continuously for 4 to 45 days, Hence, there is considerable variation among species in the
after which they are abruptly weaned when the mother departs extent to which metabolic rate is altered during bouts of
to feed at sea and does not return (415). The weaned pup fasting. In the following, we address four mechanisms that
remains on the ice or land for 2 to 12 weeks, before venturing contribute to the reduction of metabolic rates during fasting
into the sea to feed (52, 447, 449). episodes.

Volume 6, April 2016 779

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)
0.45 24
Cyprinus carpio Python molurus

0.30 16

0.15 8

0.00 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 3 6 9 12
Hours postfeeding Days postfeeding

(C) (D)
50 Pygoscelis adeliae 4.5 Rattus noviegicus

40 4.0

30 3.5

20 3.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6
Hours postfeeding Hours postfeeding

Figure 3 Energy expenditure (kJ/h) as a function of days postfeeding for the (A) common carp
Cyprinus carpio, (B) Burmese python Python molurus, (C) Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae,
and (D) laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus. These postprandial metabolic plots illustrate the vari-
ation in metabolic rate during meal digestion and the significant decline in metabolic rate
that occurs upon the completion of digestion. Figures were drawn from data presented in
(86, 163, 289, 492).

Reduction in activity rate by 25% to 1000% (Fig. 3) (489). Cessation of post-

prandial metabolic response is considered responsible for the
The combined activities of moving, foraging, territory initial reduction in metabolic rate for fasting Antarctic fur
defense, and thermoregulation account for 50% to 70% of an seal (Arctocephalus gazelle) and subantarctic fur seal (Arcto-
individual’s daily energy expenditure (106, 301, 497). During cephalus tropicalis) pups (19, 567). The extent that metabolic
dormancy of hibernation or estivation, animals tend to remain rate declines with the onset of fasting reflects the magnitude
completely or partially inactive. Hibernating rodents and to which it is increased during digestion (Fig. 3). Reductions
bears characteristically lie in a curled position which reduces in metabolic rate that are attributed to ceasing meal digestion
the surface to volume ratio, and therefore heat loss (Fig. 1) and assimilation range from 25% to 35% for mammals, 65%
(342). Estivating African lungfish, anurans, and siren sala- to 75% for fishes and amphibians, and up to 90% for some
manders are immobile in a cocoon of dried mucus and mud or reptiles (489).
fashioned from layers of dried skin (207,223,337,358). Other
anurans and reptiles that estivate without forming a cocoon
are likewise inactive (1, 105, 304, 506, 583). The sit-and-wait Lowering body temperature
foraging tactic employed by some snakes, associated with
long fasting bouts, involves much less movement and energy During daily torpor or hibernation, dormant animals
expenditure compared to the active foraging of other snakes either passively experience (ectotherms) or actively achieve
that feed more frequently (222, 497). By severely reducing or (endotherms) lower body temperatures (Tb ) (526). Depending
eliminating activity, daily energy expenditure can be reduced on ambient temperature, hibernating amphibians and reptiles
by at least 50%. can experience Tb s below 10◦ C, and for a few, Tb can fall
to a few degrees below 0◦ C (224, 435). As a product of Q10
effects, each 10◦ C drop in Tb is associated with a 50% to 65%
Eliminating specific dynamic action
decrease in metabolic rate (384). For example, at a hibernat-
Fasting is inherently characterized by an initial decrease in ing Tb of 5◦ C, the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis possesses
metabolic rate due to the cessation of meal digestion and a metabolic rate that is 20% of its standard metabolic rate at
assimilation. Feeding-induced gastric acid production, gut 25◦ C (4).
motility, enzyme production and release, ion and nutrient For birds and mammals that experience hibernation or
transport, nutrient assimilation, and the biosynthesis of glyco- daily torpor, entrance into torpor is accompanied by reduc-
gen, fats, and proteins all contribute to increasing metabolic tions in cardiac, ventilatory, and metabolic activity and

780 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

a subsequent fall in Tb that lags behind these parame- metabolic substrate at any given time represent the outcome
ters (151, 208, 232, 255, 526). However, after metabolism of two dynamic processes. Substrate production or release
is actively suppressed by cardiopulmonary and metabolic adds to the circulating pool, and substrate usage draws from
adjustments, the passive fall in Tb likely contributes to further that pool. Homeostatic mechanisms regulate both the addition
reductions in metabolic rate until a minimum Tb is reached and subtraction steps, thereby establishing a rate of turnover
(208,255). Metabolic rates can fall to as low as 2% of BMR for that matches metabolic need. Rates of substrate turnover for
small rodent hibernators (63,475), while hibernating bears can fasting animals can range from being low, (e.g., ectotherms
experience a 75% decrease in BMR (551). Thus, regulation during hibernation) to being much higher (e.g., endotherms
of Tb during torpor is not suspended, but rather is regulated during migration or lactation). Quantifying circulating con-
at a new set-point below which metabolic heat production is centrations of a substrate can be informative when assess-
activated to compensate for heat loss (515). ing whether levels are being maintained or altered. However,
inferences on rates of production and usage need to be made
with caution if rates of turnover are not likewise quantified
Metabolic depression
Independent of body temperature, the metabolic rate of a Extended bouts of fasting are characterized by distinct
dormant/fasting animal can be further depressed by 30% to shifts in the source and profiles of substrate utilization (362).
85% via the downregulation of cellular processes, including These shifts delineate three phases of fasting, each identi-
the depression of ion pumps, decrease in ion leakage, reduc- fied by a particular pattern of body mass loss and the sub-
tion in mitochondrial proton leak, and suppression of RNA strates being metabolized (26, 102, 236, 240, 322, 481). Com-
and protein synthesis (117, 232). For a detailed discussion paratively, the duration of phases are shorter and their tran-
of metabolic depression, readers are directed to a compre- sitions more easily identifiable for birds and mammals than
hensive review of metabolic flexibility in endotherms and for ectothermic vertebrates. Ectotherms, due to their lower
ectotherms in this journal (526). Here, we focus on metabolic metabolic rate and greater capacity for metabolic depression,
changes related to fasting and refeeding. Following 60 days of are able to fast for much longer durations (>1 year) and the
laboratory-induced estivation, the lungfish Protopterus dolloi transitions between phases tend to take more time and are
experienced a 50% reduction in liver mitochondrial respira- less definitive (261, 359). The characteristics of each of these
tion with a concurrent 42% to 55% decrease in citrate syn- phases are described later and illustrated in Figure 4.
thase activities of the heart, gills, and kidneys (190). Torpid
ground squirrels experience severe depression of translation
and thus dramatically reduce protein synthesis (up to 99%) in Phase I
all tissues as exemplified by liver and brain (188, 563, 604). Phase I of fasting is relatively short (from a few hours to a
Specific activity of cytochrome oxidase was lowered by 57% week) and encompasses the transition from meal digestion
and 65%, respectively, for the gastrocnemius and pectoralis
muscles of the king penguin chick after 108 days of fast-
ing (148). Following 12 to 14 weeks of laboratory-induced Glucose
estivation, protein synthesis in liver of the desert frog Neo-
batrachus centralis was reduced by 67%, contributing in part
to the 55% decrease in liver metabolism and 77% decrease β-Hydroxybutyrate
in whole-animal metabolism (192). In these studies, the sup-
pression of cellular activities is not universal among tissues
Relative levels

during fasting. In two of the studies mentioned above, skele-

tal muscle of N. centralis did not concurrently experience Protein use/urea
a depression in protein synthesis and metabolism, and liv-
ers of king penguin chicks did not alter specific activity of Mass specific weight loss
cytochrome oxidase following a 108-day fast (147, 192).
Metabolic rate

Phases of fasting
Fasting animals utilize endogenous glucose, lipids (e.g., glyc-
erol, fatty acids, and ketone bodies), and amino acids to pro-
duce the ATP necessary to fuel cellular processes. The com-
bination at which these substrates are produced and utilized is Figure 4 Characteristic profiles of metabolic variables during the
dynamic throughout a fasting bout, and varies among species three phases of fasting, including plasma concentrations of glucose,
as a function of the fasting natural history event, inherent β-hydroxybutyrate, urea, protein utilization, mass-specific body mass
loss, metabolic rate, and tissue concentrations of glycogen. Placement
adaptations to fasting, body size, body condition, body tem- of individual profiles with respect to the Y-axis is only illustrative and
perature, and metabolic rate. The circulating levels of any not quantitative. Figure adapted, with permission, from Figure 1 in (8).

Volume 6, April 2016 781

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

and assimilation to digestive quiescence and the employment Substrate utilization during fasting
of fasting responses. The daily rate of body mass loss is rel-
atively high due in part to the emptying of the gut (Fig. 4)
(102,236,567). Hence, this phase is accompanied by an initial The glucose polymer glycogen is stored as discrete vesicles
decline in metabolic rate as the energy-consuming processes largely within the liver and skeletal muscles. In response to the
of meal digestion and assimilation are suspended (19, 567). fasting decrease in blood glucose, and triggered by circulat-
The source of metabolized substrate switches from the pre- ing glucagon, cellular glycogen is serially cleaved enzymat-
vious meal to complete reliance upon body stores of glyco- ically to form glucose-6-phosphate which is rapidly metabo-
gen, lipids, and protein. During phase I, endotherms may lized within source tissues, or is converted within the liver to
nearly deplete glycogen stores to maintain glucose availabil- glucose and released into circulation. Given that the overall
ity (186, 187, 394, 436). quantity of stored glycogen is relatively modest (<5% of liver
mass), birds and mammals tend to rapidly deplete their glyco-
gen stores early in a fast (143, 426). Within the first 24 h of
Phase II
fasting, liver glycogen concentrations are depleted by 85% to
This phase, variable in duration and generally the longest, 95% for bats and rodents (Fig. 5) (187, 383, 394, 436). Within
encompasses the adaptive steps of substrate utilization and 48, 48, and 96 h after the start of a fast, liver glycogen is
metabolic provisioning to maintain homeostasis in the face of depleted by 50%, 67%, and 70%, respectively, for the insec-
fasting (Fig. 4). To optimize metabolic economy, metabolic tivorus bat Molossus molossus, the American marten Martes
rates may be further depressed and lipids now account americana, and the sable Martes zibellina (186, 393, 408).
for as much as 90% to 98% of the metabolized substrate For rodent hibernators, glycogen reserves decline during tor-
(95,430,460,463,567). To preserve tissue structure and func- por bouts and are then replenished via gluconeogenesis during
tion, amino acid usage is minimized (supporting only 2%-8% interbout arousals (198, 199, 505).
of metabolic needs); however, amino acids are utilized for Ectotherms likewise deplete tissue glycogen stores while
continued de novo production of glucose [i.e., gluconeogene- fasting, but at a much slower rate. Several days to a week of
sis (19,430,567)]. Characteristic of this phase is an increase in fasting lowers liver glycogen by 50% to 75% for the fishes
production of lipid-derived ketone bodies that serve as a glu- Acipenser naccarii, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Salmo salar,
cose substitute for tissues (e.g., neural and cardiac) that have Salmo trutta, and Tinca tinca, as well as for the lizard Ano-
a high preference for glucose (167, 437). Respiratory quo- lis carolinenesis (Fig. 5) (133, 195, 216, 398, 510, 518). Other
tients (RQs) decrease to 0.67-0.75 during this phase, reflect- ectotherms apparently spare liver glycogen with fasting, and
ing the oxidation of lipids and ketone bodies (271, 411, 442). only after an extended fast do glycogen levels become sig-
Body mass loss continues through this phase, at a more mod- nificantly depleted. Fasts of 5, 6, 12, and 20 months sig-
est rate as high energy-dense fat stores are slowly depleted nificantly reduced liver glycogen, respectively, for the eel
(102,236,567). For many fasting episodes, Phase II ends with Anguilla anguilla (by 43%), the lungfishes P. annectens
the resumption of feeding. and P. aethiopicus (by 40%), and the anurans Xenopus lae-
vis (by 87%) and Rana esculenta (by 95%) (221, 291, 318,
375). In contrast, after 10 days of fasting, the mudskipper
Phase III
If feeding is not resumed prior to reaching a threshold level
of lipid storage, fasting physiology transitions to Phase III. 125 Boleophthalmus boddaerti
Relative change (%) from fed

This critical period of fasting is characterized by a switch

from lipid to amino acid catabolism (Fig. 4) (412, 463). The 100
contribution of amino acids to fuel metabolism increases from
4% to 56% for the emperor penguin after it enters Phase III 75 Acipenser naccarii
(463). This switch in substrate utilization may result from the
downregulation of fatty acid oxidation rather than from the 50
depletion of fat stores (38). Phase III is also characterized Clethrionomys rufocanus
by a decrease in ketone body production, and an increase 25
Artibeus lituratus & A. jamaicensis
in amino acid-based gluconeogenesis (45, 94, 236, 420, 463).
Because proteins possess one-eighth the energy per wet mass 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
than fat, the rate of body mass loss is accelerated during
Days of fasting
Phase III (Fig. 4). Individuals that had been sedentary during
Phase II may abandon their activity (e.g., egg incubation) Figure 5 Variation in glycogen depletion with fasting is illustrated
during Phase III to search for food (10,16,230). If feeding does with the relative change in liver glycogen as a function of days postfeed-
not resume, the continued depletion of proteins and tissues ing for the mudskipper Boleophthalmus boddaerti, sturgeon Acipenser
naccarii, bats Artibeus lituratus and A. jamaicensis (combined data),
(i.e., cachexia) will eventually lead to organ failure, loss of and vole Clethrionomys rufocanus. Figure drawn, with permission, from
homeostasis, and mortality (i.e., death from starvation). data provided in (195, 329, 383, 436).

782 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

Boleophthalmus boddaeriti experienced a 25% increase in 100 (A)

Arctocephalus tropicalis
liver glycogen (Fig. 5) (274).
In addition to the liver, glycogen is also depleted during 80
fasting from skeletal muscle (by 60%-89% over 1-20 months)
for the lungfishes P. annectens and P. aethiopicus, the teleosts 60
Rutilus rutilus and Perca flavescens, and the anurans X. laevis
and R. esculenta (184, 221, 291, 373-375). Fasting reduces 40
glycogen stores from the brain of Oncorhynchus mykiss (72% 0 9 18 27 36
after 4 days) and S. salar (90% after 7 weeks), and from the 90 (B)
Salmo salar
ovaries of X. laevis (by 98% after 12 months) (375, 516, 518).
Two key enzymes that regulate tissue glycogen content 75
are glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. The for-
mer, responsible for glycogenesis, is downregulated in the 60

Glucose (mg dL–1)

brain and liver of fasted salmon S. salar (518). The latter,
responsible for glycogenolysis, is upregulated within 14 days 45
0 12 24 36 48
of fasting for the same fish (518). After 2 weeks of refeeding 180 (C)
following a 28-day fast, glycogen synthase is increased and Mirounga angustirostris
glycogen phosphorylase is decreased to values similar to those 155
of fed control fish (518). Similarly, refeeding restored liver
glycogen levels for the fish T. tinca, O. kisutch, and R. rutilus, 130
the lizard A. carolinenesis, and the quail Coturnix coturnix
japonica (133, 143, 216, 317, 373). Refeeding also generated 105
new stores of muscle glycogen for the fish R. rutilus and the 0 12 24 36 48
salamander Proteus anguinus (261, 373). 200 (D) Chen caerulescens atlantica

Glucose is metabolized by all tissues; however, it is the pre- 100
ferred fuel for the central nervous system, renal medulla, and
mature erythrocytes, which necessitates its constant availabil- 50
0 9 18 27 36
ity (448). In the absence of an exogenous source of glucose
Days of fasting
during fasting episodes, glucose continues to be available
via the hydrolysis of glycogen, the endogenous production of Figure 6 Plasma concentrations of glucose as a function of days
glucose (i.e., gluconeogenesis), and mechanisms to reduce the of fasting for (A) subantarctic fur seal pups (Arctocephalus tropi-
rate of glucose utilization. Glucose can be synthesized de novo calis) which experiences no significant change in blood glucose, (B)
the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) which experiences an initial drop
in the liver and kidneys from amino acids (mainly alanine), in blood glucose, (C) northern elephant seal pups (Mirounga angu-
glycerol (resulting from triglyceride lipolysis), ketones, and stirostris) which experiences a steady decline in blood glucose with fast-
recycled lactate and pyruvate (i.e., Cori cycle) (68, 88, 111). ing, and (D) greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica) whose
blood glucose is maintained elevated until the entrance into phase III
Suppression of glucose use (and hence gluconeogenesis) can before declining. Figure drawn, with permission, from data presented
be generated from the downregulation of glycolytic enzymes in (45, 112, 517, 567).
and the production of ketone bodies that can substitute for glu-
cose in certain tissues (see Ketone bodies). Fasting declines in
glucose oxidation for the muscles and brains of fishes report- prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), northern elephant seal
edly stems from the downregulation of phosphofructokinase, and subantarctic fur seal pups (Fig. 6A), lactating northern
pyruvate kinase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, elephant seals, and of 8 months for the subterranean salaman-
hexokinase, and aldolase (298, 338, 373, 516). Fasting north- der P. anguinus (98, 101, 231, 259, 261, 272, 420, 433, 567). In
ern elephant seals can temporarily increase insulin resistance general, blood glucose levels likewise remain relatively sta-
of adipose tissue to slow the utilization of circulating glucose ble during hibernation for mammals, with any drop during
(568, 570). torpor reversed during interbout arousals via gluconeogen-
The effects of fasting on plasma glucose concentrations esis (310, 505, 544). In other species, plasma glucose con-
are variable. In some species, plasma glucose concentration centrations have been observed to: (1) decline early in a fast
remains unchanged or decreases at some point after the start and largely remain stable thereafter; (2) decline gradually
of the fast (Fig. 6). For example, compared to fed/prefast throughout the fast; or, (3) remain stable for an extended
states, plasma glucose levels remain unaltered following fasts period before significantly decreasing (Fig. 6). Plasma glu-
of 4 to 7 weeks for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), breed- cose decreased within 1, 5, and 7 days of fasting, respec-
ing and molting king and emperor penguins, black-tailed tively, for the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, the martin,

Volume 6, April 2016 783

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

and the teleost T. tinca (133, 187, 247). The Atlantic salmon It has been proposed that hibernating arctic ground squirrels
experiences a 20% decline in plasma glucose within 24 h of (Urocitellus parryi) restore glycogen during arousal bouts
fasting, but no further change for the next 42 days of fasting via a contribution that is approximately 75% from glycerol
(Fig. 6B) (518). Plasma glucose dropped by 30% 3 and 4 days and 25% from amino acids (198). Winter fasting in hiber-
into a fast, respectively, for the rat and trout O. mykiss, but nating mammals is accompanied by increases in transcript
did not vary for the next 12 and 10 days of the study (516). and protein levels for genes that regulate gluconeogenesis
A 70-day fast generated a 55% decrease in plasma glucose (153, 156, 262, 290, 470, 507, 579, 593, 594).
for the rattlesnake Crotalus atrox, after which glucose levels
did not vary until day 182 of the fast when the study ended
A continuous decline in plasma glucose was observed over Lipids are stored as discrete pads of fat within the body cavity
a 28-day fast in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (restored (e.g., visceral or mesenteric fat), subcutaneously (e.g., blub-
after 14 days of refeeding), during the 8 to 10 weeks of the ber), and as intracellular droplets within tissues (e.g., liver
postwean fast for northern elephant seal pups (Fig. 6C), dur- and muscle). Predominately composed as triglycerides, fat
ing the 4-5 months of underground dormancy for the lizard bodies, and droplets originate largely from ingested lipids
T. merianae, during 5 months of fasting (Phases II and III) for when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, and secon-
king penquin chicks, and over a 12-month fast for X. laevis darily from fatty acids synthesized from glucose and amino
(97,112,134,374). In slight contrast, adult greater snow geese acid precursors. In preparation for fasting, animals increase
(Chen caerulescens atlantica) maintained stable plasma glu- food intake and/or alter their diet to build up body stores of
cose levels through Phase II fasting before levels declined fat (248, 312, 385). Lipids are efficient metabolic fuels dur-
with the transition to Phase III (Fig. 6D) (45). During the first ing fasting due to their high-energy density (∼39 kJ/g), and
40 days of fasting adult sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) main- because they are stored largely dehydrated. Lipids possess
tained blood glucose levels, but for the subsequent100 days approximately eight times the energy content per wet mass
of fasting, glucose concentrations decreased by 27% (601). In compared to glycogen (glucose) and proteins (amino acids)
stark contrast and rarely observed during fasting are increases (7).
in blood glucose as recorded for the raptor Buteo buteo, imma- The switch from carbohydrates to lipids as the predom-
ture carp (Cyprinus carpio), and lactating northern elephant inant fuel source is a hallmark of fasting physiology. For
seals (43, 88, 201). hibernating mammals, this is reflected in seasonal changes
Gluconeogenesis occurs chiefly in the liver and secondar- in the expression of genes that regulate the carbohydrate to
ily in the kidneys and intestine (68, 395, 423, 538). It has been lipid switch, including the increased expression of pyruvate
suggested that gluconeogenesis can also occur in fish red dehydrogenase kinase isoenzyme 4 (PDK4) which inhibits the
muscle; however, more recent evidence lends little support conversion of the glycolytic product pyruvate to acetyl-CoA in
for this to occur (381, 538). The pathway of gluconeogenesis, the heart, white adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle (64, 477).
regardless of initial substrate (e.g., pyruvate, lactate, amino Other changes at the mRNA and/or protein levels that facili-
acid, glycerol, or acetoacetate) involves passing through, in tate the switch from carbohydrate to lipid fuels during hiberna-
reverse direction, the glycolytic pathway (538). Hence for tion include increases in carnitine palmitoyltranserferase 1A
gluconeogenesis, enzymes specific to glycolysis (e.g., glucose (CPT1A), fatty acid binding protein 1 (FABP1), 3-hydroxy-3-
phosphate isomerase, hexokinase, aldolase, and glyceraldehy- methylglutaryl-CoA synthase (HMGCS2), fibroblast growth
des 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) are downregulated, whereas factor 21 (FGF21), and reductions in acetyl-CoA carboxy-
the enzymes that catalyze gluconeogenic steps (e.g., glucose- lase 2 (ACACB), stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), and elon-
6-phosphatase, pyruvate carboxylase, and phospoenolpyru- gation of very long chain fatty acids protein 6 (ELOVL6)
vate carboxykinase [PEPCK]) are upregulated. Seven-week (156, 168, 262, 351, 470, 503, 507, 579, 580).
and 4-month fasts, respectively, for the fishes P. flavescens During a fast, triglycerides are cleaved by lipoprotein
and Pleuronectes platessa resulted in significant reduc- lipase (LPL), adipose triglyceride lipase, hormone-sensitive
tions in the activities of liver hexokinase and pyruvate lipase (HSL), and monoglyceride lipase into nonesterified
kinase, concurrent with increases in liver PEPCK activity fatty acids (NEFAs) and glycerol, which can either be metabo-
(184, 381). lized within cells or released into circulation to travel through
The relative contribution of gluconeogenic substrates to the body attached to protein carriers (e.g., albumin) (569).
gluconeogenesis is, as might be expected, variable among Liver activity and mRNA expression of LPL and HSL increase
fasting animals. For lactating northern elephant seals, it is esti- by 2- to 3-fold within 2 to 3 weeks of fasting for the Nile
mated that glycerol (<3% contribution to gluconeogenesis), tilapia (O. niloticus) (549). Beta-oxidation of NEFA gener-
amino acids (14%) and the cycling of lactate through pyru- ates acetyl-CoA that is shuttled into the TCA cycle, or to a
vate (Cori cycle) contribute to the gluconeogenic pathway, lesser extent, is used to produce ketone bodies (see below).
(88, 272). Rates of gluconeogenesis increase with fasting for Hence, extended bouts of fasting are generally characterized
teleost fishes; however, they are more apt to decline with time by a steady decline in body fat stores and elevations in plasma
fasting (during Phase II) for mammals (88,116,381,536,601). concentrations of NEFA, glycerol, and ketone bodies.

784 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

(A) (A) Nyctereutes procyonoides

1.5 Arctocephalus tropicalis 25

Fatty acids (mmol L–1)


0 9 18 27 36
(B) Crotalus atrox

Relative % difference
1.8 Aptenodytes patagonica

0.0 –200
0 9 18 27 36 (C) Ursus americanus
Days of fasting
Figure 7 Plasma concentration of fatty acids as a function of days 100
of fasting for (A) subantarctic fur seal pups (Arctocephalus tropicalis) 50
and (B) molting king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonica). Fur seal pups
experience a doubling of fatty acid levels with the onset of Phase II (day 0
4) and both animals experienced a rise in fatty acids toward the end of –50
Phase II (day 32). Figures drawn, with permission, from data presented
in (98, 567). 14:0 14:1 15:0 16:0 16:1 17:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3 20:0 20:1 20:2 22:0 22:1 22:5 23:0 24:0 24:1

Fatty acid

Figure 8 Relative differences (in percent compared to fed active ani-

Nonesterified fatty acids mals) in the concentration of individual fatty acids for (A) the scapular
adipose tissue of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) following
Birds and mammals commonly experience during Phase II an 8-week fast, (B) the plasma of diamondback rattlesnakes (Crotalus
an increase in plasma NEFA on the order of 50% to 100% atrox) fasted for 180 days, and (C) the plasma of female nonlactating
(Fig. 7), although a 340% increase was observed for fast- black bear (Ursus americanus) following several months of hibernation.
Illustrated is the dynamic nature of circulating fatty acids in response
ing dogs (Fig. 7) (57, 100, 193, 322, 323). Upon the transi- to fasting and the variation of that response among animals. Figure
tion to Phase III, plasma NEFA either immediately decrease drawn, with permission, from data presented in (323, 360, 390).
or continue to increase temporarily (97, 98, 100, 226, 272).
For ectotherms, plasma concentrations of NEFA following with the preferential transport of selected NEFA into circu-
a month of fasting did not vary for the turtle Phrynops lation, results in particular classes of NEFA that are utilized
hilarii; however, they did increase by 30% for the salaman- over others during fasting bouts.
der Euproctus asper and by 65% for the sea bass D. labrax For the raccoon dog, an 8-week fast resulted in a dis-
(124, 261, 601). Following a respective 5 and 8 months of proportionate reduction in short-chain (14-17) saturated fatty
fasting, plasma NEFA concentrations steadily increased by acids (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and
50% for the eel A. anguilla and the subterranean salaman- a concurrent increase in concentrations of long-chain (18-22)
der P. anguinus (261, 318). In contrast, the toad fish Opsanus SFA, MUFA, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of adi-
tau and Atlantic cod experienced respectively 72% and 90% pose tissues sampled from six sites within the body (Fig. 8A)
decreases in plasma NEFA after 3 and 5 months of experimen- (390). Seven months of hibernation reduced the relative con-
tal fasting (42, 543). For small rodent hibernators, NEFAs are centrations of palmitic acid (16:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1),
elevated during winter torpor when compared to levels expe- and α-linolenic acid (18:3), while increasing the concentra-
rienced during the spring, summer, and interbout arousals tions of myristic acid (14:0) and stearic acid (18:0) within the
during hibernation (28, 34, 310, 401, 443). tail fat of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (173). A 5-month hiber-
In addition to fasting increases in circulating NEFA, the nation season in the echidna T. aculeatus led to reductions
dynamics of NEFA release and utilization may have selec- in the relative concentrations of MUFA, specifically palmi-
tive components. This is supported by the findings that toleic acid and oleic acid (18:1), and reciprocal increases in
the relative concentrations of circulating NEFA may not the SFA lauric (12:0), palmitic, and stearic acids, and the
match those within adipose tissues, and that during a fast, PUFA linoleic acid (18:2) in peritoneal and subcutaneous fat
the relative concentrations of circulating and tissue NEFA depots (165). Like the lemur and echidna, a 4-day fast in the
change (128) (Fig. 8). The selective hydrolysis of triglycerides pheasant Phasianus colchicus mongolicus reduced the rela-
via lipases, phosopholipases, and acyltranserfases, combined tive proportions of palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid,

Volume 6, April 2016 785

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

and α-linolenic acid (389). For the rattlesnake C. atrox, a A different pattern is observed for fasting king penguin
182-day fast was accompanied by a decrease in whole body chicks which experience a doubling of plasma glycerol dur-
concentration of SFA (chiefly 16:0) and MUFA (chiefly 18:1) ing the latter stages of Phase II and further increases with
and an increase in PUFA (e.g., 18:2) (Fig. 8B) (360). the onset of Phase III, before declining (97). Increases in
Fasting also affects plasma NEFA concentrations. Hiber- plasma glycerol have also been documented for the fasting
nation in lactating and nonlactating female black bears (Ursus sea bass D. labrax, the raccoon dog, and prior to Phase III
americanus) increased plasma concentrations of SFA (namely for molting adult king penguins and lactating northern ele-
16:0), whereas there was no change in MUFA concentra- phant seals (94,98,272,390,601). However, for these lactating
tions and a decrease in the concentrations of PUFA (e.g., seals, increases in glycerol levels may reflect the nutritional
18:3n3; 20:3n3; and 20:5n3) (Fig. 8C) (323). In contrast, dynamics of lactation rather than a response specific to fast-
7 months of hibernation in yellow-bellied marmots (Mar- ing. Plasma glycerol levels were found to oscillate after the
mota flaviventris) led to a decrease in plasma SFA (e.g., onset of fasting for the salamander P. anguinus, remaining
16:0), no change in MUFA, and a significant increase in unchanged for the first 60 days, increasing over the next 60
PUFA (e.g., 18:2) (180). Compared to summer levels for the days, and then decreasing thereafter (until day 240) (261). Fol-
European brown bear, Ursus arctos arctos, mid-hibernation lowing 15 days of refeeding this salamander restored glycerol
plasma had increased concentrations of palmitic, octadec- levels to its initial prefast concentration (261). Hibernating
11-enoic (18:1n-7), arachidonic (20:4n-6) acids, and docosa- 13-lined ground squirrels experience an increase in plasma
hexaenoic (DHA, 22:6n-3) acids relative to fed levels, but levels of glycerol 3-phosphate which plays key roles in the
reduced concentrations of heptadecanoic (17:0), stearic, oleic, regulation of lipid metabolism and plasma membrane com-
γ-linolenic (18:3n-6), α-linolenic acid, and eicosapentaenoic position (154).
(EPA, 20:5n-3) acids (266).
These studies demonstrate the variation among species in
Ketone bodies
the particular classes (SFA, MUFA, and PUFA) and forms of
NEFA that are mobilized from body fat stores during a fast. Characteristic of Phase II fasting is the increased produc-
SFAs (notably 16:0) are preferentially utilized during fasting tion and catabolism of the ketone bodies, acetoacetate and
for black and brown bears, raccoon dogs, and rattlesnakes, β-hydroxybutyrate (Fig. 4). Originating from beta oxidation
though selectively retained in body fat of the echidna and of NEFA within the liver, both substrates can be converted to
marmot. Polyunsaturated linolenic and α-linolenic acids are acetoacetyl-CoA which when cleaved to acetyl-CoA enters
mobilized during fasting for the fat-tailed dwarf lemur and the Krebs cycle (464). A benefit of ketone body formation
marmot, while being retained in fat stores of the raccoon is that ketones can serve as an alternative metabolic sub-
dog, echidna, rattlesnake, and black and brown bears. The strate to glucose for the central nervous system, heart, muscle,
selective retention (or mobilization) of unsaturated fatty acids and kidneys (175, 423, 464). For example, oxidation rates of
may stem from a species-specific need to maintain (or alter) β-hydroxybutyrate within the brain of the teleost O. mykiss
membrane integrity and fluidity (397). increased by 18-fold within two weeks of fasting (516). A sec-
While the attention and expectation that fatty acid dynam- ond benefit is that an increased reliance on ketones reduces
ics during fasting is localized to storage forms of neutral the amount of amino acids (stemming from protein/tissue
lipids (i.e., triglycerides), structural polar lipids (i.e., mem- degradation) channeled into gluconeogenesis, thus preserv-
brane phospholipids) may also exhibit dynamic usage and ing protein structure (171, 464). A possible detrimental side
retention with fasting. The phospholipids of the brown adi- effect of ketone accumulation is a decrease in blood pH
pose tissues of rats undergo a decrease in the relative content (i.e., ketoacidosis) (68, 83). However, a 15-fold increase in
of myristic acid (14:0) and palmitoleic acid (16:1), while plasma β-hydroxybutyrate experienced by fasting geese had
increasing the content of linoleic acid (18:2) and arachidonic no effect on plasma pH (322). Increases in plasma acetoacetate
acid (20:4) after 10 days of fasting (229). However, 4 days of and β-hydroxybutyrate are considered evidential of increased
fasting had no effect on the fatty acid composition of polar ketone production and usage, however, such increases may
lipids for the claviculocoracoid adipose tissue, heart, liver, or only reflect a decrease in utilization (464).
the pectoral muscle of the Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix Young and adult birds and mammals experience fasting
(35). increases in plasma acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate, high-
lighted by 15- to 40-fold increases observed for fasting bea-
gles, geese, weaned northern elephant seal pups, hibernating
bears and ground squirrels, and laboratory rats (Figs. 9A-
Glycerol can serve as a gluconeogenic precursor via its con- C) (45, 57, 82, 97, 100, 193, 236, 310, 322, 323, 421, 444, 567).
version to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and then to glucose While ketone levels are maintained through Phase II fasting,
6-phosphatate. The immediate decline and continued main- they tend to decline significantly with entrance into Phase III
tenance of low glycerol plasma concentrations during fast- (Figs. 9B and C) (45, 93, 99, 236).
ing experienced by subantarctic fur seal pups suggests that Ketone metabolism during hibernation is supported
they are channeling glycerol into gluconeogenesis (567). by increased gene expression of the rate-limiting enzyme

786 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

6 (A) Arctocephalus tropicalis for the white-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys leucurus), a find-
ing that is counter to the 62% increase in plasma β-
4 hydroxybutyrate experienced by the black-tailed prairie dog
(C. ludvicianus) in the same study (249). Adult female and
2 male northern elephant seals fasted for 6 and 10 to 12 weeks,
respectively, possessed very low plasma β-hydroxybutyrate
levels (0.0-0.17 mmol/L) compared to fasting pups (0.7-
0 9 18 27 36 1.8 mmol/L), suggesting differences in ketone utilization
based on developmental needs (82). Laboratory-induced esti-
12 (B) Chen caerulescens atlantica
vation for 60 days did not alter plasma β-hydroxybutyrate and
β-OHB (mmol L–1)

tissue concentrations of acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate

for the lungfish, P. dolloi (190). The livers of these fish (pri-
mary site of ketone synthesis) similarly lacked any change
with estivation in the activities of the ketone-synthesizing
enzymes β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (β-HBDH) and
0 succinyl-CoA ketotransferase (190). Fasts of 60 days and
0 9 18 27 36
up to 150 days, respectively, for the carp C. carpio and sea
2.4 (C) Aptenodytes patagonica bass D. labrax generated no change in plasma concentra-
tions of acetoacetate and no detection of β-hydroxybutyrate
1.6 (501, 601). Plasma levels of β-hydroxybutyrate actually
decreased with fasting for the salmon S. salar (518). Given
0.8 the apparent lack of a ketone response with fasting among
lung and teleost fishes, ketones apparently contribute little to
0.0 fueling their metabolism (or to preserving proteins) during
0 12 24 36 48
episodes of fasting (42, 190, 397, 501, 518, 601).
Days of fasting

Figure 9 Plasma concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB) as a Triglycerides

function of days of fasting for (A) subantarctic fur seal pups (Arc-
tocephalus tropicalis), (B) greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens Extended episodes of fasting produce variable responses
atlantica), and (C) breeding male king penguins (Aptenodytes patag-
onica). For these species, β-OHB steadily increased with fasting how-
in plasma concentrations of triglycerides among different
ever peaked midway through Phase II fasting for the snow geese and species and fasting durations. Across 10 days of fasting,
king penguins before declining and returning to initial levels during plasma triglyceride levels remained steady for the mink
Phase III. Figures were drawn, with permission, from data presented in
(45, 101, 567).
(Mustela vison) (Fig. 10A), while 6 days of fasting resulted
in a 17% increase in plasma triglycerides for the herring
gull (Larus argentalus) (552). Similarly, plasma triglycerides
increased during the first 6 days of fasting for the yellow
in ketone body synthesis, 3-hydroxy 3-methyl glutaryl- legged gull (Larus cachinnans), then declined over the next
Coenzyme A synthase 2 (HMGCS2), in the liver, kidney, and 2 days (8). Five weeks into their postweaning fast, north-
intestine (153, 156, 262, 290, 470, 507, 579). The importance ern elephant seal pups experienced a 29% increase in plasma
of this metabolic fuel is underscored by the upregulation of its triglycerides; however, 2 weeks later, levels returned to initial
transporter, monocarboxylic acid transporter 1 (MCT-1) in the values (420). An 8-week fast generated a 20% increase in
brain and increased expression of succinyl CoA transferase, plasma triglyceride for the raccoon dog (390).
the rate-limiting enzyme for ketolysis, in the heart (477). Like- In contrast, 3 and 5 days of fasting lowered plasma triglyc-
wise among terrestrial ectotherms, increases in ketone levels eride levels by 50% and 60%, respectively, for the laboratory
have been noted during fasting for the anuran Rana sylvatica, rat and Antarctic fur seal pups (19, 58). Tilapia (O. niloticus),
the lizard T. merianae, the rattlesnake C. atrox, and the green sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii), and trout (O. mykiss) expe-
sea turtle (134, 258, 360, 440). Exposed to fasting regimes of rience nearly a 70% decrease in plasma triglyceride levels
40, 100, and 150 days, the dogfish shark Scylliorhinus canic- by 28, 40, and 40 days of fasting, respectively, with lev-
ula experienced on average 5.6- and 86.7-fold increases in els restored following 3 to 4 weeks of refeeding (Fig. 10B)
plasma concentrations of acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate, (195, 549). Subantarctic fur seal pups experienced an imme-
respectively, compared to time-matched fed controls (601). diate 75% drop in plasma triglycerides through Phase I
Not all instances of fasting induce increases in acetoac- that remained low throughout Phase II (567). Six days of
etate and/or β-hydroxybutyrate. Whereas fasting induced a fasting led to near total depletion of plasma triglycerides
20-fold increase in plasma β-hydroxybutyrate in geese, ace- for the Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) even
toacetate level was not affected (322). Five weeks of fasting though the snake possesses prominent stores of fat (Fig. 10C)
led to a 31% decrease in plasma levels of β-hydroxybutyrate (459).

Volume 6, April 2016 787

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

8 (A) Mustela vison (by 330% after 1 month), and in mammalian hibernators that
do not eat during winter (17, 154, 158, 182, 315, 323, 421, 478,
6 519,541,575). For hibernators, at least, the increase in plasma
mmol L–1

4 Triglyceride cholesterol during fasting appears to stem from the reduction

in fecal output and bile production, as both are routes for
2 cholesterol removal (421). The heavy reliance on lipids as
the primary winter fuel coupled with the increase in plasma
0 2 4 6 8 10 cholesterol points to an efficient use of lipoproteins during
Oncorhynchus mykiss
hibernation. Expression of apolipoprotein A-I, the main pro-
600 (B) tein of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) increases in hiber-
nating ground squirrels in liver and intestine, the two organs
400 that synthesize it (153, 155, 351). Cholesterol levels in both
mg dL–1

HDL and low-density lipopoprotein particles are greater in

200 hibernators compared with active ground squirrels, and HDL
particle size also increases during hibernation (421).
0 12 24 36 48 60 72
Protein/amino acids
1600 (C) Python molurus
For fasting animals, the amino acids that are catabolized or
1200 channeled into gluconeogenesis originate largely from the
mg dL–1

degradation of body tissues. Given the combined mass of
an individual’s soft tissues, amino acids theoretically consti-
400 tute the largest pool of available energy for a fasting animal.
The fasting breakdown of proteins also provides three- and
0 10 20 30 four-carbon citric acid cycle intermediates necessary for fat
Days of fasting catabolism and it also releases water (protein-based tissues
are ∼75% water) which would counter dehydration (245).
Figure 10 Plasma concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol as Protein catabolism during extended fasts is regulated in part
a function of days of fasting for the (A) trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, (B)
mink Mustela vison, and (C) Burmese python Python molurus. For the
by shifts in the expression of genes related to protein utiliza-
Burmese python, the start of the fast is noted at 3 days postfeeding tion, as documented for hibernating mammals that fast the
when plasma triglycerides peaked. Both the trout and python experi- entire winter (156, 170, 262, 470, 503, 579, 594). In spite of its
enced an initial decrease in plasma triglycerides that was not experi-
enced by the mink. Python possess nondetectable levels of triglycerides
large endogenous energy source, role in fat metabolism, and
in their plasma once they have completed digestion. Fasting resulted glucose and water homeostasis, amino acid metabolism has
in a modest decrease in plasma cholesterol for the trout, but remained several severe drawbacks. First, it requires the breakdown of
unchanged for both the python and mink. Figures were drawn, with per-
mission, from data presented in (41, 195) and (S. Secor, unpublished
proteins that may be essential for tissue structure and function.
data). While a sufficient amount of labile proteins are available (e.g.,
skin, viscera tissue, blood albumin, and skeletal muscle not
pertinent for locomotion), the continued degradation of enzy-
matic, mechanical, and structural proteins will result in the
deterioration of critical tissues and organs and severe home-
An important role of cholesterol during fasting is reportedly ostatic imbalances that will eventually lead to death. Indeed,
its part in the transport of triglycerides in lipoprotein parti- death is imminent once 40% to 50% of the body’s protein
cles (407). However, the fasting-related responses of plasma pool is depleted (567). A second drawback is that amino acid
cholesterol do not necessarily track those of triglycerides, catabolism results in the production of ammonia, which is
and are variable across species (Fig. 10). Fasts of 10, 30, 72, toxic, and either has to be immediately released, or detoxified
and 72 days, and of 5 months resulted in 38%, 44%, 62%, by being converted to urea or uric acid. The former path is only
38%, and 23% decreases in plasma cholesterol, respectively, available for aquatic vertebrates, and the latter option occurs
for the gull L. cachinnans, raccoon dog, sturgeon (A. nac- at a cost and the need to excrete urea or uric acid, or tolerate
carii), trout (O. mykiss) (Fig. 10B), and eel (A. anguilla) its accumulation. Therefore, many animals that predictably
(8, 194, 318). Fasting generated no change in plasma choles- experience extended fasts possess mechanisms to reduce, for
terol for red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa), herring gull, as long as possible, protein degradation (97, 170, 262, 430).
mink (Fig. 10A), Burmese python (Fig. 10C), and northern Fasting associated increases in amino acid catabolism
elephant seal pups following respective fasts of 4, 6, 10, 30, have been inferred by decreases, as well as increases, in
and 49 days (41, 420, 465, 491, 552). plasma amino acid concentrations and quantified decreases
In contrast, fasting increases plasma cholesterol in the rap- in tissue protein (43, 392). For 13-lined ground squirrels, lev-
tor B. buteo (by 25% and reversed with feeding), the rabbit els of plasma amino acids from summer-fed to winter-fasted

788 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

conditions show variable patterns of increase, decrease or It took 6 months of fasting for the frog X. laevis and sala-
no change (154). For the mink, which has relatively poor mander P. anguinus to begin experiencing declines in muscle
adaptations to fasting, skeletal muscle and liver (but not protein (261, 375). Over a 1-month fast, subantarctic fur seal
plasma) protein levels steadily decline during a single week pups, averaging 16 kg at the start, lost only 4.3 g of protein
of fasting (392). The mink’s concurrent increase in plasma per day compared to losing 102 g of fat daily (567). During
3-methyhistidine, a constituent of actin and myosin, is evi- their postwean-fast, 30-kg harp seal pups and 100-kg northern
dent of muscle breakdown (392, 598). A 5-day fast decreased elephant seal pups lose an estimated 8 and 10 g of protein per
liver protein by 46%, but had no significant effect on mus- day while losing 360 and 600 g of body mass per day, respec-
cle protein for the rat (218). Both the trout O. mykiss and tively (273, 410). Protein sparing and minimal myofibril loss
sturgeon A. naccarii experienced significant declines (31%- is characteristic of the locomotor muscles of estivating frogs
56%) in liver and white muscle protein concentrations within and hibernating bears (348, 550). However, for lactating and
5 days of fasting that coincided for the sturgeon with a 61% hibernation bears, as well as for lactating seals, the loss of
increase in plasma protein concentration (no change for the muscle protein may be unavoidable due to the provisioning
trout) (195). Fifteen and 30 days of fasting lead to respec- of protein for milk production (123, 372, 550). The entrance
tive 14% and 30% decrease in muscle protein for the sea into Phase III fasting is characterized by an elevation in tissue
bass D. labrax and catfish Rhamdia hilarii (233, 343). Imma- protein loss as amino acids are increasingly responsible for
ture carp C. carpio fasted for 50 days had depleted liver and fueling metabolism, and are being channeled into gluconeoge-
muscle protein content by a respective 40% and 16%, while nesis (45,420,461). For 13-lined ground squirrels, levels of all
experiencing more than a 300% increase in the concentration but two (lysine and glutamine) of 14 amino acids identified in
of plasma amino acids (43). a screening of plasma metabolites were lower during hiber-
For fasting-adapted animals, plasma amino acid levels nation relative to summer (154). That study also identified
typically remain stable and protein breakdown is modest (i.e., an intriguing pattern in which levels of certain N-acetylated
employing protein sparing) during Phases I and II (Fig. 11A) amino acids increase during torpor and are then reduced dur-
(45, 463, 567). Five and a half months of fasting induced no ing the subsequent interbout arousal period. This may reflect
change in the protein concentrations of skeletal muscle and a salvage mechanism that spares and recycles essential amino
liver for the eel A. anguilla; however, for the last 2-3 months of acids for use in new protein synthesis during winter fasting
that period, plasma protein levels had dropped by 35% (129). (154).
Adding to the dynamics of fasting-generated modulation
of plasma amino acid concentrations are concurrent changes
(A) in the relative contribution of individual amino acids to the
Plasma protein (g L–1)

overall pool. The 30% decline in total amino acid concentra-

45 tion for dogs fasted for three weeks stems from the combined
36% to 71% declines in levels of alanine, glycine, proline,
serine, and threonine, no change in cystine and methionine
35 levels, and 33% to 81% increases in isoleucine, leucine, and
valine concentrations (57). Eight weeks of fasting resulted in
0 9 18 27 36
a 21% decline in plasma amino acid concentration for the rac-
Days of fasting
coon dog that was contributed to by 20% to 59% decreases in
plasma levels of alanine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, proline,
160 (B)
and valine, countered by respective 17% and 51% increases
Relative change

120 in glutamine and serine (Fig. 11B) (391). Several fish stud-
ies have observed with fasting the selective release of ala-
80 nine which is the favored amino acid for gluconeogenesis
(326, 377, 538).

0 Ammonia/Urea/Uric acid
Amino acid oxidation starts with the removal of the α-amino
acid nitrogen as ammonia (NH3 , readily converted to NH4 + ).
Figure 11 (A) Plasma concentration of proteins as a function of days Ammonia, due to its toxicity (it impairs membrane poten-
of fasting for the greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica). tial, metabolism, and neural function) must be immediately
Protein levels remain relatively stable through phase I and II, before
declining with the onset of Phase III (day 30). (B) The relative change exported, significantly diluted, or converted to the less toxic
in plasma concentrations of amino acids following 8 weeks of fasting forms of urea or uric acid. The direct excretion of ammo-
for the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). While the majority of nia is only practical for aquatic organisms (fishes and aquatic
amino acids decreased in concentration, two amino acids (glutamine
and serine) increased. Figures drawn, with permission, from data pre- amphibians and reptiles). Urea, produced via the ornithine-
sented in (45, 390). urea cycle in the liver, is less toxic, requires less water, costs

Volume 6, April 2016 789

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

approximately 5 mol of ATP per mol of urea synthesized, and ammonia did not change over a full year fast for the anu-
is excreted through gills or by the renal-urinary system (335). ran X. laevis; however, plasma urea did drop by 50% within
Urea is the principal excretory endproduct of amino acid oxi- 2 months of the fast and returned to prefast levels by the
dation of semiterrestreal and terrestrial amphibians and all tenth month of fasting (375). For at least 180 days of fast-
mammals. Uric acid, produced likewise in the liver, is syn- ing, the subterranean salamander, P. anguinus exhibited no
thesized in an anhydrous form (favoring water economy) at a change in plasma urea concentration, however between 180
cost of 7 mol of ATP per mol of uric acid (335). Reptiles and and 240 days of the fast, plasma urea levels had increased by
birds are chiefly uricotelic, however many animals possess 31% (261). For this salamander, 4 days of refeeding restored
the capacity to produce and excrete ammonia, urea, and uric plasma urea to prefast levels (261).
acid in varied combinations, depending on their environmen- Animals that experience intermittent short episodes of
tal and feeding/fasting state. Therefore, indices of amino acid fasting exhibit similar profiles of urea and uric acid production
catabolism stem from quantifying urine, plasma, and tissue during a more compressed Phase II. For the rat and yellow-
levels of ammonia, and the constructed products of urea and legged gull, the rapid entrance into phase II is met with a
uric acid (93, 227, 461). decrease in plasma urea (rat and gull) and uric acid (gull)
For fasting-adapted animals, the suppression of amino (8, 236). Seven to 10 days later, the transition to Phase III
acid oxidation during Phase II is evident by the initial decrease occurs with a 137% increase in plasma urea for the rat and
and retention of modest concentrations of plasma urea and uric 200% to 300% increases in plasma urea and uric acid for
acid until the onset of Phase III (97, 101, 463, 567). With the the gull. For nonfasting adapted animals, the initiation of a
transition to increase amino acid usage of Phase III, plasma fast is accompanied by an immediate increase in plasma urea
urea and uric acid levels rise rapidly. Following 7 weeks of and uric acid. Avian examples include the steady increase
fasting by breeding king penguins, this transition includes a in plasma urea and/or uric acid that peaked at 3, 10, and
13- and 8-fold increase in urea and uric acid plasma con- 13 days at 8, 40, and 5 times prefast levels, respectively for
centrations, respectively (Fig. 12A) (101). During the first the red-legged partridge, chicken, and B. buteo (Fig. 12B)
30 days of a fast, plasma uric acid of greater snow geese (201, 417, 465). Equally poorly adapted to fasting, the mink
increased steadily by 0.5 mmol L−1 ; however, for the next 5 more than doubles plasma urea within 3 days of fasting, and
days (entrance into Phase III), plasma concentrations jumped triples levels 2 days later (392).
by 1.5 mmol L−1 (45). Serum urea nitrogen decrease imme-
diately with the onset of fasting for beagles and remained
lowered over a 3-week fast (57). Plasma concentrations of
Although dormant for 5 to 7 months without eating, drink-
ing, urinating, or defecating, bears lose very little muscle
mass and experience no changes in plasma protein, amino
6 (A) acids, ammonia, urea, or uric acid during hibernation (339).
Aptenodytes patagonica
Reduced expression during winter of genes that regulate the
4 urea cycle is a common theme in hibernating mammals and
mmol L–1

is consistent with the preferential use of amino acids dur-

2 Urea Uric acid ing winter fasting for gluconeogenesis and the TCA cycle
(156, 170, 470, 579, 580, 594). While this may suggest that
0 hibernating bears suppress protein catabolism, they actually
0 10 20 30 40 50 experience elevated levels of protein turnover (27, 339). Pro-
75 (B) tein catabolism continues during hibernation to produce Kreb
Buteo buteo cycle intermediaries, to free up water, and to provide nitro-
50 gen for milk production. However, the resulting urea does
mg dL–1

not accumulate within the body or is excreted, but rather
25 appears to be hydrolyzed within the gut lumen by microbial
Uric acid ureases into CO2 and ammonia (27, 403, 456), with the CO2
0 lost through ventilation. Some of the liberated ammonia dif-
0 6 12 18 24 30 fuses back into the host and is resynthesized into urea within
Days of fasting the liver, but a significant fraction is used by gut microbes
to synthesize new amino acids and proteins. Absorption of
Figure 12 Plasma concentrations of urea and uric acid as a function bacterially derived amino acids (and peptides) across the gut
of days of fasting for (A) breeding male king penguin (Aptenodytes
patagonica) and (B) the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) For the king epithelium could potentially contribute to synthesis of new
penguin plasma urea and uric acid concentrations slowly increased amino acids in the liver, although the ability of the hindgut
during phase II fasting and rose more steeply with transition to Phase III (where bacterial numbers are greatest in nonruminants) to
(∼day 35). For the buzzard, both urea and uric acid peak midway
through the fast. Figures were drawn, with permission, from data pre- absorb amino acids and peptides is much less compared to
sented (101, 201). the small intestine. The mechanisms by which bears and other

790 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

hibernators benefit from their gut microbes for urea recycling,

S. lacertina
and the extent to which this process contributes to nitrogen
conservation during winter fasting are not well understood N. aquilonius
and warrant further study (513). P. adspersus
H. albopunctatus

Estivation N. kunapalari
N. pelobatoides
African lungfish are ammontelic in water, excreting ammo-
S. couchii
nia by diffusion across the brachial and cutaneous epithelia,
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
and transition to ureotelism during estivation (291, 292, 335). mOsm
To examine amino acid metabolism and nitrogen excretion
of estivating lungfish, studies have employed three experi- Figure 13 Plasma urea (stippled) and total osmolality (solid) of active
mental treatments; fasting in water, estivating in air (“ter- and fed (red) and aestivated and fasted (blue) greater siren (Siren lac-
ertina), northern burrowing frog (Neobatrachus aquilonius), African bull-
restrialization”), and estivating in mud. Over a 46-day fast frog (Pxyicephalus adspersus), western spotted frog (Heleioporus albop-
in water, P. annectens experienced a doubling and quadru- unctatus), Kunapalari frog (Neobatrachus kunapalari), humming frog
pling of daily ammonia and urea excretion rates, respectively (Neobatrachus pelobatoides), and Couch’s spadefoot toad (Scaphiopus
couchii). Duration of aestivation range from 2 to 8.5 months. During aes-
(335). However, during this period, ammonia and urea con- tivation, amphibians accumulate urea in their blood which contributes
tent of the muscle, liver, brain, and plasma of this lungfish in some cases to a doubling of plasma osmolality. Figure drawn, with
did not change (335). In contrast, a 40-day fast in water permission, from data presented in (160, 337, 356, 585).
did generate significant increases in muscle, liver, brain, and
gut contents of ammonia and urea for the lungfish, P. dolli by 6.4-fold following respective 80 and 210 to 260 days of
(103). Following respective 40 and 46 days of estivation in laboratory-induced cocooned estivation for the African bull-
air, the lungfishes P. annectens and P. dolli had reduced tissue frog Pyxicephalus adspersus and greater siren Siren lacertina
ammonia concentrations while experiencing a fairly dramatic (Fig. 13) (160, 337).
(as much as 10- to 16-fold) increase in tissue urea content Urea accumulation during estivation does have functional
(103, 335). For P. dolli, enzymes of the ornithine-urea cycle, applications. First, urea can denature proteins and thus dis-
including glutamine synthetase, carbamoyl phosphate syn- rupt enzyme activity (268). Inhibition of metabolic enzymes
thetase III, ornithine transcarbamoylase, and argininosucci- could contribute to the depression of metabolic rate during
nate synthetase, increased after 40 days of estivation (103). dormancy (388). Second, for noncocooning estivators, urea
In this treatment, lungfish oxidize amino acids and the pro- accumulation and the consequential increase in plasma osmo-
duced ammonia is rapidly channeled into urea production. lality (>450 mOsm L−1 ) could shift the osmotic boundary
When P. annectens are induced to estivate in mud, their tissue by lowering the water potential of the animal relative to the
concentrations of ammonia are likewise depressed (by 80%); surrounding soil thus facilitating water uptake from the soil
however, tissue urea concentrations remain unchanged. Daily (46, 357, 454). Third, elevated tissue urea would facilitate the
urea synthesis rates had decreased by 97%, indicating that movement of water from the bladders to tissues to maintain
ammonia production was significantly depressed during mud hydration (79). And, fourth, with the return of water to the
estivation (335). It has been suggested that during natural environment, the accumulated urea could facilitate rehydra-
subterranean estivation, cocooned lungfish are hypoxic and tion during the arousal phase of estivation (103). It has been
metabolically depressed. The lowered metabolic rate thereby proposed that increases in protein catabolism during estivation
suppresses amino acid oxidation, reducing ammonia produc- serves to increase urea synthesis to facilitate water acquisi-
tion and hence urea synthesis (335). tion and retention in anurans (534). For estivating X. laevis,
Estivating amphibians can tolerate the accumulation of plasma amino acid concentration increases 2- to 3-fold and
tissue and plasma urea to levels exceeding 200 mmol L−1 liver carbamoyl phosphate synthase (first enzymatic step in
as documented for Scaphiopus couchii and Cyclorana maini the urea cycle) activity increases by 6-fold (24).
(Fig. 13) (356, 585). Naturally estivating X. laevis experience
increases of 2- to 3-fold in ammonia concentration and of 15-
to 22-fold in urea concentrations of the liver, thigh muscle, and Maintaining water balance
plasma (24). Following 6 to 9 months of estivation, plasma and For fasts that also include the absence of drinking, animals
urine urea levels have increased by 6- and 7-fold, respectively, possess a broad spectrum of mechanisms to maintain water
for S. couchi (356,357). A 67-day episode of laboratory estiva- balance that is in part a function of their environment, behav-
tion generated on average a 40-fold increase in plasma urea for ior, and ability to conserve water. Compared with aquatic
the Australian anurans Neobatrachus pelobatoides, Neoba- organisms, maintaining adequate water balance is more com-
trachus kunapalari, and Heleroporus albopunctatus (Fig. 13) plicated for fasting terrestrial vertebrates if rates of water loss
(585). Urea levels in a pooled collection of muscles from (via evaporation or urine production) exceed rates of water
estivating Cyclorana and Neobatrachus increased on aver- absorption (if possible) and endogenous water production (via
age 20-fold (585). Plasma urea concentration had increased substrate oxidation and released from tissue breakdown). It is

Volume 6, April 2016 791

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

estimated that the oxidation of 1 g of fat yields ∼1.1 g of water anurans, body water loss continues until the animal achieves a
(almost entirely metabolic) whereas the oxidation of 1 g of lower water potential than the soil, facilitated by the increased
protein results in ∼1.2 g of water (0.45 metabolic, 0.75 pre- osmolality of body fluids (357). Thereafter, water is absorbed
formed) (484). During their 2 month postweaning fast, north- transcutaneously from the soil, usually through a ventral seat
ern elephant seal pups do not drink; however, they are able patch (562). In soils (e.g., sand) that characteristically have
to maintain water balance presumably from the catabolism of low water potential, anurans that do not form cocoons will
their fat stores (419). pack the soil around them to form an air space between them-
Fasting-related changes in body water content are implied selves and the soil, thus preventing the osmotic transfer of
from changes in hematocrit levels; the decrease, no change, water from their body to the soil (46).
or increase in hematocrit suggest an increase, no change, or In contrast, aquatic organisms, or those that have access
decrease in body water, respectively. Decreases in hematocrit to water, may experience a positive water balance. Following
were observed over the 1 and 3 months of fasting by greater 4 months of fasting, the plaice P. platessa experienced 7.6%
snow geese and polar bears (Ursus maritimus), respectively to 11% increases in water content of the liver, red muscle, and
(20, 45). No changes in hematocrit levels were noted after 7, white muscle (381). White muscle water content increased by
12, and 41 days of fasting for the mink, the raptor B. buteo, and 14% after 2 months of fasting for the winter flounder Pleu-
molting king penguins, respectively (93, 201, 474). A fasting ronectes americanus (344). Similar levels of increase (4.6%-
increase in hematocrit, suggestive of water loss, was observed 15%) in organ (e.g., muscle and liver) and body water content
for king penguin chicks during Phase II and for fasting grey have been documented after 3 to 18 months of fasting for the
wolves (97, 136). The predictability of hematocrit levels to eel A. anguilla, the anurans R. esculenta and X. laevis, and
assess hydration state has been questioned, given that hema- the salamanders E. asper and P. anguinus (129,221,261,375).
tocrit can vary due to activity, age, period of anesthesia, and Fasting-induced increases in water concentration stem in part
methods of quantification (81). from the loss of tissue (fat and muscle) and its replacement
Unquestionably the greatest challenges to water balance by water (344, 369).
are experienced by animals that estivate (e.g., lungfishes and
amphibians), due to the loss of body water to the drying envi-
ronment and the concomitant increase in solute concentra- Hormonal changes in fasting
tions. Laboratory-induced estivation resulted in 27% to 77% A repertoire of endocrine changes would predictably be expe-
increases in hematocrit for the salamander S. lacertina, and the rienced during episodes of fasting (26). In the absence of eat-
anurans N. pelobatoides and P. adspersus (159,337,585). This ing, insulin’s role as a hypoglycemic and lipogenic hormone
magnitude of water loss generates 20% to 200% increases would likely diminish, whereas the release of glucagon, given
in plasma Na+ , K+ , and Cl− concentrations, 2- to 63-fold its role in stimulating glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and
increase in urea concentrations, and hence as much as a lipolysis, would become enhanced. Similarly, glucocorticoids
tripling of osmolality (Fig. 13) (79, 337, 356, 585). would be released to trigger selective utilization of endoge-
Continued dehydration is eventually lethal. It has been nous substrates. Depressed would be hormones that stimulate
estimated that for the estivating anurans S. couchii, Scaphio- gastrointestinal function and feeding. To facilitate the depres-
pus holbrooki, and Scaphiopus hammondi death is imminent sion of metabolic rate during fasting, a reduction in levels
with the loss of 60% to 65% of body water (47%-48% of of hormones that stimulate metabolism [i.e., triiodothyronine
body mass) (356, 548). A lethal limit of losing 38.1% to (T3 ) and/or thyroxin (T4 )] would be expected.
44.6% of body mass in water was determined for the anurans
Bufo boreas, Bufo terrestris, Cyclorana platycephala, Hyla
cinerea, Hyla regilla, Notaden nichollsi, and P. adspersus
(337, 347, 548). To prevent death from dehydration, estivat- Fasting associated declines in plasma insulin have been
ing animals employ several water conserving/water absorb- observed for a variety of taxa. Fish maintain circulating
ing strategies. Many enter estivation with water stored in insulin levels for 1 to 7 days before they decline sig-
their bladder from which they can later transfer to circulation nificantly (by 20%-89%) over the next day to 2 months
(207, 476). African lungfishes, sirens, and anurans surround (174,234,259,317,397,547). Plasma insulin remains elevated
the body in a cocoon of dried layers of epidermis and dermis for 48 h after feeding for the Burmese python before declining
or one formed from a mixture of mucus and soil (324, 450). by 97% over the next 8 days (488). For the sable, mink, adult
This cocoon impedes the evaporative loss of water to the sur- female northern elephant seal, weaned northern elephant seal
rounding soil (324, 337). Anurans that bury without forming pup, and raccoon dog fasts of 4 days, 5 days, 16 days (early
cocoons risk a greater rate of water loss; however, this opens to late lactation), 5 weeks, and 2 months were associated with
the door for the eventual movement of water from the soil to 30%, 50%, 63%, 32%, and 50% decreases in plasma levels of
the animal. Water flux between an animal and the immedi- insulin, respectively (Fig. 14) (88, 391, 393, 474, 571). Insulin
ate surrounding environment is a function of the differences concentrations surprisingly do not vary over the 5 weeks of
in water potential of the animal and soil, with water mov- fasting, either during reproduction or molting, that are expe-
ing from higher to lower water potential (46). For estivating rienced each year by adult king penguins (39, 98, 101).

792 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

Aptenodytes patagonicus Nyctereutes procyonoides

500 30

Glucagon (pg mL–1)

Insulin (µLU mL–1)

pmol L–1
300 Glucagon

10 Insulin
100 Insulin

0 0
90 18

60 12 Cortisol
nmol L–1

nmol L–1
30 6

0 0

nmol L–1

nmol L–1
T4 T4

4 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 15 30 45 60
Days of fasting Days of fasting

Figure 14 Plasma concentrations of glucagon, insulin, corticosterone or cortisol, triiodothyronine

(T3 ), and thyroxin (T4 ) as a function of days fasting for breeding male king penguins (Aptenodytes
patagonicus) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides). With the exception of glucagon, which
increased with time fasting for both species, plasma concentrations of the other five hormones
experienced contrasting fasting profiles. Figures drawn, with permission, from data presented in
(101, 391).

Glucagon dictated in part by the actions of these steroids in triggering

gluconeogenesis and protein and lipid catabolism (125, 429).
As expected, fasting increased glucagon levels in immature Modest secretion would support long-term Phase II fast-
carp C. carpio and the trout S. trutta; however, other teleost ing via the induction of lipolysis, whereas elevated release
fishes lowered their glucagon levels significantly during fast- is required during phase III to spark increases in protein
ing by as much as 95% (43,174,233,259,380,398). Similarly, metabolism and/or support metabolic expenditure in the
Burmese pythons lowered glucagon levels with fasting by search for food. Migrating sturgeon (Acipenser güldenstädti)
85% after a 45-day fast (495). King penguins, either molting and salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka and O. gorbusha) exhibit
or breeding, experienced a steady increase (by 250%) in cir- marked increases in plasma cortisol that accompany observed
culating glucagon during the 5 weeks of Phase II fasting and loss of tissues (282, 355, 397). Five weeks of fasting induced
the following 2 weeks of Phase III (98, 101). Whereas fasting an 84% increase in plasma cortisol for the fish Garra gotyla
generated a doubling in plasma glucagon for the raccoon dog, gotyla, while subsequent weeks of fasting (until 9 weeks)
it caused no change in glucagon levels for the mink (Fig. 14) led to the return of fed levels (314). Galápagos marine igua-
(391, 474). nas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) of low body condition due to
severe reduction of their algae food source during an El Niño
Glucocorticoids year had higher corticosterone levels (by 50%-200%) com-
Fasting could also stimulate the release of the adrenal glu- pared to individuals with better body conditions collected
cocorticoids cortisol (primarily for fishes and most mam- during a non-El Niño year (468).
mals) and corticosterone (chiefly for amphibians, reptiles, Circulating corticosterone in king penguins did not vary
and birds). The fasting program of substrate metabolism is for the first 4 weeks of the molting fast; however, in the last

Volume 6, April 2016 793

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

week of Phase II and into Phase III, plasma levels jumped tissues to thyroid hormone stimulation, thus facilitating their
by 200% (98). For breeding king penguins, corticosterone lipid-based metabolism (352).
levels remained steady during Phase II and only increased
(150%) following entry into Phase III (101). Mallard ducks
experienced 4- and 6-fold increases in plasma corticosterone GI peptides
at the end of Phase II and during Phase III, respectively
The cessation of feeding, digestion, and assimilation would
signal the suppression (i.e., release and/or production) of hor-
During their weaning fast of 4 to 5 weeks, northern ele-
mones, neuropeptides, and paracrine mediators involved in
phant seal pups experience a doubling of cortisol levels, and
the regulation of gastrointestinal performance. Without the
an increase of 70% to 90% in plasma cortisol was experi-
need to stimulate, regulate, and/or inhibit gastric, pancreatic,
enced over a 16-day span by lactating northern elephant seals
and intestinal function, circulating GI-regulatory hormones
(88,272,571). A 4-day fast increased plasma cortisol level by
and neuropeptides would be expected to decline during fast-
160% for the sable (393). Upon entrance into Phase III, corti-
ing episodes. Such a response was observed for the Burmese
costerone levels in laboratory rats had risen by 19-fold (100).
python which experienced 96%, 83%, and 70% declines in
Overwintering black bears likewise experience increases in
plasma concentrations of cholecystokinin (CCK), glucose-
circulating cortisol; however, winter dormant raccoon dogs
dependent insulinotrophic peptide (GIP), and neurotensin,
experienced a decline in plasma cortisol suggesting that they
respectively, after 1 month of fasting (495). In contrast, tissue
may use an alternative axis to stimulate lipolysis (246, 391).
levels of these hormones increased in the python’s stomach,
pancreas, and intestines 1 month after their last meal, sugges-
Thyroid hormones tive of synthesis and storage of these hormones in endocrine
cells until the snake eats again (495). Glucagon-like peptide
Facilitating the depression of metabolic rate, and hence low-
(GLP) is a known insulinotropic hormone which for fish also
ering the rate of energy depletion during fasting episodes,
aids in the regulation of gluconeogenesis (378, 380). Fasts of
are steps along the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis that
28 and 42 days in the teleosts G. morhua and O. mykiss led
reduce the secretion of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 ,
to respective decreases in circulating GLP of 90% and 80%
each a stimulator of metabolism. Among vertebrates, T4 is
(259, 437).
the form predominately secreted and is converted, via mon-
odeiodinases, to the more active T3 that has a higher affin-
ity to receptors (36). Fish experience within days of fast-
Adiponectin, leptin, and ghrelin
ing 20% to 65% decreases in plasma concentrations of T3
and T4 (133, 206, 565). Fasting declines in T3 and T4 have Released from adipocytes, the hormones adiponectin and lep-
also been documented for king penguins during both the tin are also involved in the regulation of energy expenditure.
breeding and molting seasons (98, 101). Hibernating black The former stimulates fatty acid oxidation, whereas the lat-
and brown bears as well as fasting canids (raccoon dog, ter regulates food intake and other processes that affect fuel
grey wolf, and arctic fox) and mustelids (sable, badger, and usage and energy balance (382, 400). Circulating concentra-
mink) likewise experience significant decreases in T3 and/or tions of these hormones are correlated negatively and posi-
T4 (23, 136, 193, 250, 267, 391, 393, 474). In contrast to these tively, respectively, with percentage of body fat (427, 525).
examples of declines in thyroid hormone levels during fasting, During a fast of 4 to 5 weeks, northern elephant seal pups
in other species T3 and/or T4 are maintained, elevated, or fluc- experienced a 23% decrease in circulating adiponectin (568).
tuate during the fasting phase, likely reflecting the complexity However, the mink experiences no variation in adiponectin
of thyroid hormone action on peripheral tissues. Serum levels levels during a 7-day fast (474). Leptin enhances the brain’s
of T3 and T4 are elevated throughout the hibernation season response to satiety signals, thus reducing food intake and con-
in Richardson’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus richardsonii), sequently, body mass (382). Leptin levels declined with fast-
(137,138). However, because of the concomitant reduction in ing for the mink and Brant’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii),
nuclear T3 receptors and increase in serum binding capacity and remained steady thereafter (603). The increase in circu-
of T3 and T4 , thyroid hormone function is likely suppressed lating leptin observed in sciurid rodents in the fall prior to
during winter fasting (345, 346). Total serum T3 and T4 are start of hibernation (109, 181) is consistent with timing of
maintained or increase after 49 days of a postweaning fast in peak body fat levels and cessation of food intake.
northern elephant seal pups (420). Furthermore, experimental Considered a counterpart to leptin because it stimulates
fasts of 1 to 7 weeks in the seal pups increase mRNA expres- hunger, circulating ghrelin, produced primarily by the stom-
sion of deiodinase enzymes (which convert T4 to T3 ) in adi- ach and pancreas, decreased significantly with fasting for
pose tissue and muscle, and also increase mRNA expression female mink, however it nearly doubled after 7 days of fasting
of thyroid hormone receptor beta-1, suggesting that cellular for male mink (474). In ground squirrels, ghrelin levels are low
thyroid hormone-mediated activity is upregulated with fasting during hibernation relative to the active season (252), which
duration. This response may be unique for mammals adapted may contribute to the suppression of appetite during winter
to prolonged fasting to increase responsiveness of peripheral fasting. During summer, fasts of 1, 3, or 5 days increased

794 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

circulating ghrelin levels relative to controls, although con- fasting (up to 5 days) in summer squirrels. In hibernators,
centrations did not vary with length of the fast (254). Circu- pAMPK was lower in muscle and white and brown adipose tis-
lating ghrelin may regulate torpor induced by fasting in mice, sues during a euthermic arousal compared with the torpid state
because intraperitoneal administration of ghrelin prior to start (253). However, examination of the expression of AMPK and
of a 24 h fast reduces minimum torpor Tb by about 4◦ C (217). pAMPK protein in tissues of 13-lined ground squirrels pro-
The effect likely acts through signaling of neurons in the arcu- duced scant evidence for a major role in metabolic reorganiza-
ate nucleus of the hypothalamus (217). Fasting also elevates tion or metabolic depression during hibernation (270). Intrac-
circulating ghrelin in fish and lead to increased food intake erebroventricular infusion of the AMPK activator, AICAR,
(558). during hibernation in marmots caused resumption of feeding
compared with saline-infused control animals that did not eat
(178). Together these studies suggest that AMPK regulates
food intake and the reorganization of metabolic fuel sources
Because catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine, and nore- in fasted hibernators, but more research is needed to clarify
pinephrine) play a role in stress signaling and have been its role (179). In elephant seals late in the postweaning fast,
implicated in the regulation (both stimulatory and inhibitory) elevated pAMPK may contribute to the increase in cellular
of food intake and substrate metabolism, it is reasonable to glucose uptake into WAT cells via upregulation of glucose
predict their blood and/or tissue levels might vary with the transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression (571).
onset and duration of fasting (132, 406). Outside of clinical Another signaling pathway that has been proposed to
or laboratory rodent studies, fasting responses of cate- mediate suppression of carbohydrate catabolism in favor of
cholamines have been examined only for fishes and hiber- lipid oxidation during hibernation is the serine-threonine
nating bears. Following 7 days of fasting, hypothalamic con- kinase Akt (also known as protein kinase B). Because Akt
tent of dopamine and norepinephrine (but not epinephrine) promotes anabolic and lipogenic pathways, and mediates
increased in trench, whereas goldfish (Carassius auratus) the effect of insulin on cellular glucose uptake its activity
responded with decreases (20-30%) in dopamine and nore- would be expected to fall when animals are fasting. Consistent
pinephrine (132). For European brown bears circulating levels with this, Akt expression and activity in hibernating bats and
of epinephrine and norepinephrine decline from the summer Richardson’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus richardsonii) are
active season to winter hibernation (267). reduced during torpor (brain, kidney, liver, and white adipose
tissue in bats, skeletal muscle, and liver in squirrels) compared
with their nonhibernating counterparts (2, 150), although it
Nutrient and energy sensing during fasting is not clear whether levels remain suppressed during natu-
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a highly conserved ral interbout arousals to euthermia when the animals remain
heterotrimeric Ser/Thr kinase that monitors cellular energy fasted. In marmots, Akt activity in fat and muscle peaks in July
status through increases in the AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP to September during the anabolic phase of the annual cycle
ratios, along with other signals. Under conditions of falling prior to winter fasting (269). In 13-lined ground squirrels
energy status, AMPK promotes ATP production by regulat- activated (phosphorylated) Akt varies during the hibernation
ing activity or expression of catabolic proteins and conserves cycle, with highest levels in liver during the transitions into
ATP levels by downregulating biosynthetic pathways (243). and out of torpor (370) whereas in intestine, levels are lowest
At the whole body level, AMPK regulates energy balance in torpor and highest in summer and winter euthermia (177).
by activating hypothalamic pathways that induce feeding and Taken together, these results point to tissue specificity in Akt
entrains circadian rhythms of metabolism and feeding behav- activity and (presumably) function over the annual hiberna-
ior. Metabolically, AMPK activation during energetic chal- tion cycle, consistent with its multiple biological roles in fed
lenge promotes the transition from glucose to lipid as the main and fasting states.
substrate for cellular oxidation. The regulation of AMPK is
complex, involving neuroendocrine influences and circulating
nutrients. Fasting and the immune system
Most studies on AMPK biology have used laboratory During extended episodes of fasting, endogenous resources
animals that do not normally undergo extended fasting in are allocated to immediate life sustaining activities while
nature. However, given its crucial role in sensing and respond- being diverted from the maintenance of other resource con-
ing to changes in fuel status, AMPK is likely involved in suming systems, including the immune system (48). Fasting
the integrative response to natural bouts of fasting and the animals are more vulnerable to pathogens when their immune
metabolic depression that accompanies some fasting states system is depressed. Such vulnerability can be acerbated by an
(455). Among studies that have examined AMPK in species increase in energy expenditure (e.g., courtship and egg incu-
that normally fast in the wild are several from hibernating bation) and/or exposure to unfavorable environmental condi-
species (179). In golden-mantled ground squirrels expression tions (e.g., low temperatures) that will further compromise the
of the active, phosphorylated form of AMPK (pAMPK) in ability to mount an effective immune defense (49, 51, 540).
liver, muscle, and adipose tissue increased after short-term A compounding factor is the increase in protein catabolism

Volume 6, April 2016 795

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

with the onset of Phase III, a response that is regulated by corticosterone increased by 60% upon the entry into Phase III
corticosterone/cortisol, which can exert immunosuppressant fasting (51). During 2 to 3 weeks of egg incubation without
effects (480). feeding, female eiders (Somateria mollissima) experienced a
The two arms of the immune system include the innate (a 25% decrease in an immunoglobulin index (50). Given that
rapid generalized response) and adaptive (a delayed antigen- most of the information on the impact of fasting and crit-
specific response) pathways (467). Mallard ducks (Anas ical periods of energy expenditure on immune capacity is
plathyrhnchos) fasted for 12 days (Phase III) experienced derived from birds, there is a dire need to examine the effects
80% and 40% declines in plasma levels of natural antibod- of selective allocation of energy to different systems (e.g.,
ies (NAbs, innate immunity) and immunoglobulin Y (IgY, immune) during fasting on health and survivorship in other
acquired/adaptive immunity), respectively (Figs. 15A, 15B) animal groups.
(48). During this fast, the duck’s plasma corticosterone levels Hibernation in species that cease feeding during winter
had increased by 7-fold (Fig. 15C). Fifteen days of refeed- leads to remodeling of the intestinal immune system in a
ing restored lost body mass and plasma NAbs and corticos- manner consistent with preservation of immune capacity but
terone levels; however, IgY levels remained depressed by 20% dampening of proinflammatory processes (313). Compared
(Figs. 15A-C) (48). A similar response was observed for cap- with summer-active 13-lined ground squirrels, both torpid and
tive fasted male king penguins: IgY decreased by 40% and aroused hibernators have increased numbers of intraepithelial
lymphocytes and lamina propria leukocytes. Numbers of lam-
ina propria B cells are higher during hibernation as is the B
cell product, secretory IgA. IgA contributes to beneficial host-
1.2 IgY microbial interactions by binding to bacteria and preventing
their adhesion to epithelial cells. It is also a key regulator of the
composition and activity of the gut microbiota (300). Intesti-
absorbance units

0.8 nal expression of the potent anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-

10, as well as IL-4, increase during hibernation; both of these
cytokines can stimulate IgA synthesis and secretion. Although
a direct causal connection between winter fasting per se and
these immune changes has not been shown, it is possible that
0.0 some or all are adaptations to minimize deleterious effects
(B) NABs
of the increased gut permeability that accompanies hiberna-
6 tion (71,75). Elevated permeability can increase movement of
bacterial products, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), across
agglutination scores

the epithelium and induce inflammation in the intestine and
other organs (573). In support, hibernation is associated with
increased epithelial expression of Toll-like receptor TLR5,
2 and reduced expression of TLR4 (144). Binding of TLR4 by
LPS activates the transcription factor NF-κB which can induce
inflammatory responses, whereas TLR5 activation by its lig-
and, flagellin, is associated with protective, anti-inflammatory
(C) 90 Corticosterone responses and maintenance of intestinal barrier function. Pro-
longed fasting may also contribute to the general immunosup-
pressive state observed at the whole-body level in hibernating
mammals (47).
ng L–1

Body and organ mass changes with fasting
As a function of a continuous negative energy flux and deple-
fed 48h PII PIII R1 R3 Rt tion of energy stores, extended fasts are characterized by the
Treatment loss of tissue and organ mass, and hence body mass. There is
considerable variation among tissues and organs in the rates of
Figure 15 Plasma concentration of (A) immunoglobulin (IgY), (B) nat- mass loss and how each contributes to overall body mass loss.
ural antibodies (NABs), and (C) corticosterone for fasted and refed Some organs and tissues are catabolized as energy sources
female mallard ducks (Anas platyhyrhychos). Sampling treatments
included fed, 48-h fasted, phase II of fasting (PII), phase III of fasting during fasting (e.g., fat) whereas others lose mass because
(PIII), fasted to PIII and refed for 1 day (RI), fasted to PIII and refed for 3 rates of cell loss exceed rates of proliferation (e.g., small
days (R3), and fasted to PIII and refed to recovery of initial body mass intestine). These tissues lose mass at a faster rate than over-
(Rt). Note the fasting decline in immune function and rapid increase
in corticosterone, both reversed with refeeding. Figures drawn, with all body mass (Fig. 16). In contrast, other tissues and organs
permission, from data presented in (48). retain much of their mass and structure during a fast because

796 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

(A) Clarius lazera (299). Similar relative losses of body mass have been observed
for ectotherms, though over a much greater fasting duration;
45% after 12 months for X. laevis, 35% after 13 months for
C. carpio, and 30% after 20 months for R. esculenta (202,221,
50 Bone
374). In some instances, fasting mass loss is relatively modest
Body mass
for ectotherms. The lungfishes P. annectens and P. aethiopicus
Skeletal muscle
lost only 6% of body mass during laboratory estivation in
GI tract mud over a 6-month period (291). Six and 8 weeks of fasting
0 Fat resulted, respectively, in no change in body mass for Atlantic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 salmon and only an 8% loss of body mass for the salmon,
(B) Months of fasting O. kisutch (317, 518).
Whereas larger animals lose more absolute mass per day
100 Nerodia rhombifer of fasting, mass-specific daily loss of body mass (g kg−1 d−1 )
Relative change in mass (%)

is generally inversely related to body mass and greater for

75 smaller animals (Fig. 17). For example, fasting gray seal pups
(45.1 kg), harp seal pups (33.8 kg), mink (2.75 kg), white-tail
50 Skin prairie dogs (0.98 kg), and Brant’s voles (0.061 kg) lose body
Body mass
mass at specific rates of 8.0, 11.5, 24, 56, and 73 g kg−1 d−1 ,
25 Liver
respectively (245,410,474,588,603). Similarly, adult emperor
Small intestine
penguins (37.7 kg), king penguin chicks (12.5 kg), elder ducks
0 (1.83 kg), great knots (0.22 kg), and kestrels (0.12 kg) lost
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Months of fasting
body mass while fasting at specific rates of 6.2, 6.6, 12.3,
31.8, and 55.0 g kg−1 d−1 , respectively (Fig. 17) (31, 97, 309,
100 Rattus norvegicus 463, 508).
This trend is likewise evident for ectotherms (Fig. 17).
75 Maintained at 22 to 30◦ C, greater sirens (0.55 kg), dia-
mondback rattlesnakes (0.3 kg), mudskippers (0.02 kg),
50 Kidney and green anoles (0.0045 kg) lost mass when fasting at
Epididymal fat
rates of 0.82, 1.42, 5.95, and 11.6 g kg−1 d−1 , respectively
25 Body mass (216,329,353,360). With their lower mass-specific metabolic
Liver rates and lower body temperatures, ectotherms lose mass at a
0 much slower rate while fasting than endotherms. The allomet-
0 1 2 3 4 5
Days of fasting ric scaling of mass loss is nearly identical among ectotherms,
birds, and mammals, however the Y-intercept for ectotherms
Figure 16 Relative change in body mass and individual organs and is 4.7% of those collectively for birds and mammals (Fig. 17).
tissues as a function of time fasting for (A) the fish Clarius lazera, (B) the Because daily rate of body mass loss varies among the
snake Nerodia rhombifer, and (C) the rat Rattus norvegicus. Compared
to the rate of body mass loss, individual organs and tissue lose mass three phases of fasting, this parameter is typically used to
at a lower or greater rate with time fasting. Figures for Clarius lazera distinguish the phases (Fig. 18). Characteristically, rate of
and Rattus norvegicus were drawn, with permission, respectively, from mass loss is high for phases I and III and lower during Phase II.
data presented in (242) and (218). Figure for Nerodia rhombifer was
drawn, with permission, from unpublished data of M. Larkin and S. For example, during the 6 to 9 days of Phase I fasting, king
Secor. penguin chicks lost 12 to 61 g kg−1 d−1 , a rate that was
reduced to 6.3 g kg−1 d−1 for the 133 days of Phase II, and
then increased to 21.2 g kg−1 d−1 following the transition to
they continue to function (e.g., skin, heart, and kidney) and Phase III (102). A similar profile were observed for laboratory
hence lose mass at a slower rate (Fig. 16). Absolute rates of rats; 92 g kg−1 d−1 for Phase I, 55 g kg−1 d−1 during Phase II,
body mass loss are dictated by body size, metabolic rate, and and increasing to 88 g kg−1 d−1 during Phase III (236).
the phase of fasting being experienced. Thus, the rate of mass
loss is highly variable among animals and for each may vary
Body fat
within the fast.
Significant declines in body mass are well documented for Fasting is characterized by a steady decline in body fat stores.
fasting endotherms. King penguin chicks starting at 10.35 kg Induced by hormones and other mediators, lipases within
lose 7.75 kg (75% of original mass) after 5 months of fasting adipocytes or other tissues (e.g., liver) cleave fatty acids from
(148). Five weeks of fasting resulted in the loss of 38% and the glycerol backbone (438). Fatty acids and glycerol are
41% of initial body mass for white-tailed and black-tailed then either oxidized locally or enter circulation. Adipocytes
prairie dogs, respectively (245). Male mallard ducks lose 52% thereby collectively shrink in size during the fast (Fig. 19A)
of body mass (from 2.98 kg to 1.43 kg) after 25 days of fasting (148). With fasting durations of 4 days, 12 days, 15 days,

Volume 6, April 2016 797

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

1000 1000
Mammals Mammals
Birds Birds Birds 21.38mass-0.375
Mammals 26.92mass-0.368

g kg–1 day–1

g day–1
10 10

Birds 21.38mass0.625
Mammals 26.92mass0.632
1 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

100 100
Ectotherms Ectotherms

1.12mass0.627 1.12mass-0.373

g kg–1 day–1
g day–1

1 1

0.1 0.1
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Body mass (kg) Body mass (kg)

Figure 17 Absolute (g day−1 ) and mass specific (g kg−1 day−1 ) loss of body mass plotted against body
mass for birds, mammals, and ectotherms. Data were generated from studies that provided body mass
before and after a known period of fasting. Note the near identical allometric scaling exponents for birds,
mammals, and ectotherms.

2 weeks, 2 months, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, and 6 salmon O. kisutch, raccoon dog, emperor penguin, estivat-
months, fat stores were reduced by 49%, 65%, 94%, 70%, ing lesser siren (S. intermedia), and the rattlesnake C. atrox
40%, 43%, 80%, 54%, and 56%, respectively, for the sable, (31, 207, 216, 316, 360, 390, 463). Daily rates of body fat loss,
green anole, laboratory rat, great knot (Calidris tenurostris), calculated from fat mass of individuals sampled at various
fasting durations, include estimates of 33 g day−1 for fasting
and molting rock hopper penguins, 125 g day−1 for fasting
(A) 80
harp seal pups, and 280 g day−1 for fasting gray seal pups
I II III (578, 588).
60 The fasting depletion of lipids is heterogeneous among
g kg–1d–1

body fat stores, a feature that varies among species. Over a

40 56-day fast, much of the fat loss for the raccoon dog origi-
nates from subcutaneous stores (depleted by 45%), followed
by intra-abdominal (omental, retroperitoneal, and mesen-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 teric) fat stores that are depleted by 38% (Fig. 19B) (390).
(B) 30 Seven days of fasting is enough for mink to lose 14% of
their subcutaneous fat, while depleting intra-abdominal and
20 intermuscular fat stores by respective 38% and 36% (474).
g kg–1d–1

For the American martin, only 2 days of fasting leads to

44.3%, 48.7%, and 2.5% depletion of subcutaneous, intra-
abdominal, and intermuscular fat, respectively (Fig. 19C)
II (408).
0 Mammals that hibernate experience dramatic changes in
0 10 20 30 40 50
body mass and lipid stores over the course of the annual cycle
Days of fasting
(126). During the active season, ground squirrels can double
Figure 18 Mass specific daily loss of body mass illustrated for the their body mass and increase fat mass by 2 to 3 times, depend-
three phases of fasting for (A) common barn owl (Tyto alba) and (B) ing on variables such as species, sex, reproductive condition,
breeding king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonica). Birds experienced and age (126, 197). Winter fasting leads to a reversal in these
greater specific mass loss during phases I and III of fasting compared
to phase II. Figures drawn, with permission, from data presented in patterns, with body mass and lipid stores falling to 40% to
(101, 241). 70% of prehibernation levels (18, 62, 197, 368).

798 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

(A) Aptenodytes patagonicus (A)


% of BM
Nyctereutes procyonoides
1200 (B)

600 Fasted

0 9
Martes americana

% of BM
(C) 9 6


Figure 20 Electron micrographs of (A) gastrocnemius and (B) pec-
toralis muscle sampled from king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patago-
nicus) following control feeding (NCA), 3 weeks of laboratory fasting
(STF), and several months of a natural fast (LTF) as presented in (148).
Below each set of micrographs is the relative mass (% of body mass) of









these muscles for each treatment. Note the loss of sarcomere integrity



following the natural fast (LTF) for both muscles, and the increase in rel-






ative mass of the gastrocnemius but decrease in relative mass of the



pectoralis with duration of the fast. Figures illustrating relative muscle

masses are drawn, with permission, from data presented in (148).
Figure 19 (A) Micrographs of intraperitoneal fat bodies from king
penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus) following control feeding
(NCA), three weeks of laboratory fasting (STF), and several months of a
natural fast (LTF) (148). Mass of regional fat deposits of fed (closed bars)
and fasted (open bars) (B) raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and flight (e.g., pectoralis) muscles. Fasting durations of 5 days,
(C) American marten (Martes americana). Raccoon dogs and martens 14 days, 3 months, and 18 months resulted in 22%, 13.6%,
had been fasted for 56 and 2 days, respectively. Illustrated is the char- 54%, and 45% deceases in leg muscle wet mass for the rat,
acteristic depletion of fat stores during fasting. Figures B and C were
drawn, with permission, from data presented in (390, 408). great knot, king penguin chick, and frog R. esculenta, respec-
tively (31, 148, 218, 221). However, for the rat, great knot and
penguin chick, the relative loss of leg muscle mass was less
Skeletal muscle
than total body mass loss; therefore, the relative masses (%
Skeletal muscles possess the largest source of labile proteins of body mass) of these leg muscles increased with fasting
within the body and thus lose mass during a fast as muscle (Fig. 20A). For fasting birds, the large pectoralis muscle is
proteins are degraded and the released amino acids are catab- a primary source of catabolized protein as demonstrated by
olized, or channeled into gluconeogenesis. After 40 days of the 23.8%, 34%, and 95.2% loss in wet mass of this muscle
fasting and experiencing Phase III fasting, domestic geese for the great knot, American eiders, and king penguin chicks
have lost approximately 50% of their skeletal muscle mass after 14 days, 24 days, and 3 months of fasting, respectively
(322). Nordøy et al. used computed tomography (CT) to cal- (31, 148, 309). For these three birds, respectively, pectoralis
culate that harp seal pups lose 10.7% of skeletal muscle dur- muscle loss occurred at a rate that was less than, equivalent
ing 23 days of a postwean fast (410). Nineteen days of fasting to, and greater than the rate of body mass loss (Fig. 20B).
resulted in a 11.7% loss of white muscle mass for the carp Following months of fasting, the white axial muscles
C. carpio, whereas a 7-month fast lead to a 58.6% loss of of several fish species have been described as “jellied,”
white muscle for the African catfish Clarius lazera (43, 242). due their jelly-like glossy appearance and quivering motion
To evaluate fasting loss of muscle mass, studies often tar- when touched (545). This phenomenon, described for species
get specific muscles including leg (e.g., gastrocnemius) and of flatfish (e.g., sole, plaice, and flounder) and cod, is

Volume 6, April 2016 799

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

characterized by a decrease in myofibrillary area and increases (A)

in interfibrillary space and water content (297, 336, 344, 545). 7500 Fall Spring 450
While other studies on fishes have documented the fasting

# fibers/3900 um2
degradation of the largely glycolytic white muscle fibers (not 5000 300
necessary “jellied”), they all found the size and integrity of

the aerobic red muscle to be well conserved with fasting
(297, 344, 428). Eighteen weeks of fasting for the Crucian 2500 150

carp Carassius carassius led to a 21% decrease in white mus-

cle myofibril surface area, but no change in myofibril coverage 0 0
fast slow density fast slow density
for the red muscle (428). Preserving red muscle allows fast-
Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris
ing fishes to maintain sustainable swimming performance,
whereas burst performance declines with the loss of white (B)
30 Fall/early denning Spring/late denning

CS activity (µmol g–1min–1)

muscle (344).

Contraction force (Nm)

For animals that are also inactive while fasting, skele-
tal muscle atrophy stems from protein degradation to fuel 20
metabolism as well as from disuse. Without constant stimu-
lus from activity, skeletal muscle cells shrink as rates of pro- 10
tein degradation exceed rates of protein synthesis (287, 479).
Thus, although hibernators and estivators would be expected
to be susceptible to both avenues of muscle loss, these species 0
Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris Tibialis anterior
typically show minimal or no loss of skeletal muscle integrity
(C) 120
compared to animals that do not normally undergo metabolic Early denning Late denning
depression. Reduced metabolism likely contributes to this
effect, as it reduces oxygen demand and thus oxidative stress 80
to all cells and tissues; however, in some cases specific mech-

anisms that maintain skeletal muscle integrity have been iden-

tified in species that regularly experience periods of fasting
and inactivity (12, 200, 276, 325, 472, 592). The benefit of
preserving skeletal muscle structure and performance during 0
Contraction Half-relaxtion Time to peak Time to peak
hibernation and estivation is that the animals are able to com- time time development decay
mence foraging, mating, and predator avoidance immediately
upon arousal from dormancy. Figure 21 (A) mean cross-sectional area (blue) and density (red) of
fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers in the gastrocnemius and biceps
Black and grizzly bears preserve skeletal muscle pro- femoris of black bears (Ursus americanus) prior to hibernation (fall,
tein, fiber structure, and strength during winter hibernation open bars) and immediately following hibernation (spring, closed bars).
[reviewed in (244)]. Four months of hibernation had no effect (B) Citrate synthase (CS) activity (blue) of gastrocnemius and biceps
femoris muscles and contraction force (red) of the tibialis anterior muscle
on the cross sectional area of either fast-twitch or slow-twitch determined from bears sampled in the fall or early in hibernation (open
fibers in gastrocnemius and biceps femoris muscles (Fig. 21A) bars) and sampled in the spring or late in hibernation (closed bars). (C)
(550). Hibernating black bears retain citrate synthase (CS) Twitch parameters of the tibialis anterior muscle for black bears mea-
sured early and late during hibernation. Illustrated is the lack of change
activity of the gastrocnemius, but experience a 25% decline in muscle structure and function for black bears during hibernation. Fig-
in CS activity of the biceps femoris, and a 29% loss in max- ures drawn, with permission, from data presented in (331, 550).
imum twitch force of the tibialis anterior muscle (Fig. 21B)
(331). However, for the tibialis anterior muscle, seven twitch
parameters including contraction time, half-relaxation time, the rectus femoris, biceps brachii, and gastrocnemius (but not
and peak rate of development did not change during hiberna- soleus) increased during the late hibernation period. Refeed-
tion (Fig. 21C) (331). ing in April restored muscle volumes to their prehiberna-
Minimization of skeletal muscle atrophy during hiberna- tion values. This apparent prioritization of skeletal muscle
tion has been well documented in smaller species such as regrowth prior to spring emergence is further demonstrated
ground squirrels and prairie dogs (12, 115, 200, 265, 325, 413, by changes in rates of protein synthesis measured in squirrels
472, 473, 529, 577). The time dependence of skeletal mus- in early versus late winter. Compared with summer, protein
cle dynamics over the course of the hibernation season was synthesis in mixed quadriceps samples is depressed by 66% in
examined for 13-lined ground squirrels using volumetric mag- early winter but returns to summer levels by late hibernation,
netic resonance imaging (MRI). Upper hindlimb muscle vol- prior to refeeding. In contrast, no changes were observed in
ume declined from summer to mid-winter, then reversed after protein synthesis rates in heart, liver or intestine among sum-
February such that volume rose significantly thereafter, even mer, early winter, and late winter squirrels (265).
though body mass continued to decline until April (265). Although cellular mechanisms responsible for main-
When normalized to prehibernation body mass, the mass of tenance of skeletal muscle mass and function during

800 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

hibernation are still under investigation, likely candidates (A) 0.09


Muscle dry mass (g)

include maintenance of slow myosin heavy-chain proteins
(472, 473), reduced myostatin levels (60, 61, 413), increased 9-month aestivation
antioxidants (6,288), activation of serum- and glucocorticoid-
inducible kinase 1 (12), and altered expression of various
transcription factors that regulate muscle growth and function 0.03
(546, 592).
In similar fashion, estivating anurans experience modest 0.00
losses of muscle mass and performance. Four months of
submerged hibernation (4◦ C) in the laboratory had no effects
(B) 300
on the mechanical properties of the locomotory and calling
muscles of the frog Rana temporaria (576). Maximum iso-

# Fibers mm–2
metric tetanic stress and power output of the external oblique 200
and sartorius muscles remain stable throughout this episodes
of laboratory-induced dormancy (576). Up to 6 and 9 months
of estivation had no effects on the mass of the locomotory
muscles, the gastrocnemius, sartorius, semimembranosus,
cruralis, and gracilis major for the Australian frog C. albogut- 0
tata. (Fig. 22A) (274, 276) Even after 9 months of estivation, (C) 240

Maximum stress twitch

the sartorius, cruralis, and iliofiularis muscles of this frog
were still well preserved in mass and morphology, whereas 160
the gastrocnemius experienced some loss in cross-sectional (kN m–2)
area (Fig. 22B) (542). Performance of the locomotory
muscles of C. alboguttata likewise did not diminish during 80
estivation as they maintained twitch forces and power output
after months of disuse (Fig. 22C and 22D) (274, 276, 542). 0
Estivating C. alboguttata appear to differentially regulate a
(D) 75
suite of genes involved in several major regulatory pathways
Peak power output

that may contribute to preservation of muscle function during

this period of immobility and food/water deprivation (446). 50
(W kg–1)

Bone 25

Fasting can compromise bone integrity due in part to the

absence of adequate calcium intake. As noted for skele- 0
Gastrocnemius Iliofibularis Sartorius
tal muscle, disuse atrophy can compromise function when
inactivity accompanies prolonged fasting. Among hibernat- Figure 22 (A) Muscle dry mass, (B) muscle fiber density, (C) maxi-
ing mammals, bears have a remarkable ability to preserve mum stress twitch, and (D) peak power output for the gastrocnemius,
bone integrity during winter dormancy (365,366), and smaller iliofibularis, and sartorius muscles for control (fed and active) Cyclo-
rana alboguttata and following 9 months of aestivation. This frog did
hibernators such as ground squirrels and marmots also pre- not experience any loss in muscle mass or performance even after 9
serve bone structure during hibernation (364, 560, 587). months of aestivation. Figures drawn, with permission, from data pre-
sented in (348, 542).

As a function of their individual needs during fasting, of maintaining ion and water homeostasis, serving as a source
providing metabolizable substrate during the fast, and their of endocrine mediators, and maintaining a barrier separating
capacity to rapidly restore prefasting phenotype, organs and luminal compounds and microbes from the systemic environ-
tissues vary considerably in how they respond to fasting and ment. The activities of the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder
refeeding. In short, most organs can be loosely categorized as are also reduced during fasting due to the lack of neural stim-
being quiescent during a fast and hence experience atrophy uli activated by food intake and reduced nutrient absorption.
and downregulation, or as remaining active and maintain- Tissues of the digestive system can experience considerable
ing structure and function throughout the fast. The former phenotypic flexibility, undergoing large regulatory swings in
category is exemplified by the gastrointestinal tract and asso- form and function with fasting and refeeding (327). The
ciated organs. In the absence of eating and digesting, organs latter category includes the heart, gills, lungs, and kidneys
of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, small intes- whose constant function provides the necessary vascular per-
tine, and hindgut) are less active and engaged primarily in fusion, respiration, and nitrogenous waste removal that are

Volume 6, April 2016 801

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

still required during a fast (Fig. 16). The following describes mass (15). For alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), stom-
known changes in structure and function of individual organs ach length and mass are lowest when animals emerge from
with fasting and refeeding. hibernation in April, increase throughout the active season
and peak in September prior to hibernation (277). Fasting and
refeeding does not always affect stomach mass, as numerous
Esophagus species of anurans and reptiles lack any change in the wet mass
of the stomach after a month of fasting, followed by refeed-
The vertebrate esophagus serves chiefly as a conduit transport-
ing (422, 487, 493, 494). Fasting and refeeding can generate
ing food from the mouth to the stomach (or intestine for fishes
changes at the ultrastructural level of the gastric epithelium
that lack stomachs). However, many birds possess a crop or
(257,602). For the oxyntopeptic cells of the Burmese python,
ingulvies, a sac-like extension of the esophagus used to store
fasting leads to an accumulation of zymogen granules and the
food (e.g., seeds and insects) before later passage of the meal
development of a thick apical tubulovesicular system. Feed-
into the stomach (67). The crop is also used for food storage
ing triggers the loss of zymogen granules, a reduction of
before regurgitation of contents to nestlings. Snakes often
the tubulovesicular system, and the elongation of the luminal
hold food in their esophagus because their prey in many cases
membrane into digitations (257).
is longer than the snakes’ stomachs (40). Extreme cases occur
Vertebrates apparently exhibit two patterns of gastric
for ophiophagus snakes (snakes that eat other snakes) with
acid production with fasting. Mammals, birds, crocodilians,
as much as 80% of the ingested snake meal positioned within
lizards, anurans, some teleost fishes, and elasmobranchs main-
the esophagus at the start of digestion (285). The esophagus,
tain a basal level of HCl production between meals as evident
which varies in length from very short (e.g., fishes) to quite
by low gastric pH’s measured during fasting bouts (Figs. 23A
long (e.g., snakes), is lined on its luminal surface with a single
and 23B) (161, 183, 204, 424, 425, 559, 599) (S. Secor, unpub-
layer of columnar epithelium that contains many mucus-
lished observations). For hibernating groundhogs (Marmota
producing goblet cells (340). The mucus aids in meal passage
monax) and arctic ground squirrels, secretion of gastric juice
and protects the epithelium from refluxed gastric juices
and mucus continues through the hibernation season, even, at
(90, 333).
least for acid secretion in the groundhog, during torpor bouts
Likely stemming from its limited role in digestion, there
at body temperatures as low as 4◦ C (191,354). It is likely that
are only a handful accounts of how the esophagus responds
continued production of HCl between meals reduces bacte-
to fasting and refeeding. Cox and Secor (119) found no
rial colonization within the stomach (539). However, there are
variation in esophagus wet mass among diamondback water
exceptions among these taxa during reproduction-associated
snakes (Nerodia rhombifer) fasted for 30 days and exam-
fasts. Male king penguins are able to store fish within their
ined at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 10 days following feeding. Bessler
stomachs for up to 3 weeks to feed newly hatched chicks by
and Secor (40) investigated the morphology and luminal pH
reducing HCl production (luminal pH increases to 6) and gas-
of the distal esophagus of 30-day fasted and recently-fed
tric motility (205). Female gastric brooding frogs (R. silus)
Burmese pythons, diamondback water snakes, and African
swallow their fertilized eggs or early-staged larva and brood
house snakes (Lamprophis fulginosus). All three species expe-
the eggs/larva in their stomach until they emerge through
rienced a slight acidification of the distal esophageal lumen
the mouth following metamorphosis (110). The frog’s gastric
after feeding due to food occupying that site. That study
epithelium undergoes histological changes consistent with the
revealed pythons to experience a significant decrease in the
suppression of acid production, a process hypothesized to be
thickness of the smooth muscle layers of the esophagus with
induced by prostaglandins that are secreted by the eggs or
feeding due to the high degree of stretching resulting from the
larva (166, 554).
rat meal (40).
The second pattern, observed for teleost fishes, turtles,
and snakes, involves the cessation of acid production with
the emptying of the stomach and the subsequent elevation
of gastric luminal pH to neutrality (Figs. 23C and 23D)
Stomachs mechanically and chemically transform ingested (40,185,367,379,486,600). Burmese pythons cease acid pro-
meals into a soup-like chyme prior to its passage into the duction even before the last remnants of the meal (mats of
small intestine. In the absence of eating, the stomach may hair) have exited the stomach (499). Feeding triggers the rapid
experience atrophy and a downregulation of acid production. increase in HCl production that acidifies the gastric lumen
Fasting-induced gastric atrophy (40%-64% decrease in mass) within 6 h (40,600). Given that the proteolytic enzyme pepsin
has been documented following 1 to 6 months of estivation requires an acidic lumen to be activated (from pepsinogen),
for the anurans C. ornata, C. alboguttata, P. adspersus, and pepsin activity is similarly regulated with fasting and feed-
S. holbrooki, and after 3 months of hibernation for the toad ing (118, 600). Considering the high cost of HCl production
Bufo spinulosus (120, 399, 487). Three days of fasting led (stoichiometry of one ATP hydrolyzed per H+ pumped), the
to a 21% reduction in gastric mass for laboratory rats (66). selective advantage of this mode of HCl regulation is the
During egg incubation, male and female lesser snow geese reduction in daily energy expenditure during long predicted
experience respective 25% and 40% reductions in gizzard dry episodes of fasting (409, 445, 486).

802 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

(A) (A)
9 100 Small intestinal mass
Canis familiaris

6 60


3 20

Relative (%) to fed condition

0 (B)
0 18 36 54 72 Mucosal thickness
(B) 80
Triakis semifasciata 40

3 (C)
Enterocyte volume
0 12 24 36 48 60
9 40
Sparus aurata

6 0

0 6 12 18 24
9 Python molurus
Figure 24 Fasting-induced changes (relative to fed state) in (A)
small intestinal mass, (B) mucosal thickness, and (C) enterocyte vol-
6 ume for Micropterus salmoides, Cyclorana alboguttata, Pyxicephalus
adspersus, Chelydra serpentina, Heloderma suspectum, Python molu-

rus, Nerodia rhombifer, Passer domesticus, and Ictidomys tridecemlin-

3 eatus. Noted is the condition and duration of the fast for each species.
All species experience a fasting reduction in small intestinal mass,
mucosal thickness, and enterocyte volume, however there is consider-
able variation in the extent of the reduction. Figures drawn, with per-
0 mission, from data presented in (71,92,104,119,131,328,496) and
0 48 96 144 192
(S. Secor and D. Crossley, unpublished data).

Figure 23 Gastric pH profile for the (A) dog (Canis familiaris),

(B) leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata), (C) white sea bream (Sparus in local (epithelial) and neuroendocrine signals that promote
aurata), and (D) Burmese python (Python molurus). The downturn arrows epithelial cell function and proliferation (294), and to the
note the time of feeding and the upturn arrows note the time of gastric
emptying. For the dog and leopard shark, the stomach remains acidic reduction in luminal molecules, including those from dietary
and experiences an increase in pH with feeding (due to the buffering and microbial sources that can stimulate mucosal growth
effects of the food). In contrast, the white sea bream and python main- (416). Depending on species, fasting for as little as 24 h can
tain a near neutral gastric pH while fasting, experience a rapid drop
in pH during digestion, and then curtail acid production with the emp- cause intestinal atrophy, due primarily to shortening of villi
tying of the stomach. Figures are drawn, with permission, from data and, to a lesser extent, crypts, with a coordinate reduction
presented in (424, 486, 599, 600). in total mucosal mass (Fig. 24B) (202, 328, 491). Fasting-
induced intestinal atrophy can result from several events
including reductions in enterocyte volume (Fig. 24C) (113),
Small intestine
reduced rates of cell proliferation (294), and increased ente-
Among digestive organs, the small intestine exhibits the rocyte apoptosis (284). Fasting-induced gut atrophy is ener-
most dramatic phenotypic responses to fasting and refeeding getically favorable, given the expense to maintain an active
(Fig. 24A). The absence of enteral nutrients leads to atrophy and robust intestinal mucosa (70). Feeding rapidly restores
of the small intestinal mucosa (i.e., villi, crypts, and lamina the intestinal epithelium by the combined responses of ente-
propria). This is due in part to the fasting-induced reduction rocyte growth (hypertrophy) and increase in cell replication

Volume 6, April 2016 803

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

(hyperplasia) (9, 149, 257). The following studies document volume in the small intestine of the lizard H. suspectum
the responses of intestinal morphology to fasting and refeed- was reduced by 50%, resulting in a 35% decrease in villus
ing. length (104). Small intestinal mass oscillates over a twofold
A 40-day fast for the Atlantic salmon led to respec- range with feeding and fasting for infrequently feeding snakes
tive mass losses of 50% and 38% for the pyloric cecae and (422,494). For several species of pythons, feeding reverses the
small intestine. Refeeding rapidly restored cecae mass, and fasting-induced decrease (30%-50%) in enterocyte width and
small intestine mass was restored by 35% after 7 days (311). mucosal thickness (422). For pythons, postprandial enterocyte
Two months into their winter fasting period, winter flounder hypertrophy is also complemented by significant enterocyte
(P. americanus) had reduced mucosal mass and mucosa sur- hyperplasia, both contributing to the rapid growth of their
face area of their pyloric caeca and foregut by nearly 50% intestines with refeeding (257).
(369). A similar 2-month fast reduced intestinal and mucosal To simulate a natural migratory fast and refeeding at stop-
wet mass by respective 60% and 73% for the rainbow trout over sites, blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) fasted for 2 days
(Salmo gairdneri) (44). Fasts of 14 and 16 days decreased experienced an 18% reduction in villus length and a 45%
villus length by 25% and 52%, respectively, for the fishes loss of small intestinal mass; both responses fully reversed
R. rutilus and Hyphessobrycon luetkenii (3, 203). The pyloric after 2 days of feeding (302). When compared with feeding
caeca of fish likewise experience fasting-induced atrophy as birds prior to departure, migrating great knots (C. tenuirostris)
demonstrated by the respective 25% and 34% reduction in experienced a 42% reduction in intestinal mass and a 45%
enterocyte height and villus length following six weeks of reduction in body mass following a 4-day flight of 5400 km
fasting for the Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) (152). from Australia to China (31). Similarly, great knots held in
For mammalian hibernators, winter fasting leads to atro- captivity lost 64% of intestinal mass (and 45% of body mass)
phy of the intestinal mucosa, particularly for fat-storing after a 1-week fast (31). Following 5 days of Phase II fasting
species that do not consume food during periodic arousals in rats, intestinal mucosal mass fell by 52%, villus height
(71, 72, 76, 277). Mucosal atrophy begins shortly after food decreased by 30%, and rates of cellular proliferation were
intake is curtailed in the fall and is reflected by reductions reduced by 40%. An additional week of fasting reduced the
in villus length, crypt depth, and total mucosal surface area rat’s villus length to half its original length. Refeeding the
(71, 72). These changes are due to reductions in enterocyte rats restored cell proliferation within 6 h, and villus height
DNA synthesis, mitotic activity, proliferation, and migration and mucosal mass within 3 days (149, 236).
from crypts to villus tips (188, 307, 563, 564). Overall, small Two noted structural modifications associated with fasting
intestinal mass is reduced 50% to 75% for ground squir- and feeding occur for the epithelium and microvilli. Fasting-
rels and marmots from mid-summer values (71, 76, 277). induced shortening of the intestinal villi is characterized by
Hibernation-induced gut atrophy does not appear to be due a decrease in enterocyte thickness and the possible rear-
to increased enterocyte apoptosis, although there are reports rangement of the epithelium into a pseudostratifed pattern
that fasting in nonhibernating species can increase enterocyte (328,399,422,527). In this configuration, enterocytes overlap
apoptosis due to oxidative damage (22, 284). Interestingly, each other such that not all cells possess an apical exposure
there is evidence for intestinal oxidative stress and increased to the lumen. With refeeding and enterocyte hypertrophy, the
expression of some proapoptotic proteins during hibernation, cells are restored to their stratified columnar architecture, with
but the strong upregulation of several antiapoptotic, prosur- each cell’s apical end exposed to the lumen (422).
vival pathways likely promotes a homeostatic balance in the For ectotherms, fasting and refeeding can significantly
fasted gut (73, 177). The resumption of enterocyte prolifera- impact enterocyte microvillus length (202, 257). One, 5, and
tion and migration that occurs when body temperature rises 6 months of fasting for the fishes, Silurus meridionalis,
during each interbout arousal (74) may also help minimize Pterygoplichthy disjunctivus, and C. carpio, respectively, and
excessive atrophy as winter fasting progresses. For food- up to 3 months of estivation for the anurans C. albogut-
storing hibernators such as the European hamster (Cricetus tata, C. ornate, P. adspersus, and S. holbrooki results in
cricetus) and garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), periodic 28% to 60% reductions in microvillus length (Fig. 25)
arousals are accompanied by feeding, which presumably is the (120, 202, 213, 487, 496, 602). More impressive are the 80%
major factor that maintains the intestine closer to its normal reductions in microvillus length experienced by pythons after
size in these species (196, 523). 1 month of fasting (Fig. 25) (498). With feeding, the python
Estivation ranging from 1 to 9 months for the anurans microvilli double in length within 12 h, and double again
C. alboguttata, C. ornate, P. adspersus, and S. holbrooki in length within 24 hours before peaking in length at day
resulted in 50% decreases in enterocyte volume, 35% to 75% 3 of digestion (328). Within a week of the intestines being
reductions in mucosal thickness, and 50% to 80% loss of cleared, the python microvilli have shortened by 70% (328).
small intestinal mass, all restored with refeeding (Figs. 24A- For mammals, any fasting-induced changes in microvillus
C) (120,487,496). Three and 5 months of hibernation resulted length are much more modest (Fig. 25). For 13-lined ground
in a 57% and 40% decrease in villus length for the toad B. spin- squirrels, hibernation has no effect on microvillus length and
ulosus and the frog R. temporaria, respectively (399, 504). actually increases microvillus density compared to summer
Compared to the fed state, after a 30-day fast enterocyte values (77). For hamsters and laboratory rats, 2 and 5 days

804 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting




% 50


Ictidomys Nerodia Ictalurus Pterygoplichthys Heloderma Ceratophrys Pyxicephalus Python
tridecemlineatus rhombifer punctatus disjunctivus suspectum ornata adspersus molurus

Figure 25 Electron micrographs of intestinal microvilli of fed and fasted 13-lined ground squirrel Ictidomys tridecemlineatus diamondback water
snake Nerodia rhombifer, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, vermiculated sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus, Gila monster Heloderma
suspectum, South American horn frog Ceratophrys ornata, African bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus, and Burmese python Python molurus (77,
104, 119, 131, 213, 328, 496). Fasting conditions are respectively; 6-week hibernation, 30-day fast, 5-day fast, 150-day fast, 30-day fast,
1-month aestivation, 1-month aestivation, and 30-day fast. Below each set of micrographs is illustrated the relative change in microvillus length
with fasting.

of fasting reduced microvillus length by only 15% and 12%, 13-lined ground squirrels experience an increase in the spe-
respectively (149, 376). cific activities of nutrient transporters (Figs. 26C and 26D)
The fasting/refeeding morphological responses of the (71,76,77). In both instances, it appears that enterocytes from
intestine are associated with functional responses, chiefly fasted animals retain or even increase activity of hydrolytic
changes in nutrient uptake and hydrolase activities (172). Two enzymes and nutrient transporters, which may be an adap-
to 11 days of fasting reduced intestinal maltase and leucine tive response to the overall loss of mucosal mass induced by
aminopeptidase activities for the salmon S. salar; a response fasting. It is important to note that fasting-related changes in
reversed after 7 days of refeeding (311). Twenty-four days intestinal function are not ubiquitous among animals; many
of fasting decreased intestinal aminopeptidase activity of the exhibit no significant changes. For instance, a week of fast-
catfish S. meridionalis by 50% (602). After 1 week of fasting, ing had no impact on the activities of intestinal hydrolases
channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) experienced a reduc- or nutrient transporters for grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon
tion in intestinal transport of L-leucine, L-proline, and D- idella) (Figs. 26A-D) (131). Two weeks of fasting failed to
glucose (131). For the anurans Bufo alverius, C. ornata, and induce any change in small intestinal nutrient uptake for the
P. adspersus a 2-week fast reduced intestinal nutrient transport anurans B. marinus, Leptodactylus pentadactylus, and Rana
(Figs. 26C and 26D) (487). Compared to digesting individu- catesbeiana (487). Compared to fed individuals, 1-month of
als, toads (B. spinulosus) fasting for 2 weeks reduced intestinal fasting had no effect on intestinal nutrient uptake for the turtles
hydrolase activities (maltase, trehalase, and aminopeptidase) Chelydra serpentina, Sternotherus odoratus, and Trachemys
by 50%, with a further reduction (20%-50%) experienced scripta, the alligator Alligator mississippiensis, and the snakes
after 3 months of hibernation (399). The binge-feeding lizard Coluber constrictor, Masticophis flagellum, N. rhombifer, and
H. suspectum and sit-and-wait foraging boas, pythons, and the Pituophis melanoleucus (Figs. 26A-D) (119, 214, 493, 494).
rattlesnake Crotalus cerastes all experience intestinal atrophy Variations in the intestinal response in form and function
and the downregulation of intestinal hydrolase activity and/or to fasting and refeeding may be adaptively linked to natural
nutrient uptake with fasting, and these responses are reversed feeding habits. For example, snake species that feed fre-
with refeeding (Fig. 26A-D) (104, 422, 494). quently in the wild experience only modest changes in intesti-
In contrast to a pattern of fasting-induced downregulation nal morphology after fasting/refeeding and no significant reg-
of intestinal function, avian and mammalian intestines can ulatory swings in intestinal function (487). In contrast, snakes
experience an increase in mass-specific activity with fasting. that feed infrequently and experience long intervals between
A 1-day fast for house sparrows led to an increase in the meals exhibit greater morphological changes and significant
specific activities (i.e., per gram of intestine) of the hydro- regulation of intestinal function with each fasting/refeeding
lases aminopeptidase and sucrase (92). During hibernation, episode (487). For snakes (at least), the modulation of
intestinal microvillus length appears to be the chief cellular

Volume 6, April 2016 805

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

200 (A) Aminopeptidase Large intestine and cecum

150 The relatively few studies that have examined how the hindgut
(cecum and large intestine) responds to fasting and refeeding
report variable effects on tissue mass, and where effects are
50 noted they are generally of lesser magnitude compared with
0 the small intestine. Fasts of 2 weeks for 6 anuran species and
300 (B) of 1 month for 13 species of snakes resulted in no change in
large intestinal mass (119, 422, 487, 494). However, as much
200 as a 50% loss of large intestinal mass was noted after 1, 1, and
Relative (%) to fed condition

9 months of estivation, respectively, for the anurans C. ornata,

100 P. adspersus, and C. alboguttata (120, 487, 496). The python
cecum undergoes no change in wet mass over a 30-day span
0 following feeding (S. Secor, unpublished data).
200 (C) For rats, colonic cell proliferation decreases during a 36-h
D-glucose uptake
150 fast and rapidly resumes upon refeeding (416). Within 6 h
of refeeding, cell proliferation rates had returned to control
(fed) values, after which rates continued to increase to peak at
50 24 h, before returning to control levels after 76 h of refeeding
(416). Colonic mucosal thickness however remained constant
450 (D) with refeeding possibly due to the increase in proliferation
L-Proline uptake being balanced by an increase in cellular apoptosis (416).
300 In contrast, an increase in proliferation of colonic cells was
absent when the refeeding diet contained low levels of fer-
150 mentable carbohydrates (i.e., fiber) or for rats treated with oral
antibiotics, suggesting a role for the microbiota in mediating
0 the proliferative response. Metabolomic analysis suggested
that the bacterial metabolite lactate, produced by commen-
sal lactobacilli, was the most likely candidate responsible for
triggering proliferation (416).
The effects of winter fasting on hindgut structure and
function in mammalian hibernators have been explored in
Figure 26 Fasting generated changes (relative to fed state) in small marmots and ground squirrels. In alpine marmots, as is the
intestinal (A) aminopeptidase activity, (B) maltase or sucrase activ-
ity, (C) D-glucose uptake, and (D) L-proline uptake for Ctenopharyn-
case for their small intestine, the masses of hindgut segments
godon idella, Ceratophrys ornata, Amphiuma tridactylum, Chelydra are highest in late summer and lowest at the end of hiberna-
serpentina, Heloderma suspectum, Python molurus, Nerodia rhombifer, tion (277). One interesting difference is that whereas small
Passer domesticus, and Ictidomys tridecemlineatus. Noted is the condi-
tion and duration of the fast for each species. Among these species,
intestinal mass falls from mid (July) to late summer (Septem-
there is considerable variation in magnitude by which intestinal func- ber), presumably due to a gradual reduction in food intake,
tion is regulated with fasting, ranging from sever downregulation, to mass of hindgut segments remain at their highest levels. In
no change, to significant increases in mass-specific function. Figures
drawn, with permission, from data presented in (71,92,104,118,119,
ground squirrels, crypt lengths in the cecum fall progressively
131, 491, 496) and (S. Secor and D. Crossley, unpublished data; S. with time in hibernation, from a high in summer through 1
Secor and M. Smith, unpublished data). and 4 months of winter fasting. Two weeks after refeeding in
spring, crypt length is greater than in hibernation but is still
reduced compared with summer values (144).
mechanism responsible for the regulation of intestinal
function. For frequently feeding snakes, microvillus length
Brain/Nervous system
and hence microvillus surface area do not vary between
meals, whereas infrequently feeding snakes increase and Compared with many other organs, the central nervous system
decrease microvillus length with onset and termination of a is relatively resistant to fasting-induced reductions in tissue
fast, respectively (118,119,498). For these snakes, changes in mass. Brain wet mass did not change after 7 days of fast-
microvillus surface area closely match the alteration in intesti- ing for the laboratory rat (which lost 27% in body mass) or
nal function (Fig. 27A). A similar form-function relationship after 42 days of fasting for the Atlantic salmon (518). Follow-
was observed for the catfish S. meridionalis; after 24 days ing 6 months of laboratory-induced estivation, C. alboguttata
of fasting they experienced a 43% decrease in microvillus exhibited no change in the shape of neuromuscular junctions,
surface area and a 49% reduction in aminopeptidase activity in resting membrane potential of muscle fibers, or in miniature
(Fig. 27B) (602). end plate potential frequency and amplitude. These frogs did

806 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

Python molurus
(A) 1.5 3.2

(nmol min–1 mg–1)


L-Proline uptake
MVSA (μm2)


0.0 0.0
0 6 12 18 24 30
Days of fasting

Silurus meridionalis
(B) 2.4 24

Aminopeptidase activity
MVSA (μm2 μm–1)

1.6 16

(U g–1)
0.8 8

0.0 0
0 8 16 24 32
Days of fasting

Figure 27 Correspondence between temporal changes in microvillus surface area

(MVSA, black) and intestinal function (blue) with fasting for (A) the Burmese python (Python
molurus) and (B) the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis). In this figure, MVSA is com-
pared with L-proline uptake rates for P. molurus and with aminopeptidase activity for S.
meridionalis. Electron micrographs of intestinal microvilli at each time point demonstrate the
fasting-related shortening of the microvilli and hence decrease in MVSA. Micrographs and
the data used to make figures originate, with permission, from (119, 328, 602).

experience significant decreases in the amplitude of end plate change in use. Gills of estivating lungfishes adhere to each
potential and increases in the proportion of nerve simulation other and the interlamellar spaces fill with mucus, while the
that failed to evoke end plate potentials (275). gills of estivating greater (S. lacertina) and lesser (S. interme-
dia) sirens decrease in ramus length (160, 207, 537). Lungs
of estivating lungfish increase function with an expansion of
Gills/Lungs surface area and vascularization (537).
Gills and lungs generally maintain their size and integrity dur-
ing extended bouts of fasting, due largely to their continued
need for respiration. Lung wet and dry masses do not differ
between fasted (2-4 weeks) and recently fed anurans, turtles, There is little evidence for significant changes in heart mass
and snakes (119, 422, 487, 493, 494). For laboratory rats, a with fasting or after refeeding that are independent of changes
7-day fast generated a 27% decrease in body mass, with a in body mass, or when body mass is controlled for among fed
modest 5% loss in lung mass (91). Four days of continuous and fasted treatments (31, 91, 221, 299, 408, 422, 487, 494).
flying resulted in an estimated 48% loss in body mass with Exceptions include a 24% decrease in heart mass (body mass
only a 15% decrease in lung mass for great knots (31). These dropped by 17%) for house sparrows after 31 to 34 h of fast-
birds preserve lung mass (and hence lung performance) dur- ing and as much a 40% increase in heart mass with refeeding
ing migration relative to other organs; however a 1-week fast for the Burmese python (11, 92, 459, 491). The postprandial
in captivity resulted in loss of lung mass that was proportional growth of the python’s heart stems from cellular hypertrophy
to body mass loss (31). Bouts of estivation can lead to noted (no evidence of hyperplasia) and apparently serves to increase
changes in gill/lung structure due to the absence of water and cardiac output to meet the elevated metabolic demands of the

Volume 6, April 2016 807

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

2.5 (A) Heart active gut (459, 488, 500). With fasting, the python’s heart
experiences atrophy as metabolic demands of digestion are
suppressed (500). Laboratory-induced estivation generates
2.0 changes in the structure of the ventricular myocardium of
the African lungfish P. dolloi (280). For estivating lungfishes,
1.5 cardiomyocytes increase in volume and double in sarcomere
length, while experiencing an increase in mitochondrial size
with a decrease in mitochondrial density. These changes are
reversed within 6 days after returning to water (280). When
20 (B) Liver
P. aethiopicus is induced to estivate in either mud or within
a bag, heart rate and blood pressure decrease by as much as
15 40% (135,176). After 16 weeks of laboratory estivation, heart
rate in the lesser siren (S. intermedia) was reduced by 50%
Echocardiographic images revealed no changes in left
ventricular wall thickness after a 5-month hibernation period
5 for black bears (319), however hibernating grizzly bears did
6 (C) Gall bladder experience a reduction in left ventricular mass (402). Ventric-
ular mass increased about 20% after 6 months of hibernation
for golden-mantled ground squirrels (577). This may be due
Wet mass (g)

in part to the increase accumulation of lipid droplets in the
cardiomyocytes of the hibernating squirrels compared to non-
2 hibernating ground squirrels (65).

0 Liver
8 (D) Pancreas
600 Amylase capacity For some species, the liver can match the small intestine in
μmol min–1

400 the magnitude of reversible plasticity experienced with fast-

6 200 ing and refeeding. Sixteen days of fasting for the fishes S.
0 meridionalis and H. luetkenii led to respectively 10.5% and
0 10 20 30
Days of fasting 13.3% loss in body mass, with concurrent 31% and 37%
decreases in liver mass (203, 602). For S. meridionalis, hepa-
tocyte volume was reduced by 41% (602). Decreases of 30%
2 to 76% of liver mass following 5 to 7 weeks of fasting have
(E) Kidneys been documented for the fishes C. lazera, Hopilias malabar-
icus, P. flavescens, and S. salar (184, 242, 458, 518). Eels
(A. anguilla) fasted for 20 weeks lost 21% of their body mass
1.2 while experiencing a 34% decrease in liver wet mass (318).
Experimental fasts of 1, 2, 12, and 20 months resulted in
0.8 40%, 40%, 30%, and 70% reductions, respectively, in liver
masses for the anurans C. ornata, S. holbrooki, X. laevis, and
R. esculenta (221, 374, 487). Compared to digesting toads
0.4 (B. spinulosus), individuals fasted for 2 weeks in the labo-
0 10 20 30
ratory and those following 3 months of natural hibernation
Days of fasting
lost a respective 11% and 40% of liver mass (399). Rep-
Figure 28 Fasting related change in wet mass of the (A) heart, (b) tiles likewise experience significant losses in liver mass with
liver, (C) gall bladder, (D) pancreas, and (E) kidneys for the Burmese extended fasting; 3 and 5 months of fasting led to reduc-
python (Python molurus). Time zero (0) represents the time point post- tions in liver mass of 44% and 28% for the broad nose caiman
feeding (2 or 3 days) that each organ was at its maximum (heart, liver,
pancreas, and kidneys) or minimum (gall bladder) mass. The insert for (Caiman latirostris) and the western diamondback rattlesnake
(D) illustrates the decline with fasting of pancreas’ capacity for amylase (C. atrox) (359,528), respectively. Refeeding reverses the loss
activity. Figures drawn, with permission, from data presented in (119) of liver mass; 2 days of meal digestion following a 30-day fast
and (S. Secor, unpublished data).
resulted in 40% to 85% increases in liver mass for pythons,
boas, and the sidewinder rattlesnake (422,494). However, not
all reptiles experience significant shifts in liver mass with fast-
ing and refeeding. In similar studies, refeeding after a 30-day
fast did not affect liver mass for the turtles, C. serpentina, S.

808 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

odoratus, and T. scripta, nor for several species of colubrid 408). A week into egg incubation, female and male lesser
snakes (119, 493, 494). snow geese had lost 30% and 45% of pancreatic mass, respec-
Fasting can also induce rapid losses in liver mass for birds tively (15). Hibernation reduces pancreatic mass by 57% for
and mammals. Fasts of 34, 48, and 72 h, respectively, for the golden-mantled ground squirrels (33) and total pancreatic pro-
house sparrow, American marten, and laboratory rat resulted tein content by 50% for bats (32).
in 47%, 27%, and 42% reductions in liver mass, while these Like pancreatic mass, fasting and refeeding responses of
animals only lost 17%, 13.5%, and 20% of their respective pancreatic enzyme function is variable. Fasting durations of
body masses (66, 92, 408). Great knots lost approximately 3, 5, and 7 days each led to decreases in trypsin and chy-
40% of liver mass during 4 days of a nonstop migratory flight, motrypsin activities that were rapidly restored with refeeding
while losing 43% of body mass (31). Over longer fasting for the fish Oreochromis mossambicus (89). Sixteen days of
episodes (25-30 days), mallard ducks and lesser snow geese fasting reduced trypsin and lipase activity by 40% for the
lose 57% to 69% of liver mass while experiencing 42-48% catfish S. meridionalis, but had no effect on amylase activity
reductions in body mass (15, 299). Assessed by volumet- (602). In contrast, even 3 weeks of fasting failed to elicit sig-
ric MRI, liver volume of 13-lined ground squirrels showed nificant changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin activities for the
a nonsignificant trend for reduced volume from late sum- fish Rutilus rutilus; however, this fish did experience a 50%
mer (September) to late hibernation (February) prior to the decrease in amylase activity that was reversed with feeding
resumption of feeding, but no change when volume was nor- (3). Fasting and refeeding effects on pancreatic function were
malized to body mass (which dropped by ∼40%) (265). King evident for P. molurus; after 1 month fast, feeding induced
penguin chicks fasted for 4 months lose 75% of body mass respective 5.7- and 20-fold increases in the activities of pan-
and a concomitant 61% decrease in liver mass (148). creatic trypsin and amylase (118). During hibernation, non-
lactating black bears experience an 87% decline in pancreatic
lipase activity (323). The specific activity and protein expres-
Gall bladder
sion of pancreatic amylase are reduced by 40% to 50% during
For those species that possess one, feeding stimulates con- hibernation for 13-lined ground squirrels (25).
traction of the gall bladder smooth muscle and relaxation of
the Sphincter of Oddi, which propels bile into the small intes-
tine to aid in emulsification of dietary lipids. In contrast to the Spleen
other organs of digestion, the gall bladder increases in volume
Functioning in the filtration of blood, as a reserve of blood
with fasting as bile continually produced by the liver accu-
cells, and in active immunity, the spleen tends to exhibit no
mulates in the gall bladder lumen. Fasting can therefore lead
change in mass (independent of the change in body mass)
to as much as fourfold increase in gall bladder wet weight, as
with fasting and refeeding. Fasting had no impact on spleen
documented for anurans and snakes (422,487), due to changes
mass for six anuran and five python species (422, 487). The
in bile volume, rather than an increase in tissue mass.
27% decrease in spleen mass for laboratory rats following
a 7-day fast nearly matched the 27% decrease experienced
Pancreas in body mass (91). A unique response was observed for the
American marten which, after only a 2-day fast, experienced
The pancreas serves both exocrine and endocrine roles; the
a 48% decrease in spleen mass while body mass fell by only
former by secreting into the proximal small intestine diges-
13.5% (408).
tive enzymes and a bicarbonate-rich fluid to neutralize gastric
acid, and the latter by releasing hormones (chiefly insulin and
glucagon) into circulation. The exocrine acinar cells of the
pancreas make up >95% of pancreatic mass; therefore, fast-
ing might be predicted to result in reduced acinar cell mass Compared with other organs, kidneys are generally less flex-
and function. The few studies that have explored fasting and ible in terms of morphological changes with fasting and
refeeding responses of the pancreas have reported a mixture of refeeding. Jordan [1953] noted a 45% reduction in body mass
responses. Refeeding after a month of fasting generated sig- of mallard ducks after 25 days of fasting, but more modest
nificant increases in pancreatic mass for the anurans C. ornata, decreases in kidney mass of 15% and 27% for female and male
and P. adspersus and the snakes Python brongersmai, P. molu- ducks, respectively (299). Two to 10 days of fasting caused
rus, and N. rhombifer (118, 119, 422, 487). However, similar no changes in kidney mass relative to body mass loss for the
treatments had no effects on pancreatic mass for other anu- American marten and laboratory rat (66,218,408). When nor-
rans (e.g., B. marinus and R. catesbeiana) and snakes (e.g., malized to body mass, kidney volume (by MRI) in 13-lined
Python regius, C. constrictor, C. cerates), or for turtles (e.g., ground squirrels did not vary throughout hibernation, but vol-
C. serpentine and T. scripta) (422, 487, 493, 494). One, 2, ume normalized to body mass increased from late hibernation
and 2 days of fasting generated respective 21%, 29%, and (February) to spring (April) after refeeding (265). Following
8% decreases in pancreatic wet mass for the house sparrow 2 to 4 weeks of fasting, refeeding failed to elicit any increase
(Passer domesticus), blackcap, and American marten (92,302, in kidney mass for the anurans B. marinus, L. pentadactylus,

Volume 6, April 2016 809

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

and R. catesbeiana, the lizard H. suspectrum, and snakes of and the hyperproliferative response that occurs upon refeed-
the genera Coluber, Lampropeltis, Masticophis, and Nerodia ing in normal, chow-fed rats was abolished when dietary fiber
(104,487,494). In contrast, fasts of 2, 4, and 7 months caused was removed from the diet, or when the experiment was car-
respective losses of 47%, 50%, and 73% of kidney mass for ried out using germ-free animals. Thus, a bacterial metabolite
the fish C. lazera while the fish themselves lost, respectively, appeared to be necessary for the refeeding response, which
19%, 35%, and 47% of their body mass (242). When normal- the authors identified as lactate (416).
ized to body mass, refeeding for 2 days after an extended fast How gut microbial communities respond to periods of
(>30 days) induced 33% to 92% increases in kidney mass for fasting and refeeding of their hosts has been examined for
the anurans B. spinulosus, C. ornata and P. adspersus, and animals that naturally undergo changes in food intake as
several species of boas and pythons (399, 422, 487, 494). part of their lifestyles. For the Burmese python, fasting
results in a dramatic reduction in the diversity of the micro-
biota in the large intestine (113). For fasting pythons, the
Gut microbes in fasting and refeeding gut is dominated by members of the phylum Bacteroidetes
The microbial communities (“microbiota”) that reside in and (Bacteroides, Rikenella), Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Verru-
on animal bodies have diverse and often profound effects comicrobia (Akkermansia), and Deferribacteres (Synergistes).
on multiple aspects of host biology, from birth until death Several of these, including Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
(215, 363). For most animals, the gastrointestinal tract is the and Akkermansia muciniphia, are able to degrade intesti-
site of highest densities of commensal microbes where they nal mucins and subsist on the derived glycans as their sole
can number in the trillions in some species, vastly outnumber- energy source, thus allowing them to flourish in the fasted
ing host cells by 10 to 1 (591). Gut microbes form ecosystems gut. (140, 521). Feeding is followed by a large expansion
characterized by complex interactions with the host and with in the diversity of the intestinal microbiota, most notably
each other. Dietary components that escape host digestion and by members of the phylum Firmicutes including the fam-
absorption provide ample substrates for microbial growth, ily Peptostreptococcaceae and the genera Lactobacillus and
although endogenous substrates such as mucin glycans and Clostridium. This rapid alteration in the microbiota is presum-
nutrients in sloughed epithelial cells can also be metabolized ably driven by the appearance in the large intestine of metab-
by some species. Host diet is a major factor that influences olizable components of the partially digested meal. The post-
the abundance and composition of the gut microbiota as well prandial dominance of Firmicutes is mirrored by a reciprocal
as the functional capacity of the microbiome (i.e., the com- decrease in the contribution of the Bacteroidetes to the micro-
bination of microbial species and their respective genomes) bial community (Fig. 29). Upon the completion of digestion
(130, 387). The composition of the host diet influences the (10 days postfeeding), the relative contributions of these two
types of metabolites produced by gut microbes, and since dominate phyla to the python’s microbiota return to fasting
many of these are now known to act as signaling molecules levels (roughly 50:50) (113).
among microbes and between microbes and the host, diet The strong influence of host diet on shaping microbiota
composition can affect many aspects of host physiology via composition is also seen in mammalian hibernators that fast
processing by the microbiota (146, 509). Given these consid- during the winter months (485). Compared with the micro-
erations, it is not surprising that anticipated or unanticipated biota of summer animals, phylogenetic diversity of the cecal
episodes of fasting and refeeding affect the abundance, com- luminal microbiota (i.e., bacteria associated with bulk con-
position, and activities of the gut microbiota, and thus the tents in the lumen) decreases during hibernation for 13-lined
functional impact of microbes on fasting biology. and arctic ground squirrels (78, 530) and in 13-lined ground
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by gut squirrels, diversity increases with the resumption of feeding
microbiota—including the three most abundant SCFA, in the spring (78). For both ground squirrels, the relative
acetate, propionate and butyrate—can contribute between 5% abundance of the phyla Bacteroidetes and Verrucomicrobia
and 25% of the energy requirements of nonruminant animals increase during hibernation whereas the relative abundance
(37). This energetic benefit to the host may be particularly of several taxa in the Firmicutes phylum are reduced (78,530)
beneficial under fasted conditions. For example, compared to (Fig. 29). These changes likely reflect the better competitive
germ-free mice, mice with a normal gut microbiota are better ability of taxa that contain species that are capable of surviving
able to increase hepatic ketogenesis and maintain myocardial on host-derived substrates, such as mucin glycans (140, 521)
energy oxidation and cardiac mass under fasted conditions compared with those that tend to prefer dietary polysaccha-
(121). rides (many Firmicutes). Interestingly, these changes are not
The involvement of gut microbes and their metabolic by- seen in all species that hibernate; for example, in Syrian ham-
products in the intestinal response to fasting and refeeding was sters, hibernation had no effect on numbers or taxonomic
demonstrated in laboratory rats that were fasted for 36 h and diversity of cecal luminal microbes relative to nonhibernating
then refed for varying lengths of time up to 76 h (416). Cell hamsters (522). In contrast to ground squirrels, Syrian ham-
proliferation in the colon was reduced after 36 h of fasting, sters feed periodically during the hibernation season, which

810 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

(A) 100

80 Firmicutes

Percentages of sequences



0 2 4 6 8 10
Days postfeeding

80 Tenericutes
Percentages of sequences


40 Verrucomicrobiota


Summer Early Late Spring
active Winter hibernation active

Figure 29 (A) Postprandial separation of the relative percentages of the microbiota phylums
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes within the large intestine for the Burmese python (Python molu-
rus). Within hours of feeding, Firmicutes come to dominate the microbiota community, while
the contribution of Bacteroidetes is greatly depressed. With the clearing of the intestine and
through fasting, both phyla then contribute equally to the microbiota community. (B). The rel-
ative abundance of microbiota phyla in cecal contents of 13-line ground squirrels (Ictidomys
tridecemlineatus) during summer activity, early and late winter hibernation, and spring activity
2 weeks postfeeding. Note the shifts with hibernation of the phyla Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,
and Verrucomicrobia. Figures drawn, with permission, from data presented in (78, 113).

may be responsible for maintenance of their microbial popu- mucosal microbiota across the annual cycle, along with a
lations similar to the active season configuration. core assemblage of operational taxonomic units (analogous
The mucosa-associated microbiota is also affected by to species) that makes up 36% to 76% of total sequences in all
fasting and refeeding cycles in 13-lined ground squirrels. This animals regardless of season suggest that the relative stability
community, which is closely associated with the mucus layer, of this community is made possible because of continued host
is thought to be more resistant to perturbations such as those production of their main energy source, mucin glycans (144).
induced by fasting and refeeding (483). Like the luminal Relative to summer squirrels, protein expression of the main
community, the mucosal microbiota undergoes similar sea- intestinal mucin, MUC2, is greater in squirrels after 1 month
sonal shifts over the hibernation cycle, although differences in of hibernation and in spring after two weeks of refeeding, and
relative abundance of specific taxa are less pronounced (144). expression levels were unchanged even after 4 to 5 months of
The relative persistence of bacterial taxa within the squirrel hibernation (144).

Volume 6, April 2016 811

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

The contribution of gut microbes to host protein bal- Integrating the molecular mechanisms of fasting
ance has been recognized for decades, particularly in foregut-
Recent complements to the numerous ecological, behavioral,
fermenting species. Urea that diffuses from the blood into
and physiological studies of fasting responses are studies that
the gut lumen is a nitrogen source for gut microbes; up to
take a molecular approach to exploring the integrative mech-
50% of host urea can be hydrolyzed in the hindgut by ure-
anisms underlying specific fasting phenotypes. The emer-
olytic bacteria, producing CO2 and ammonia (566) (see sec-
gence of these studies began in the 1990s with a focus on
tion on “Substrate utilization during fasting: Hibernation”).
hibernation, and employed methods of in situ hybridization,
Recycling of urea nitrogen by rumen microbes is crucial for
Northern blot analysis, and differential display to demon-
protein balance in ruminant species, but there is evidence that
strate the differential expression of genes between summer-
urea nitrogen salvage by hindgut microbes may contribute to
active and winter-hibernating animals (chiefly ground squir-
nitrogen conservation in nonruminants, especially if diets are
rels) (14, 56, 74, 164, 414, 524). An in situ hybridization study
low in protein or the animals are fasted or malnourished (513).
on Chinook and coho salmon published in 1998 identified
Urea nitrogen salvage has been proposed as a mechanism by
significant increases in signaling for neuropeptide Y (NPY)
which mammalian hibernators conserve protein during win-
in the preotic area of the hypothalamus for 3-week fasted fish
ter fasting (244, 405, 456). However, apart from a preliminary
(512). Given the current exponential increase in molecular-
report (244), studies that demonstrate bacterial urea hydroly-
based studies and the exhaustive amount of data being gener-
sis and appearance of the liberated nitrogen in amino acids or
ated, we highlight the chronology of these studies and review
proteins of the hibernator host are lacking.
three studies from different fasting biologies.
Other studies have examined microbiota changes in
Beginning in the 1990s, the examination of fasting-related
species that may experience periods of short-term or pro-
changes in gene expression shifted to microarray analysis,
longed starvation that are not associated with normal feeding
suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), and quantitative
cycles intrinsic to the life history of the animals. An 8-day
real-time PCR (RT-PCR, qPCR). Investigators frequently cou-
fast lead to a substantial increase in the relative abundance
ple RT-PCR with other approaches (e.g., microarray, SSH, and
of bacteria of the phylum Bacteroidetes (from 8.2% to 36%)
RNAseq) to validate the direction and magnitude of expres-
within the intestine of the Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer
sion change for a targeted set of genes (169, 334, 451, 580).
(590). Contributing to this increase were elevated abundances
Microarray technologies identified hundreds of genes that
of members of the classes Bacteroidia and Sphingobacteria. In
were differentially expressed with fasting and refeeding in
contrast, the class Betaproteobacteria was reduced by fasting.
the axial muscle of the rainbow trout (451). Loong et al.
As noted earlier, several taxa within the class Bacteroides are
(334) used SSH to isolate genes in the liver that were dif-
particularly adept at harvesting alternative energy sources in
ferentially expressed between fasted-control and laboratory-
the intestine during a fast compared to other major bacterial
estivated African lungfish (P. annectens). For estivating lung-
groups. In fed seabass, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were
fish, expression of genes related to urea synthesis and lipid
the most abundant phyla in the intestine whereas Proteobac-
metabolism increased, whereas genes involved in carbohy-
teria and Bacteroidetes were the dominant phyla after fasting.
drate and amino acid metabolism decreased.
The observed shift in the ratio of Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes
The targeting of liver genes in the Nile tilapia using RT-
from fed to fasted states may characterize the microbiota
PCR revealed the decline with fasting (up to 28 days) in the
dynamics of the vertebrate intestine among diverse species.
expression of fatty acid synthetase and HSL, and the increase
Metagenomic analysis of microbial sequences from fed and
expression of LPL, all of which were reversed with refeeding
fasted fish, along with qPCR analysis of fish intestinal tissue
(549). The molecular basis of the capacity of elephant seal
suggested that microbial genes related to antibiotic activity
pups to maintain elevated levels of thyroid hormone during
were enriched in response to fasting, and host genes related
postweaning fasting was examined by Martinez et al. (352).
to the immune system were generally upregulated. In contrast
These investigators used RT-PCR to demonstrate a fasting-
to mammalian hibernators (144), fish intestine displayed a
induced increase in mRNA expression of deiodinase type
modest increase in expression of MUC2 mRNA after 3 days
I and type II and thyroid hormone receptor beta-1 within
of fasting followed by a 2.3-fold reduction 6 and 12 days
adipose and muscle tissues, and the upregulation of UPC2
postfasting (590).
within the adipose (352). These techniques revealed seasonal
There is substantial variability in the effects of fasting on
changes in transcript levels of genes that are associated with
hindgut microbial communities, likely due to such factors as
the transitions into and out of hibernation for mammals (14,
host diet and the regularity of feeding patterns in nature, as
59, 64, 155, 168-170, 238, 239, 350, 503, 580, 593-595).
well as the structure of the host’s digestive tract. Investigator-
More recently, the capacity to explore the molecular
driven factors can also contribute, including choice of gut seg-
mechanisms of fasting responses has been enhanced with
ment and microbial community for sampling. At least some
the advent of high-throughput gene expression profiling (e.g.,
of these probably contributed to findings of both unique and
RNAseq) (238, 239, 503). The deep sequencing of the tran-
common effects of fasting on the diversity and composition of
scriptome provides an unparalleled assembly of data on both
hindgut microbiota of animals from five classes of vertebrates
the presence and relative expression of genes. Partnered with
(tilapia, toads, geckos, quail, and mice) (308).

812 Volume 6, April 2016

Comprehensive Physiology Physiology of Fasting

the construction of a species genome, the information mined

Small molecule biochemistry

Carbohydrate metabolism
via bioinformatics is vast. For three fasting model species,

Amino acid metabolism

this sequencing technology has uncovered multiple genes
that are differentially expressed with the onset of fasting. For

Lipid metabolism
the green-striped burrowing frog, 4 months of estivation was
associated with reduced expression of skeletal muscle genes
(A) 6
involved in amino acid transport, and carbohydrate, lipid,
and amino acid metabolism, whereas expression of genes 3
that direct cell death and survival, the maintenance of mus- 0

DNA replication, recombination,

- Log (p-value)
cle integrity, and DNA replication and repair was elevated

Small molecule biochemistry

Cell death and survival

Nucleic acid metabolism
(Fig. 30A) (446). For this frog, gene programs appear to –3
function during estivation to suppress metabolism and pre- –6
serve muscle function.

and repair
Fasting and feeding induced the differential expression
of thousands of genes in the organs of the Burmese python –12
(13, 84, 490). For the heart, liver, small intestine, and kid- –15
ney, fasting is accompanied by elevated expression of tran-
scriptional (DDX21), developmental (CCT5), translational
(EIF4B and Rmb4), and signaling (NCOA4) genes (Fig. 30B).
Feeding is rapidly followed by the downregulation of those (B) 3
genes and the upregulation of metabolic (PDK4 and Slc35b4) 2
and developmental (GPR180) genes among these four organs 1
Log2 fold change

(Fig. 30B). Underlying the postprandial upregulation of the 0

DDX21 Rmb4
python’s small intestine is the dramatic increase in the expres- –1
sion of genes involved in microvillus lengthening, cytoskele- –2
tal remodeling, intracellular trafficking, substrate metabolism, –3
nutrient transport, and hydrolase activity (13, 490). –4 Liver
For the heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue of –5 Small intestine
13-lined ground squirrels, RNAseq revealed the differential
expression of genes throughout the annual hibernation cycle
(239). Highlights of that study include peaks during win- (C) 4
ter torpor and interbout arousal in the expression of heart 3
NAC1 (sodium/calcium exchanger 1) and PDK4 (pyruvate
dehydrogenase kinase), of skeletal muscle NDRG2 (n-Myc 2
Fold change

downstream regulated gene 2) and PDK4, and of adipose



PCKGC (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) and PDK4
(Fig. 30C). Spring active animals exhibited expression peaks PDK4



in heart NU1M (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1) –1




and CYB (cytochrome b) and in muscle SARCO (sarcolipin) Heart

–2 Muscle
and GLNA (glutamine synthetase). In August and October,
–3 White adipose
squirrels experienced peaks in adipose ACOD (acyl Co-A
desaturase) and LEP (leptin). Figure 30 (A) Representation of the up- and downregulation of cellu-
These technological advances will undoubtedly lead to lar function by the differential expression of genes within the gastrocne-
an era of studies tracking differential gene expression with mius muscle of green-striped burrowing frogs (Cyclorana alboguttata)
the onset, continuation, and termination of fasting. However, following 4 months of aestivation. Plots represent the −log of the P value
stemming from Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. (B) Up and downregulation
the confirmation of a causative link between changes in of genes following a 1 month fast (compared to 1-day fed) for the heart,
gene expression and changes in phenotype requires further kidneys, liver, and small intestine of the Burmese python (Python molu-
analysis beyond simple correlations between the two. It is rus). Genes include those involved in transcription (DDX21), translation
(Rmb4), development (GPR180), and metabolism (PDK4). Plots illustrate
important to consider that rather than transcripts, it is proteins log2 fold change in expression. (C) Factorial changes in mRNA abun-
that are responsible for the phenotypic changes that govern dance of genes of the heart, muscle, and white adipose between sum-
fasting and feeding responses. Given that lack of correlations mer (August) active and hibernating torpor 13-lined ground squirrels
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). Figures drawn, with permission, from data
between transcript and protein abundances are not uncom- presented in (84, 239, 446).
mon (235, 281), an accurate construction of genotype to
phenotype scenarios requires parallel studies in proteomics
and measures of protein functionality (220). The recent
advances in proteomics (graduation from two-dimensional

Volume 6, April 2016 813

Physiology of Fasting Comprehensive Physiology

gel electrophoresis to “shotgun” approaches) can now and amphibian estivation. Such research would be transfor-
provide an escalating characterization of changes in protein mative in revealing the ultimate and proximate mechanisms
abundance, as exemplified by studies from hibernation of fasting phenotypes. It would also be translational for its
biology (156, 219, 220, 262-264, 470, 507). Coupled with insights into the potential for the human body to “turn down
metabolomics, lipidomics, and bioinformatics, such an the dial” while preserving tissue and whole body homeostasis,
integrative-omics approach will enable researchers to benefiting certain trauma states and the metabolic flexibility
construct networks that illustrate the dynamic interactions needed for extended space travel.
among integrated physiological systems (30). These net-
works, although challenging to construct due to their layered
complexity, will prove invaluable in comprehending the regu- References
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