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Unit Code


Criminal justice is defined as a set of social as well as lawful institutions for

administering the laws while maintaining well-defined procedural rules that are set. In the US,

there is a distinct centralized, service, and state criminal law system, and every state has a

different policy for juveniles and adults. Criminal justice comprises of several vital subsystems

that are composed of public organizations and their staffs, trial as well as appellate courts, police

plus law implementation agencies, prosecutions, and public defenders offices, probations and

paroles agencies as well as prison institutions such as jails, penitentiaries and department of

correction which are responsible for parole, probation, as well as custodial roles. Also, several

administrative agencies work as law enforcement, such as licensing of vehicle bureaus and

driver, agencies who deal with taxation and natural resources. For that reason, this paper will

highlight the problems, practices, as well as issues related to Criminal law.

Problems of criminal law

Criminal law will aim to punish and deter behavior, which seems as harmful,

endangering, or threatening to the public, moral welfare, or property. Because of the increase in

digital evidence, police officers find it hard to go through all the process. This is not to mention

that police officers are just inattentive, but they are overworked and under-resourced. Also,

police officers may not understand what pieces of evidence are relevant to a case; the defendant

then is not aware of the evidence in question to request. Another challenge could be the absence

of sufficient advice for indigent defendants. Wealthy individuals could be able to pay for the best

lawyers, and they will acquire what they have paid for. Even though they usually enjoy their

right to free counsel, they do not receive competent counsel or almost no counsel.

Private court-appointment counsel or public defenders defend the needy individuals.

Because they could be having heavy caseloads, their defense lawyers could not have much time

in considering any of their cases and several suspects may plead guilty. Also, there is a problem

of plea bargaining, whereby a suspect decides to plead guilty, expecting the sentence to be

reduced in return. Under the system of integrity, the criminal suspects are allowed to a hearing

by judges in case they need one. Though several suspects always plead guilty, and many criminal

trials are uncommon: Crime cases that often go to a hearing are less than 4 percent (David, et al.

p.98). Prosecutors will favor plea bargains since they assist in ensuring convictions as they save

the expenses and time of jury hearings. In contrast, defendants will prefer appeal agreements as it

helps in providing a reduced sentence, which they could not obtain if the right of jury hearing

were to be exercised.

Practices of criminal law

If the defendants are imprisoned, and the custodies value detention, they will be put in the

correction systems to be punished. Usually, this comprises incarceration, probation. Probation

could be unsupervised or which is supervised. Supervised probation needs the officers to check

criminals to make sure that they comply with the probation frequently. Unsupervised probation is

whereby an individual only faces a jail term or other penalty if they have more offenses during

the ruling. Also, imprisonment is usually the outcome of the hearings, more particularly in severe

trials. The criminal will be housed in either prison or jail. Detention often does not go beyond a

year. The Jail term that lasts more than a year could involve more criminal cases. The critical

restriction on abuse in jail is to be free of unusual punishment plus cruel (Catherine p.58). There

are several ways these prohibitions have come into use in the correction systems, including

overcrowding, poor medical services, as well as physical abuse during the corrections by

officers. Although violations usually occur, it does not end in someone's suspension sentence.

Issues of criminal law

The issue of internet-related offenses has increased, whereby cyber-crimes have become

the major areas of focusing on criminal law systems. From the investigators who usually collect

digital evidence, to the leaders of criminal law whose work is to influence law as well as policy

around the cyber security, to the prosecutor and law administration agents whose role is to bring

the bill to the cybercriminal, criminal law experts play an everyday role in addressing this issue

in today’s connected world. Also, securing the nation’s security remains a concerning issue.

Today’s political situation, addressing the country's safety issues without concerning individual

freedom and rights, is an increasing challenge for policymakers, criminal law agents, and law

administration officers. Specialists with criminal law professions focus on everyday security to

combat cybercrimes, human trafficking, terrorism as well as other threats to the protection of the


Conclusively, this paper has evaluated Criminal law as one of the essential areas of

attention for judicial reforms. One of the aims of criminal law should be the enhancement of

effectiveness and efficiency in the criminal justice systems. This will entail the ensuring of

speedy in disposal and resolution of criminal cases in courts, by making sure that the rights of the

defendant are maintained during the whole law processes, as well as providing structure to

support the process.


Works cited

Brown, David, et al. Criminal Laws: Materials and commentary on criminal law and process in

NSW. Federation Press, 2011. P.98

Carpenter, Catherine L. "Legislative epidemics: A cautionary tale of criminal laws that have

swept the country." Buff. L. Rev. 58 (2010): 1.

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