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to get away from the hussle and bussle

2. to have been raving about
3. travelling in your own
4. by means of - with the help of
5. by no means - not at all, certainly not
6. on behalf of - in the interests of
7. to sit tight
8. in the nick of time- only just in time
9. every now and again - occasionally
10. now and again - din cand in cand
11. flight of steps - set de scari
12. to bite the dust - a esua sau a se opri
13. to put it another way
14. all in all - to sum up
15. to burn the midnight oil - a lucra noaptea tarziu
16. time is getting on - timpul trece
17. a stroke of luck
18. go to your head - a ti se urca la cap
19. have your wits about you - a fi capabil să ia decizii în situații critice ( she managed to
keep her wits about her and escaped unharmed )
20. in the dark (about) - in ceata, neinformat
21. know what’s what - a avea experienta in ceva, a sti despre ce e vorba ( she’s been
working there for 30 years, she knows what’s what
22. to not have a leg to stand on - a nu putea dovedi ceva ( not finding any witneses ,
she doesn’t have a leg to stand on )
23. to not see the wood for the trees - a nu vedea imaginea de ansamblu, ci doar detaliile
( she is only focused on that party, she doesn’t see the wood for the trees)
24. put two and two together - a pune cap la cap ( I just put the two and two together
and that’s how I found out )
25. quick / slow on the uptake - a ii lua foarte putin/mult sa si dea seama de ceva
26. ring a bell - ceva ce iti suna familiar, dar nu stii de unde
27. round the bend - crazy
28. split hairs - a te certa pe ceva nesemnificativ
29. to take stock (of) - a te gandi cu atentie inainte sa decizi ce sa faci
30. a leopard cant change its spots
31. all mod cons - electrocasnice ( the kitchen has all mod cons )
32. break the mould - a face ceva inovator, deosebit fata de restul
33. change your tune- a iti schimba atitudinea/ opinia
34. to stick your guns - a refuza sa iti schimbi opinia, in ciuda opoziției altora
35. the tools of the trade- skill urile si echipamentul pentru a iti face job ul
36. turn over a new leaf - a incepe un capitol mai bun a vietii tale
37. to have a change of heart- a iti schimba opinia
38. a stitch in time (saves nine) - e folosit pentru a spune ca e mai bine sa rezolvi o
problema acum, decat sa o amani
39. all in good time - toate la timpul lor

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