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at the drop of a hat - a face ceva imediat, fara sa te gandesti

2. for the time being - at this time
3. in/for donkey’s years - pentru o perioada foarte lunga de timp
4. in the nick of time- just in time to prevent smth bad
5. once in a blue moon - foarte rar
6. all in good time - cand spui cuiva sa nu te grabeasca
7. word of mouth - din gura in gura (word of mouth publicity )
8. to take everything with a pinch of salt - a nu crede totul
9. to be like chuck and cheese - 2 oameni complet diferiti
10. breach of confidence - A divulga informatii secrete
11. have a ring of truth - a parea a fi adevarata
12. Have it in for someone – Persistently try or desire to criticise or cause harm to
someone, especially due to a grudge: Barry’s had it in for her ever since she beat
him to a promotion.
13. Get a kick out of something – Get a sense of enjoyment, amusement, or excitement
from something: The Rolling Stones still get a kick out of playing at packed stadiums.
14. Be in the habit of doing something – Do something often or regularly, so that it has
become a habit. They were in the habit of going to church every Sunday.
15. Come under criticism – Be criticised: The politician has come under criticism
following his comments in the interview.
16. Have a gift for something – Have a natural talent for doing something: Jenny has a
gift for writing poetry.
17. Be worth someone’s while – Be beneficial and not a waste of someone’s time/be
worth it: It’s really not worth our while to go to this meeting.
18. Keep yourself to yourself – Stay alone rather than spending time with other people:
He hasn’t made any friends because he mostly keeps himself to himself.
19. hit the hay - a pleca pentru ca esti foarte obosit
20. to be up in the air - a nu fi decis inca
21. cost an arm and a leg - costa foarte multi bani
22. a rule of thumb - o regula nescrisa
23. blow off some steam - a gasi o metoda sa iti eliberezi furia
24. to be tickled pink - a fi foarte fericit
25. to drive sm up the all -a il enerva foarte tare

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