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Revised date sheet of B.

E 8th s emester (suoolementarv) throueh online mode

It is notified for the information of all concerned that B.E 8th semester (Supplementary) Examination Session-
June,2027, shall be held through online mode as per following schedule:-
Time:-0 .00 P.M
Thursday Civil Engg Design of Slruclurelll c-801
Computer Engg Electivo-l Hum-812(A)
Orqanizational Behaviour
Eusrness Polrcy & Slralegic N4anagement Hum-812 (B)
Electdcal Engg lnduslnal Engg & Production Management Hum-813 (New )
lnduslrial Enaa & Production Management HUt\4 812(Ord)
Electronics IComm Engg l\4rcro Controller & their ADDlications ECE.8O1
Mechanical Enqq Optimizatron Techniques M-801
lnformation Tech Network Security rT 801
ADolied Eleckonics I
lnst Micro Controller & their Applications ECE.8O1
Friday Civil Enqq Water Power Enqineerinq c 802
18-06-2021 Computer Engg Elcctive-ll Com'801 (A)
Advanced Computer fuchlteclure
Data Warehousinq & Oata Mininq Com-801 (B)
Electrical Enaa Power System-lll EE-802
Eleclronrcs & Communication Anlenna & Radar Engineering ECE-802
MechanicalEngg Eleclive -l M-802 (A)
Automobile Enqrneering
Refrigeratron & Arr Conditrcning M-802(B)

Advance Manufacluring Technoloqy M-802 (C)

lnformation Tech. Enqa Visual Proqrammina r T,802
Applied Electronics & st Enqg Vrrtual lnslrumenlation AEr-802
SatL,rday Civil Enqq Transporlation Enqineerinq.ll c-803
19-06-2021 Computer Engg I Arlrfi at tntethgence Com-602
| {for omouter Enoineerino)
Electrical Engg Electlvc-ll EE-E03(A)
H0h Voltaqe EnOineering
Extra High Voltage Transmissron EE,803(B)
Power System Operation and Control EE.803 (C)
Utilizalion of Electrical Eneroy EE.803 (D)
Electronics Engg ElectiveJl ECE-803 (A)
Salellite Communacation
FPGA Based Digital oesign Techniques ECE-803 (B)(New)
Eleclronics Carcuit Desiqn with lC'S ECE,803(B) (Otd)
Nanotechnoloqv ECE.803 (C)
Digital lmage processing ECE.803 (DXNew)
Diqilal lmaoe Processing ECE-801(A) (Ord )
Mechanical Engg Eloctive-ll M- 803 (A)
WeldinO Technology
l,4echatronics [,,]-803 (B)
Enlrepreneurshtp M-803 (C)
lnformation Tech Elective - lll r.T - 803 (A)
Data Warehousinq and Minino
E- Commerce rT-803(B)
Applied Electronics & lnst Eioctivo-lll AEr,803(A)
PLC and Scada
Pneumatic & raulc lnstrumenlalion AEr,803(B)
Nanolechno ECE-803 (C)
Sunday Civil Enqo Orqanrzation & Manaqement HUM.8O7
20-06-2021 Computer Engg Eloctive-lll Com-803(A)
Compirer Desiqn
Distributed Data Bases Com-803-(B)
Electrical Engq Elective-lll EE-804(A)
of Ele clflca I N,,1 achi s
EE-804 B
Electronics EE,E04 (c) ( New)
EE-804 td
Advanced Power Electronics
Slatic Rela
ECE-804(A) (New)
Electronics Engg
F ibre c o m munication
ECE.804 B
N e U ra Networks & F
ECE-804 c
B to Med rca Electro lcs & lnstrume nlations
MechanicalEngg Elellivel!
Produclion Plann & Control
MetalC & Tool De
Method n &E
ElectivE-lV rT804-(A)
lnformalion Tech
Client Server Architeclure

EI€ctivo-lV AEr804
Applied Electronics & lnst
Roboti cs & Aulomalion
ECE,804 B
N e u ral Networks & F
CivilEngg Electivo-lll
Monday raulics
21{6-2021 c-806
Structural Analysis
Elemenls ol Eanh Ouake
R I SC Archite clure Prole ssronal
lnformation Tech tT-805 ll
lal P
Bio Sensors and MEMS
Applied Ele ctronics & lnst
ECE-803(D) (old)
Electronics Engg
NeMorks &

General lnstructions:-
1OO marks shall be conducted through
onliie mode using Google
i. The End Semester External Examination of

,,. li'Jl""er"
examination, 5
[nk sharr be sent throush emair
minut* b"f;;;;;;;;ieximination
at the
ana tr'e student's shall be required to submit
the answer

be so minures and an extra 10 minutes

time shar be provided to facilitate
,,,. +iH,Y:ti:ltj,",i:i'l*t'il:,rar
."r*:i;:;#;;;;t. ii" *rr.,p.*rl,esponse form shall not be accePted after the
the submission of the

;*'ii::1,:liape' ue ot vurtipre choice question'

*itt ("!^9]::::'j:'ff:::::*.t"""'."f
questions; each question shall carry
" syltabus of the semesar. ,a. iiril"" *i
iive crroice to attempt 25 out 30
4 marks form itself
The students shall type the answers to
short answer tYpe questions on the Googte
be ensured bY the students on their
Note:- . ReliabilitY of the internet Gonnectlon must af:tmlted as per the allotted
cogentTto the Point
Answer to tn" o'"u'"""' ti"'o;J;;;;[
marks/timc allotted in the question
Dv. Registrar (Exam. Prot 'l)

No. Exam./ Ptotl2tl

Dated -o
Copy for the kind informati on
VE %[ot,
vlce chancellor please
1. Spl. SecY. to the Vice- ffi;i,; for the kind information of the Esteemed
of lammu'
2. Sr. P.A to the Registra r/ controller
of Examinations, University

and circulation amons arl concerned

i..llJji1!13[ii,S.rf',,]i,f 1I[ ."0 ,." coileses or Enss.& Tech. ror inrormation

5. Examination core Committee, GCET'

6 Dv. ReEistrar ( CA to CE) for information'
it on www coeJu'com
i iri ,r"t-.rn"rf txamination Wing) for uptoadlnS

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