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I. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

1) (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for revision.
2) (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly magazine.
3) (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked into the office.
4) (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the
5) (to write) and (to leave) the note with the porter, he said he would be back in half an hour.
6) (to write) his first book, he couldn’t go far beyond his own experience.
7) (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.
8) The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a huge animal.
9) Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the conversation.

II. Translate what is given in brackets using Participle I where possible.

1) We came up to the man (стоявшему на углу) and asked him the way.
2) Did you see in what direction the man (стоявший здесь) went?
3) A new power plant is to be built here in two years (которая будет снабжать электричеством) a
number of industrial regions.
4) The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gone.
5) He wants to write a book (которая бы подытожила) his impression of the trip.
6) (Рассказав всё, что он знал) the witness left the box.
7) (Постучав дважды и не получив ответа) he decided that there was nobody in.
8) (Толкнув дверь), he felt that it was not locked, and (открыв её) he looked inside.
9) (Тихо закрыв за собой дверь) he tiptoed into the room.
10) Each time (рассказывая об этом случае) he couldn’t help a smile.
11) (Приехав сюда) only a few years before he knew those parts as if he had always lived there.
12) I felt very tired (проработав целый день) in the sun.
13) The conference (проходящая сейчас) at the University is devoted to problems of macroeconomics.
14) Unable to attend the conference (проходившую тогда), we asked to be sent the typewritten reports.
15) They are now at a conference (которая проходит) at the University.
16) Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock.
17) (Когда их поставили в воду) the flowers opened their petals.
18) The flowers faded (так как их долгое время держали без воды).

III. Insert not or without before the –ing form, thus using a participle or a gerund.

1) … speaking the language, he was questioned through an interpreter.

2) She never did a thing… asking somebody’s advice.
3) The man was holding forth, … paying attention to the attempts to interrupt him.
4) I left him alone, … wanting to distract him from his work.
5) … having recognized me, she passed by … answering my nod.
6) They could not see each other … immediately losing their temper.
7) The girl looked innocently about her, … realizing what the joke was.

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