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Name : Anissya Nur Sya’bhana & Renada

NIM : 201911002 & 201911024

dialog conversition

renada : hello, what's your name?

anissya : hello my name is anissya nur sya'bhana u can call me anissya or sabana. how about
renada : i'm Renada , please call me nadaa
What are you today ?
anissya : i'm fine, how about you?
Renada : i'm great , where were you born sabana?
anissya: I was born in Depok, 28 October 2001. What about you?
renada : i was born in bogor,4th Dec 1999 , but i live in depok . Where your address sabana?
anissya : i live in depok
renada : wahhh same to mee , what do you do?
anissya : I'm still studying at STIKES jayakarta, how about you nadaa?
renada :i'm a student,what's is your phone number?
anissya: my phone number is 088212814599, how about you?
renada : my number is 089652818520 ,what's is your hobby?
anissya : my hoby is playing badmintoon and you?
renada : my hobby are wacthing movie and listening music ,okey sabana nice to meet you, see
you again
anissya : nice to meet you too

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