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Match the images to the accidents

Hit finger: Golpe en el dedo

Broken glass Vidrio roto
Hit on the foot Golpe en el pie
Slip on the ice Resbalar en el hielo
Step on a rake Pisar un rastrillo
Bike accident Accidente de Bicicleta
Something in the eye Algo en el ojo
Hit on the head Golpe en la cabeza
Electric shock Descarga electrica
Hole in the floor Agujero en el suelo
Car accident Accidente de carro
Spill the coffee Derrame de café
Slip on the wet floor Resbalar en el piso mojado
House fire Incendio de una casa
Spill the wine Derrame del vino
Hit a tree Golpear un arbol
Break the dishes Romper los platos
Fall off a ladder Caerse de una escalera
Trip over something Tropesar con algo

A: Are you okay?

B: No.
A: Stay right there. I’ll get a manager. (manager comes to the scene of the
M: What happened?
A: He slipped and fell. We need to fill out a report form.

Accident report: past simple and past continuous for reports/narratives. Read the following report
and identify which tenses are in past simple and past continuous. Use two different colors to
highlight them.  

I was walking to the lift when I heard a shout from the

second floor storeroom. I hurried to the storeroom and
found Susana lying on the floor. There was water on the
floor. She told me that she slipped over and was in a lot of
pain. She could not speak much and could not get up. She
said her back hurt. Later, I asked Ewa to get the first-aider
and I called the ambulance from my mobile phone while I
stayed with her until the paramedics came.

Check out the next video:



Who  (Name):  Rouse Date: 8/5/21 Time: 1:30 p.m Witness: Camila Arango


What happened? (nature and extent of injury) Fractured right foot

Where did it happen? Exact location: Second Floor – Third hall
What was the person doing at the time of the accident?: Rouse was taking the papers and
documents to the office
What caused the injury?:  The hallway floor was wet.

Describe in detail how the accident occurred: Rouse Walker was

walking down the second floor in the third corridor on the left side, when she came
out she did not notice that the floor was wet and she fell into a bad posture hitting
her spine and fell on her right foot.
Suddenly we saw her with a colleague and called the nursing assistant who works
in the company. She gives him first aid but says that her right foot has broken and
the blow to her spine was serious because she cannot sit up.
We called the ambulance to transfer her to a hospital and give her a more
adequate attention and review.
Finally, Rouse Walker did not go to work for a month and a half because the blow
to the spine was a bit serious and they had to put his foot in a cast to later do

Now it’s time for you to fill out a report.

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