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Powers and abilities

Barda has superhuman strength and endurance; being an Apokoliptian, she is also immortal. She
is skilled in all forms of warfare and weaponry.[22] She is one of the deadliest hand-to-hand
combatants alive.[1] Barda's level of power puts her on a par with the most powerful heroines of
the DC Universe, such as Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Power Girl, Mary Marvel, and
Supergirl. Her skill and strength is such that she has fought Wonder Woman to a draw.[1]
She wields a high tech weapon called a "Mega-rod", which produces extremely powerful
concussive energy bolts and can also increase gravitational forces.[22] She can also summon and
use "Aero-disks", which allow her to fly, and Apokoliptian armor, which augments her already
superhuman strength.
Barda was born of the race of New Gods about 250 years ago, on Apokolips. Her mother was
named Big Breeda, but Barda was taken away from her at an early age to be trained as a warrior.
She was a product of Granny Goodness's Home for Orphaned Youth. Granny's motto is "Die for
Darkseid" (the planet's evil ruler). Granny groomed Barda to one day lead the Female Fury
Battalion, a ferocious pack of warrior women.[5] However, during a raid, Barda meets Scott Free,
Darkseid's adopted son, and, sensing a peace about him, fell in love.[1]
Barda risked her own safety to work with the rebel cell led by the New God Himon. Barda,
Himon and Metron assist Scott in escaping Apokolips. She doesn't leave at that point for gravity
manipulation had disabled her and she didn't wish to slow Scott down in his flight. [6] Eventually,
Barda completely turns her back on Granny and came to Earth herself.[7] Scott had become an
escape artist called Mister Miracle, and is teamed with Oberon, his diminutive manager. For a
while, Barda's Furies assist Scott in his showmanship efforts [8] but they return to Apokolips by
themselves. Scott and Barda are married by Scott's father, the Highfather of New Genesis.[9]
For a number of years, Barda followed Scott and Oberon on tour. Eventually they retired as
superheroes and moved to Bailey, New Hampshire.[10] However, despite their best attempts, a
normal life eluded them. Disasters plagued them; Barda, Scott, and Oberon left Bailey and
moved to a loft in Greenwich Village, New York City. Barda formed a defense-training program
for women called the New Female Furies.

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