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a concept paper
by Clarissa Guiang .


Nowadays, through times have changed, human nature has not and bullying has simply evolved along
with technological advances. While conventional bullying does still occur, today's bullies are more
sophisticated, using the Internet – and particularly social media – to attack or harass their victims in
ways that can often be more vicious and damaging than the traditional means. Cyberbullying can ruin
person's life, career or future. Our main aim is to Beat and Stop Cyberbullying with the use of ICT. We
will create several online sources that will help promote the awareness of people involved about
Cyberbullying. Take legal action and report Cyberbullies.


When Cyberbullying happens, it is important to document and report the behavior so it can be
addressed. The main purpose of our project is to help, share some information, tips and a tangible
solution that may help to reduce or resolve the problem. Our group will be creating infographics and
other related information connected to Cyberbullying using internet and digital platforms. We will help
you learn how to report and take legal action. If the bully continues harassing you, he or she shall face a
penalty of fines ranging from P50,000 to P100,000, or imprisonment between six months and six years,
or both.


Once we developed our project, we will upload it in websites like facebook, Blogging sites,
and other digital platforms that people can see and easily access. Our expenses may only include the
Campaign materials and Internet.


Get help: Report Cyberbullying to Online Service Providers. If you have some questions about our
project, feel free to contact us at

submitted by:

Leader: Clarissa Beltran. Guiang.

Members: Clarissa Guiang and Guiang, Clarissa. (Hehehe ( ≧▽≦))

Submitted to: Sir. Joezer Valdez.

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