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My Bonsai Moment

I leap to a conclusion about what the piece is about and how it

develops liberation and love after reading the poem entitled Bonsai. And I
realized when you have strength to speak out, you can express yourself
without hesitation or second thoughts, which allows you to love and be
loved. In this world, everyone needs love, whether it is romantic love, love
for friends, or love for family.

I am raised by very hard-working, supportive, and loving parents,

who made me feel that I have everything. Because of that, I felt the
necessity to give back to their hard work and kindness. That is why I worked
hard enough to make them proud each day. It was in seventh grade when I
felt a lot of changes. Moving into a school with competitive students and
high standards was such a huge transition for me. That is when I felt a lot of
pressure and begun to question my proficiency. At some point, I did not
want to tell my parents about the struggle that I'm facing because of the
thought that it would make them less proud. But it was my mom who taught
me that embracing failure can help you do better because the glory of life is
not winning but instead rising up every time we fall. Because of that, I've
realized that surrounding yourself with the right people can motivate you to
be the best version of yourself. Because these people don't need grand
gesticulation to make you feel that you are loved, it is with their simple
gestures that make your heart feel overwhelmed. Now, whenever I feel
stress and depressed, I always remind myself that I am loved and that I am
not alone in whatever battle I am in.

Everyone has the freedom to express themselves in a way that

makes them happy and helps them reach a humane goal and this is all that
we should have in life, the ability to express, respect, and be loved.

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