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Ways to become fit while staying at home

In this time of pandemic, it certainly a challenge to stay physically and mentally fit while staying
at home avoiding the threat of COVID-19. Going to the gym does indeed ignores the possible transfer of
the virus to the public. Making this us such a spider-effect to the outside world, a challenge remarks to
the hardworking work outers there.

Something that nullifies us from attaining desired body fitness or which we like to call these days as
‘body goals’ is certainly today’s time of a global pandemic, which any recreational activities we used to
engage in are now restricted. One broad concern to this, is working out in gym facilities. Why broad?
This is due to the fact that not all the aspiring gym visitors in achieving respective goals before are
willing to sacrifice their personal health visiting the gym for the week, thus this became an issue to be
discoursed by health professionals.

Considering that numerous places are reported to have resurgence on constant Covid-19 cases,
it was addressed to the society that going to gym is physically unsafe. What is known is that the risk of
transmission is significantly lower outside, where the air is not stagnant and you can spread out, than in
a confined space. According to some health professionals, while you may be able to run for hours
outside without seeing another runner, this is unlikely to be the case at the gym. Furthermore, heavy
breathing in a gym can spread infectious droplets further, putting you at risk of catching or transmitting
the disease if you don't have enough ventilation.

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