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It's not about who has an idea but who can execute it.

There's a phrase that says, "There are no original ideas.

You Don’t Have to Have an Original Idea to Be a Success

The Social Network tells the story of Facebook’s founding and rise to fame through the lens of the
lawsuits that arose around it almost from the beginning.
The movie, The Social Network, is a powerful portrayal of how the founder of Facebook, Mark
Zuckerberg and his team, started out with a dream and a $1000 start-up, to become the youngest
billionaire in the world.

The movie The Social Network is centred around a lawsuit that three founders of ConnectU, a social
network in the making, mount against Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of competing social network,
As Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become
known as Facebook, he is sued by the twins who claimed he stole their idea, and by the co-
founder who was later squeezed out of the business.

What struck me about this movie was that if you can identify a need that isn’t being satisfied,
what you have is an opportunity on your hands. What steps you take next to grow that novel idea
is your journey towards success or failure. In this case, it was a huge success based on self-
belief. This movie captures the true challenges entrepreneurs of today face.

 On paper, Zuckerberg and his team, are not impressive. They’re college

dropouts who got into trouble for hacking into Harvard’s database. Yet he’s
able to complete Facebook and launch one of the biggest companies in the
world—because of his skills that aren’t on paper.

When you make a masterpiece, sacrifices must be made. In this drama, Mark Zuckerberg starts
out as an intelligent college kid with too much time on his hands. Eventually, he finds a way to
create one of the most influential online services ever placed on a computer. However, he soon
learns that the price of success can be very taxing when he has two lawsuits against him. We
see how a simple teenager can become a genius at the cost of a friendship. It shows us that
when you reach for the top, you leave some people behind
As the movie makes abundantly clear, the facts behind its founding are in dispute but,
without a doubt, Zuckerberg did create Facebook. Yet far from celebrating this feat, the
movie examines how a man who cares little about money became the world's youngest
billionaire yet lost his one true friend.

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