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The role of vitamin D3 in the body

Vitamin D3 is essential in maintaining the normal

concentration of calcium in the blood and, implicitly,
becomes essential for the health of the bone system,
muscle system and teeth. Basically, vitamin D helps fix
calcium in the bones. Vitamin D3 also actively
participates in the process of cell division and the
normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the
body. A lesser known role of vitamin D3, but
extremely important, is to maintain the proper
functioning of the immune system.

How is vitamin D3 synthesized in the body?

Vitamin D3 is synthesized in the body through the
skin, through sun exposure, but it is important to point
out that it degrades as quickly as it occurs. In order to
synthesize an optimal amount of vitamin D3 in the
body, it is necessary for an adult to be exposed to the
sun at least 2 times a week, about 10-15 minutes a day.
If in the summer days this is possible and convenient,
in the rest of the year it becomes almost impossible to
get vitamin D3 only in this way and thus fed and
supplemental food become essential.
Sources of vitamin D3
Foods high in vitamin D3
Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, cod, herring, sardines
Beef (especially beef liver)
The egg yolk
Cereals fortified with vitamin D3
Cod liver oil

We point out that vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin

and for its absorption to be effective we need a diet
rich in vegetable fats (avocado, nuts, almonds, seeds),
but also in animal fats (preferably from fish).

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