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Andrea Patricia Rodríguez Carreón

Ingles VI

Overwall experience of the OPD weeks.

During these past two weeks on the Escuela Secundaria Mixta 45”Agustin Yañez”,I
experienced many good things as bad too. If I focus on only the bad things that I
learnt from this class, I would be a negative person and that´s not the point of
being a reflective teacher. I wish my students had a different background, which
were full of positive both academic and personal experiences, but I can change
that, so the challenge I had to face was to deal with students that haven’t had a
poor knowledge of English, and for that reason they refuse or excuse themselves
that they don’t know how to speak English, so they don’t participate in classes.

Working with the 2011 program has been so difficult for me, since I started
planning I had to take into accountant that most students have not the level
required. To me this has been a problem, because I don’t know how to make a
balance between this issue. I know there´s no excuse , but I feel trap by not being
able to have a specific strategies to solve the lack of interest and the low level they
have in order to study and learn by the plan de estudios 2011.

However, I feel very confident that my students can do more because they are
capable of making anything if they get involved in an activity. That´s what
happened in some classes, they felt confident with some of the learning they learnt
in classes, the knowledge were minimums but at least and I hope they will use it in
the future and that is something that keeps my mind calm.

Sometimes, the rhythm of the classes turned bored and fun , but what I notice was
that my mood and their influence to much the atmosphere and development of the
class, if I observed that students are bored, I changed the participation activity by
playing hot potato so students change their reaction , and their attitude too.

The discipline has been other aspect that had become a problem, if I am not able
to control them in order to give classes, how I´m going to pretend that student
focus on the teaching.learning process. I don’t know yet how to manage this
situation, but I´m hoping to learn more in my next year which will be full of good
and bad experiences.

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