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BUKU JAWABAN UJIAN (BJU) UAS TAKE HOME EXAM (THE) SEMESTER 2020/21.1 (2020.2) Nama Mahasiswa :YARI...SBE... PAHAMY, TOBTNG Nomorinduk Mahasiswa/niM — :.02032.9 207 (OKTOBER, [994 Tanggal Lahir ll Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah Kode/Nama Program Studi Kode/Nama UPBIJ Hari/Tanggal UASTHE Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian (np Petunjul 1. Anda wajib mengisi secara lengkap dan benar identitas pada cover BJU pada halaman ini. 2. Anda wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik. 3. Jawaban bisa dikerjakan dengan diketik atau tulis tangan. 4, Jawaban diunggah disertai dengan cover BIU dan surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik. KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA ‘BU JAWABAN UNIAN UNIVERSITAS TERDUKA Surat Pernyataan Mahasiswa Kejujuran Akademik Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Nama Mahasiswa NIM Kode/Nama Mata Kuligh Fakultas DAW TLMU POLITIK CHIStP) Program Studi AT PENERJEMARHAY UPBU-UT 41, Saya tidak menerima naskah UAS THE dari stapapun selain mengunduh dari aplikasi THE pada laman https://the.ut.acid. . Saya tidak memberikan naskah UAS THE kepada siapapun. |. Saya tidak menerima dan atau memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pengerjaan soal ujian UAS THE, |. Saya tidak melakukan plagiasi atas pekerjaan orang lain (menyalin dan mengakuinya sebagai pekerjean saya). 5, Sayamemahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangen akan mendapatian hukuman sesuai dengan aturan akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuka. 6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinge! Ketertiban, Kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan tidak metakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media ‘apapun, serta tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik Universitas Terbuka. i Demikian surat pemyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan oleh Universitas Terbuka. Yang Membuat Pernyataan ago YANTI SRE RAKAYY TOB]LUG Nama Mahasiswa Oh Answee iclpant jn pain when swimming, bow do you thin€ slhe_ Aa assistance? y opinion > if Here ace people all around him he can pump fis gist inthe air and/or ye\! por help. But, ip you ceive optical. assistance por in ether words committe diveck! ps fim? then fe will not be allowed to contiaue ja the event. Because Lipe 15 more important than anything. _ Dea participant 1s cyeling and seeing another cyclist Injured > few do f think sik can fi he injured iar ‘ nswer t My opinion, slow dewin and use caution when passing fier. And Hien give a signal Or reports to volunteers or police epricers to immediately | provide assistance quicbly 50 that _no infury oc Serious_tajury occurs . O)Ip you fovea problem with your Bike when you ace cycling “you cam —_ ETE onthe side of the road, Idenbipy whether the WAlicized statement 1s due or palse ,explain your ceason» and provide evidence Cwords/ phcases) prom the test. Answer : The statement is palse. Because the fife can only Be propedy placed in the. cage in our-transition area oot melee the road as it may be distrackiag - AY Wdhat can you Inger ofout the profibition on wig ia I phones in Ltfallon? Wy canlt Ho parkilpants us, (eto lento ie ute cand provide evidence Cwords /phrases) prom the text. oper about the probil fesling oF imbalance. panls< ust fb 4o listen — ©) Ndenkipy Hie _closest meaning. of the undeclined words above based on the eae si. a = Course ~ distress — mount Answer: — Course =a set op classes or a plan of study on & partioy. Jar _subsect» usually Leading exam or quali Cation . | = Distresss> — a State op extrome neces sity or mispocbune. - goat pain anxiety » er Sorcou) ; acute physical mental supeering 5 applictions trouble . — Mount =>—4o gradually increas’ »nise >or get biager. — to get on @ forse, brcycle, etc - ero ‘organize and Begin an activity or event . 4. [dentipy “the topte Sentence of the paroaraph. _ Answer tre topic sentence of the a h, 78 The Ruman heart te divided into four chambers each of which serves its own function in the cyole of pumping blood . p)Jdlectiey wo (2) supporting details ta the paragraph . Answee: Two supporting details to raph are : £. The adria arethe hin -walled upper chambers that gather blood ag tt lows from the veins Between heartbeats . 2 The ventricles ar the thick-walled lover chambers that- receive blood prom the otriin and push Hhinto the arteries with 2ach tonbraction of the React - ©) Wdentipy the closest meaamg op the underlined words obove based on the context: = chamber - depleted — 2nriched Answer: — Chamber =>-an enclosed space cavity or compactment the chambers oy the heart « 7 Ta meeting hal} op 2 goverment body the Senate chamber © — Depleted =r+o decrease sertously OK echaust the abun- danc®_or supply of The had dopleted _ the game in the forest extravagant spendlrg. ; Soon depleted his funds - 3 — Enriched=>bo improve the nutcctive value of (apod) | es ; ‘bysdding rutrients (such as vitamins or amie aittds) and especially by restoring park op the nabienls lost In “rpeolessing ae 4 by.restorig. pact of ITE EES ae Al Meaty _ the. fone of the passage a. : a6 eal aswer: The tone of tha passige Is 4 author's emotfon or peeling, usually towards bis subject «An author’ style ts the particular way he uses wage to eeplect Fis untque aubhorial voice. Mode, style or tone questions will tnclude the words “pebbibudles tone, “ Style,’ peeling,” se Explain how yeu idenbipy the tone and provide evidence Cword Aphrases ) _ pro = inthe tex Answer : The role of the chambers onthe taht stdx op the heart isto receive oxi gen= depleted blood from the body Lissues and Send on tothe lungs3 the chambers onthe Lept side of tha. Feart then receive eo oxygen = enrithed blood prom ths lungs and send f beck outto ae bedy Lssues). 3) a) |dscaty He type of the tect above - Answec: the type. ot the text above ts Corona Virus Fandemte . b) Explain how you enti py He type ofthe texk and relate with the passage. ‘Answee : How You Tdentopy ie ofthe ted? mae otead the tect» Enow genera stabements . Rolote tt with the passage} (ee Pesenrches have Long Frown that masks can prevent people from spreacdlin airway germs to others— pindings thar fave driven much op the conversation around these crucial accessories ducing He coronavirus pandemic . AF) Ventigy ieee (5) the stgnal- transition words in tha underlmed senten. ees above and explain ite puaction of each . sao Answer: Three Stan Lteansition ; 7 4. that =" that ts usually considered a confunckioa whon i doesn’t reper back to o speciftc word (like relative Pronouns Jub introduces lndireck [reported epeech« 2. and = used as a punction word to indreate Connection oc addition espe cially of thems within the sama class or Lupe — used to jon “senrbence elements of the same ) 3) ( CE I I, EA AE 2 TT _grammatical rank or puncki cane owever > Can be used to join tue simple sentences o make. a _Com pound sentence Lox eneple enkipy 4 the, purpose ¢ pene vorter ie Answer ta &_pucpese OF pthe wetter | > wear Amask »to uw 2 Maintain n health $0 0S not to ie exposed to bo tha ‘bron ef dente Mi closest meanng. of the ftalicized words based on fa Contact? — im, pervious — pervasive. — alt Answer: = impervious => not capable of being aprected dete not capable of Being ¢ Tata ed_ or harmed not allowin ontnnte’ Or passage - i —perva sive => enistg inor spreading + through very park of — altruistic=> sai a lish to help orbrin ig. advertoses to others > even te tt results in dadverlage for your selp - QapPredict what event is most Likely to occurnert- Answer predict IF she Saw that her carpet was wet. And, fe mopped e carpet + WExplain how you pradcot the «endl of He shory and provide. evidence ‘Clocks ats) Rome te tech, Answer: Tree tho end op the Story are read the text, and thmk what happened! In the. end of Ha ony The evidence s\dhile Charlotte ted to ple lace! her her doll atove i& spilled all over AshLey’s carpet» Achle iaiched moppi the. vine r room. Agte eu stag warped back: pe ededorn She sw that! hee carpet was wek And, he naooped t the carpet: uc ud uadecstan ding of the | passages wha whet can in you. Inper about ASoy's decid? Answer: The A Ashley ® trcitt ae patient » cleaner, >and diligent - Ch @_d) Explain how you ingsr Ashlegs Gait aad croak cadeane Cuore base) ron Be tat® ee - P nswer: The evidence ; = She dusted her drawer and bran tened the picture prame. = She tucned on the vacuum clesnerto keep her room conpot: Spotless , - As Ashley was Leaving the beclroom , she noticed that a picture _frame on the nightstand was slightly crooked . ©), [dentiry the closest meanivg of the three (3) underlined words above based on the context: ~ : | | = Spotless — nightstand — crooked | Answer: — Spotless = antisepc, chaste , clean, fair 2 pree prom dirk or stam. — Nightstand => A small table or cabinet» Lyptoally with dlrawwers, placed atthe head side op abed. — Crooked => having or marked by bends or angles ; not Straight or aligned » Stooped »round ~ backed . i

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