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P Colegio “Arzobispo Méndez”

Frailes Dominicos





y Multiculturalidad


En esta guía pedagógica se explicarán los siguientes referentes

teóricos prácticos, Interculturalidad y Multiculturalidad, los cuales
están asociados al primer tema generador. Se apreciará un texto
descriptivo en el cual se observarán diferentes aspectos
gramaticales del inglés (verbos, sustantivos, adverbios, entre
otros.), ya que se evaluará este tema por medio del Skimming
(Resumen, preguntas y respuestas, ideas principales, segundarias y
los aspectos gramaticales).

Venezuelan Culture:

The Venezuelan culture fundamentally integrates three different

families: the indigenous, the African and the Spanish. The first two
in turn had differentiated cultures according to the tribes.

¡El CAM un lugar donde quiero estar!

Dios, Ciencia y Virtud
U.E.P Colegio “Arzobispo Méndez”
Frailes Dominicos

Transculturation and assimilation, typical of a cultural syncretism,

conditioned to reach the current Venezuelan culture, similar in
many respects to the rest of Latin America, although the natural
environment causes there to be important differences.

The indigenous influence is limited to some words in the lexicon

and to gastronomy. The African influence in the same way, in
addition to musical instruments like the drum. The Spanish
influence was more important and in particular it came from the
regions of Andalusia and Extremadura, places of origin of the
majority of settlers in the Caribbean area during the colonial era.
As an example of this we can mention the buildings, part of the
music, the Catholic religion and the language. An obvious Spanish
influence is bullfighting and certain features of gastronomy.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was also enriched by other

currents of Antillean and European origin in the 19th century,
especially of French origin. In a more recent stage, demonstrations
of American origin and new immigration of Spanish, Italian and
Portuguese origin broke out in large cities and oil regions,
increasing the already complex cultural mosaic. Thus, for example,
from the United States comes the influence of the taste for baseball
and current architectural constructions.

¡El CAM un lugar donde quiero estar!

Dios, Ciencia y Virtud
U.E.P Colegio “Arzobispo Méndez”
Frailes Dominicos
What is Interculturality?

Interculturality is the interaction between cultures; it is the process

of communication between different human groups, with different
customs, the fundamental characteristic being: “Horizontality”, that
is to say that no cultural group is above the other, promoting
equality, integration and harmonious coexistence between them.

Although interculturality is based on respect for the diversity,

integration and growth of cultures alike, it is not free to generate
possible conflicts, both due to adaptation or through the same
process of learning to respect, but with the difference, of that these
conflicts will be resolved through dialogue and mutual listening,
always prioritizing the Horizontality of the process.

We must bear in mind that interculturality refers both to cultural

interaction at a geographical and cultural level, as in any situation
where differences of any kind occur.

Interculturality in Venezuela

Defining interculturality is a bit difficult because it is not found in

the main dictionaries, starting from its origin we have that this
word is composed formed by the Latin prefix inter that means
between or in between. Culturality comes from culture and is an
anthropological term that means what man learns to create as
opposed to what he acquires by biological inheritance
From sociology it is defined as: A set of customs, knowledge and
level of artistic and scientific development of an era, a country or a
social group.

¡El CAM un lugar donde quiero estar!

Dios, Ciencia y Virtud
U.E.P Colegio “Arzobispo Méndez”
Frailes Dominicos
What is multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism is the presence of different knowledge or cultures

that coexist in the same physical, territorial or social place. It
includes inequalities that fall within culture, racial, religious,
ethnic, linguistic, or gender.

The term multiculturalism is handled within the sociological

context, as the reality of different cultural customs within the same
geographic area. It can be observed then that within a population
different societies can coexist, which despite their cultural
differences, coexist with each other. This situation was present in
ancient civilizations. It is a social model that seeks to recognize and
reduce the inequalities built during colonialism and neocolonialism,
although there are still strong traces of racism that currently
criminalizes different subaltern sectors.

Interculturality or multiculturalism?

The term interculturality can easily be confused with that of

multiculturalism or multiculturalism. Although they are
semantically related, they do not mean the same thing.

The term multiculturalism refers to the situation in which different

cultures coexist and even influence each other, but this can occur
regardless of mutual recognition or even regardless of whether
people relate to each other. Different cultural groups can coincide in
a space-time, but without communication between them.

¡El CAM un lugar donde quiero estar!

Dios, Ciencia y Virtud
U.E.P Colegio “Arzobispo Méndez”
Frailes Dominicos

Instead, the term interculturality refers to the interaction from an

egalitarian approach between different cultures or sectors of a
society, to the relationship. That is, it is a relational term.


¡El CAM un lugar donde quiero estar!

Dios, Ciencia y Virtud

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