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The Mind-Body Connection 01. In 1964, he returned from an overseas trip an became very il. In the hospital, he had terre pain and idn't move his body. Doctors told him he h disease called ankylosing spondylitis and said he had only chance in 500 af surviving. They gave him powerful drugs, but his condition only got wos Cousins had read about a theory tha can harm your health, He believed that positive emotions were good for your health, and he decided to experiment. He would fl his days with good ter and see if that might improve h He left the hospital and moved into a hotel room. There, a large supply of funny TV programs and copies of old Marx Brothers movies and cartoons. He also hired a nurse to read funny stories to him. His plan ‘the whole day lauching and thinking about happy things. On his first night in the hotel, Cousins found that laughing at the movies helped his body produce chemi reduced pain. For the fist time in weeks, he could siee comfortably fora few hours. Every time the pain cam 16 Unit 2 ican magazine ative emotions 5 to spend bback, he watched anather funny a ed unt felt & a movie and la sins was able ‘ 4 es ont with blood tests. He found that (iy by / ¢ time he watched a funny movie. Aftera short time, he was able ng all ofhis medications. Finally his condition ld go back to work. Cousins later wrote a book about how laughter and happiness heloed hirn to survive a deadly iliness. Many people didn't believe his story and said that his doctors wrong about his disease. But since then, research that emotions do have a strong effect on physical sxperiments found that laughter can help to ‘today are working to understand the ways that our minds affect our bodies. UNIT 2 Circle T for true, F for false, or Nl for no information (if the ans fers not in the reading). 1, Norman Cousins became ill while he was traveling in another country. T Doctors told Cousins that he would probably die from his disease. Drugs helped to stap the pain of Cousins’s disease Cousins started watching movies because he was bored. Cousins spent a lot of time laughing every day Movies were better than funny stories for stapping pain. eS el 5. 6 7. When Cousins wrote his book, everyone agreed with him. 8. Scientists have done research on using laughter to stop pain. Number the events in order. Cousins watched funny movies and cartoons all dey. Cousins went back to work — Cousins went to a hospital — Doctors told Cousins he had a terrible disease Researchers found that Cousins’ ideas were right. Cousins took many medications The pain didn't get better. People dicin't agree with Cousins’ ideas. — Cousins felt much better. ‘4 Norman Cousins z an your mind make your body sick or well? Write about your opinion, and give reasons and exemples. The Mind 17

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