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Section A

(Question 1 – 5)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Circle the correct answer.


Hi, I am Adam. My father is EncikKassim. He is a policeman. He is tall and strong. My

mother is PuanSalmah. She is a teacher. She is pretty and kind.

I have a brother and a sister. My brother is Amin. He is six years old. My sister is
Natasha and she is four years old. She is cute.

I love my family very much.

1. EncikKassim is Adam’s ____________.

A. Father B. Grandfather C. Brother D. Uncle

2. Adam’s mother is ____________

A. PuanSiti B. PuanSalmah C. Puan Natasha D. PuanNormah

3. Adam’s brother is ____________ years old.

A. Two B. Three C. Five D. Six

4. Adam’s sister is _____________

A. Natasha B. Narina C. PuanSalmah D. PuanSiti

5. Adam loves his _____________ very much

A. House B. Family C. Mother D. Father

Question 6 – 10

Read the dialogue below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Sofia and her parents were having their lunch.

Mother : Do you want some fried chicken, Sofia?

Sofia : No, thank you, mum. I don’t like friend chicken.

Mother : What do you want?

Sofia : I like vegetables, mum.

Mother : Do you want some tea or coffee, Sofia?

Sofia : I don’tlike coffee. Please give me a cup of tea, mum.

6. Sofia and her parents were having ___________________________.

7. Sofia don’t like to eat ____________________________________.

8. Sofia likes to eat _______________________________________.

9. Sofia likes to drink _____________________________________.

10. Sofia does not like to drink _______________________________.

Question 11 – 15

Read the story. Answer the following questions.

Today is the eve of Chinese New year. Wei Yi feels very excited. Wei Yi and her parents
are going to her grandparents’ house for the reunion dinner. All her uncles, aunts and cousins
are coming. She cannot wait to meet her cousins.
When they reach her grandparents’ house, most of her relatives have arrived. Wei Yi
quickly enters the house. She greets her uncles and aunts. She then goes and finds her cousins.
They are very happy to see her. Wei Yi has altogether fifteen cousins on her father’s side.
Before the reunion dinner, Wei Yi and her cousins play hide-and-seek.

11. What day is it?


12. Who is coming during the reunion dinner?


13. How many cousins does Wei Yi have on her father’s side?


14. How do Wei Yi’s cousins feel when the see her?


15. What do WieYo and her cousins’ do before the reunion dinner?


Question 16 – 20

Read. Then, answer the questions.

16. What is Alice’s hobby?

Her hobby ________________________________________________

17. What does Alice want to be when she grows up?

She wants to be ____________________________________________

18. Who likes to play football?

_________________________ likes to play football.

19. Who is J.K Rowling?

She is ____________________________________________________

20. Whose hobby must be done outdoors?


Section B

Question 21 - 25

Look and complete the sentences.

21. This is __________________________.

22. This is Adam’s ____________________.

23. This is Adam’s ____________________.

24. This is ___________________________.

This is ___________________________.


Question 26 – 29

Match the correct answer to the correct picture.





Section C

Question 30 - 40

Fill in the missing letters with the correct spelling.

30. p__ __y 31. cl__ __d 32.t__ __ 33. l__ __f

34. __o__ 35. __ys__er36.__ea__ 37. p__ __

38. mo__t__39. p__ __ 40.c ___ ____

Section D

Question 41 – 50

Underline the correct pronouns in the sentences.

41. Nizam like to read storybooks .( He , She ) always goes to the library.

42. ( I / You ) are Mei Lin .

43. Nisha ‘s father bougth her a bicycle. (He / She ) likes her bicycle very much .
44. May ( I , You ) help you ?

45. Melisa is my mother‘s dougther .( He / She ) is my sister .

46. My family and I went to Genting Highlands for a holiday. ( they / we ) went there for a

week .

47. Sham is making sandcastles with isbrother .( They / We ) are enjoying themselves.

48. Pak Agusgrows vegetablesin his farm. (She, He) is a farmer.

49. Mis .Latha teaches pupils in school. (She, He) is a teacher.

50. I love cat. She loves cat. (We, They) loves cat.


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