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Laura Mejia


Compare and contrast essay

Annabel Lee & The Raven

Both of these are the most famous works of Edgar Allen Poe. Except for the fact that they were
written by the same author, their similarities are also true. It combines a more romantic and novel
writing style, and uses a large number of paragraphs to describe his feelings and emotions about
the death of his beloved Annabel Lee. On the other side, The raven embodies a more peculiar
language, and therefore, behind the author's text and description implies more complex and deeper

Edgar Allan Poe showed two faces of sadness and despair. On Annabel Lee, it shows how the
author's lover acted because his lover had just died of tuberculosis. The loss occurred at their very
young age and a short period after they got married, which made readers want to know the author's
mentality when writing this poem. When it comes to The Raven the narrator of this story is
obviously in a sad state. The lonely room and hollow voice seem to be his only company. When
the plunder began, he felt that his loneliness seemed to have disappeared. Even if it was only a
moment, he still hoped to find someone who had passed away, and he could no longer be reunited
with him in this life. In these two poems, we can all feel the author's desire to reunite with relatives
and the lost again.

We can conclude that due to the author’s miserable childhood, they closely associate soul,
mythology, religion, angels, demons, or other symbolic recommendations with the author. In fact,
the narrator in Annabel Lee stated that his soul will be connected to his beloved wife forever and
will never be torn apart. In The Raven the narrator explained the crow's fear of him from the
beginning, because in the whole poem, his only goal is to meet Leonor. These allusions to the soul
explained in his poems how he would be reunited with the dead, which led Poe to believe in the
possibility of some kind of afterlife.

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