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Matric No:

Question 1: Redocking
Download the protein structure (PDB code: 6LU7) from Protein Data Bank. Prepare the receptor and ligand (N3 which
consists of: 02J1, ALA2, VAL3, LEU4, PJE5 and 0106) in pdbqt format. Run the molecular docking using AutoDock Vina.
Give the binding energy result and the picture of complex (surface and stick representation).

Question 2: New Ligand

By using the same protein receptor, replace the ligand with the new ligand which is remdesivir. Download this ligand from
PubChem Database and prepare the new ligand in pdbqt format. Run the molecular docking using AutoDock Vina. Give the
binding energy result and the picture of complex (surface and stick representation).

Question 3: Result Comparison

Determine which ligand (N3 or remdesivir) is better for inhibiting COVID-19 main protease and explain why.

Remdisivir is better for inhibiting COVID-19 main protease than N3 because it has high
binding affinity compare to N3. The more negative the affinity value, the better the binding

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