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Quest Game of the Underworld of the Empire of the Petal Throne by William and Margaret Hoyt The writers of this game wish to thank David R. Megary for the idea of his wonderful game “Dungeon”. Also we would like to thank MAR Barker,,the creator of the Petaled Throne, and a great friend with whom we have spent many hours in trav 1g though his underworld. Without which we would have been unable to do it justice. As anyone who has played “Dungeon” will know this game is another of the same type of game. The difference being that is intentionally flavored with the strange creations of the imaginative Professor and a good beginning for those who might wish to start a campaign in the world of Tekumel. We hoped that this game will be a bridge between the board games and the paper and pencil role playing game. We have incorporated the use of more tables which are used in the role playing games. Background When I first met Prof. Barker D&D was very new. The first Edition was just an outline for making your own world. Arneson’s Blackmoor and Gygax's Grayhawk were just models for how the game could be played. | heard that there was a professor at the U of M who had made his own world. I found that Barker had not just made a game of his world, but the whole thing. He had started making his world when he was 12 years old. Being interested in cultures and languages, he created an alien world with its own countries and each own scrips, languages, grammars and governments. They had histories and the world was inhabited by races from other planets. As we played in this world with Professor, we also found out what a great Game master he was. When playing with Arneson or Gygax you knew something about their monsters. They were things you had read about. But with Barker, every thing was new. You had no idea what these things were like. He had the ssu, the original inhabitants of the world, whose voices sounded like chimes and whose shredding skin smelled of cinnamon and the Shunned ones who wreaked of stench. They hated all the aliens who had transformed their world. ‘There were his aliens, the Pei Choi, Humanoid Insects and the Ahoggya, who had four faces and armored heads. ‘e running for when they caught us unawares they killed in shocking ways. It was all new and so we exploring all the time. The culture was different with real gods and strange morals. 1 feel like an explorer, for when we played the game with Barker he had not reviled much of the history of the world. So we were the ones who found out the background which the new players have access to. ‘The purpose for writing this game was to introduce people to the world and lead them to the world of the Empire of the Petel Throne. OBJECT OF THE GAME ‘As one may assume from the name, this is a game of searching a maze to find something. In the basic game it Is a quest to find the ‘Thoroughly Useful Eye. (for those who have not played the Empire of the Petaled Throne. This is a recharging device for all of the mechanical weapons of the world of Tekumel, known as “eyes”.) The game is won by the first person to find it. For those who like to make the game more difficult, there is aquest table, which allows the players to have a different item to look for. ‘Also with the use of table, each player may set out on his own secret quest. Or you may set the goal of gaining a experience level. (types of players) TYPES OF PLAYERS at the beginning of the game, each player will decide which type of person he wishes to be. There are three types; The warrior or fighting persons, the priests and the magic-users (Wizards). Unlike Dungeon, the player will gain greater power by gathering golden Kaitars (gold coins) and taking them back to surface world. This is to show their increasing ability to deal with the creature’ and dangers of the underworld. This increasing ability is called going uP experience levels, The amounts needed by all player types are the sam All characters start at level one. The game allows the players to advance to ee ee ee level four, or the 4" level. The warriors being fighting men simply become more and more able to kill the monsters they meet. The Priests and Magic-Users both use spells and so as they rise in level so also does the number of spells they can use. They may pick form the spell cards a problem in too many people wanting to be the same type may be solved by a roll of the die. NUMBER OF KAITAR NEEDED FOR EACH LEVEL; All players start at level one Priests and Magic-users, will have 3 spells s 40,000 Kaitar is needed for 2™ level priests and magic-users, will have 4 spells 20,000 Kait: needed for 3“ level priests and magic-users, will have 6 spells 30,000 Kaitar is needed for 4" level priests and magic-users, have 8 spells Again, here is a possible version of the game where the players will only wish a shorter game. The players then could decide upon a level at which point the first player to reach it would win. (i.e. the first player reaching 2” level would win.) Or the players could make a long game by setting the goal as 4" level. If a player is killed and no one has won the game, they may start a new character at level one. SETTING UP THE BOARD The game board is the underworld of the petal throne with it's temples, traps and tunnels. Each of the levels of the underworld is marked by a different color. The traps and temples are named. In the center of the map Is the room of colored doors. The colors indicated the depth or level of the underworld. Yellow is level one, green is level two, tan is level three, red is level four, blue is level five and purple is level six. The cards of each color are shuffled and then dealt out, first the treasure cards and then the monster cards, putting one card on each of that colored rooms face down. Separate and shuffle the temple cards and put the decks by the board. Then place the player pawns on the stairway at the top of board beneath the name THE GAME TURN by Roll the dice to find out who goes first. At the beginning of their turn each must check for wandering monsters by the roll of the die. If roll s six you have a wandering monster (See Wandering Monsters) Then if there are no wandering monsters the player roll the dice and move up to number of spaces on the board. COMBAT - KILLING MONSTERS In each of the rooms there are monsters and treasure. When a player wishes to enter a room he first moves his pawn into that space. If the player is a priest or magic-user he cast a spell. Once the spell is used the card should be given up so when he goes back to the surface it may be renewed. He then turns over the monster card. For each type monster you will find a number on the combat table. If you roll that number or greater the monster is defeated and the card is removed. If the player doesn't roll the number then they must roll on the losing table. If the player is killed he start over with a new character and if they had any prizes they are left of the board with the monster who killed them. The next player to fight that monster and win will get those prizes. The monster is returned face down on the board. When the monster is killed you get the treasure in a room . When the player has enough kaitar to go up a level they must go to the surface and turn in their prizes to go up a level. The prizes are reused on the bottom of the treasure deck to refill rooms. Players may go to the surface to get new spells. They don't have to spend prizes to get them at their level. If the treasure has an Eye with it or some other item the player may use it like a spell. But to use the kaitar to go up a level they must give up the item. There are several items which help you against monsters. There steel sword which adds one to your die rolls. The eye of departing in safety which allows you to retreat to another level rather then fighting and losing to a monster. The eye of all seeing wonder allows you to see a monster before attacking it so you may chose if you wish to attack or not. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MONSTERS 2S] ahoggya' - “the Knobbed Ones” A knebbly brown bristly creature 4 or 5 feet high. They are tremendously broad and strong. Their upper chest is surrounded by four powerful arms. their eyes and eating apparatus lles under ahomy ring. they have four thickly muscled legs. ‘Aqa'a’ - “Worm of the catacombs” This huge accordion shaped worm reaches from 20-60 feet in lenath. It is covered with ragged brown bristles and has a maw the size of a large man. ' Birdlu' - “ the Mantle” These ancient treasure guardians are cape like black flying creatures which cling to the ceilings and drop on the unwary. Chne'th - “the ape like mutants” Roughly humanoid in appearance with long sharp jaws and sharp teeth, a rudimentary nose and large jewel like eyes beneath beetling brows. Hly'ss - “Spawn of the old ones” These remnants of the prehuman world are insectoid in appearance. They have six legs, and lightly armored and have a row of razor sharp teeth beneath the proboscis. Their tails are equipped with a sting that paralyzes the victim. Hra’ - “ the blood Sucker” These are the creations of the a1 priests of Ksarul. They are reanimated dead. They will drain their victims of all blood and bodily flulds leaving only the shriveled husk. Ka‘yl "the eye” these creatures consist of a large gas bag and a single huge bulging eye. They profer to hang high in the dark comers and drop their thin fibrous tentacles nets down on passers bys Mrur - “the undead” the corpses of the ancient dead warriors who perished in the catacombs and who have been reanimated by the priests of SA'RKU or Ksarul for their purposes. Nga'yu - “the eater of swords” Their flattish crustacean creatures have powerful claws and six legs. Their main weapon is a secretion. This liquid affects the metal and destroys it completely. Ngo'ro - “the Whelk” these huge creatures lie flat on the floor of a chamber appearing much like the rough stone floor of the underworld. They are intelligent and have millions of cilia to hold weapons. Qo’ - « the serpent headed ones” These mutants of the human stock were created by Ksarul. They are roughly humanoid except for long serpent necks and flat diamond shaped heads. Qumqu'm - “the thunderer® this spectral creature is invisible to humans. It can be heard a distance of five hundred feet away since it makes a terrible roaring noise as it moves. Ru'un -“ the demon of Bronze” they are animated manlike bronze demon automatons some seven feet tall. They were sent to guard dimensional Nexis points by ancients long ago. She'n - “the demon warriors” their gleaming black scales and dragon like appearance make them appear to be tall demon human warriors is fantastic plate amour. ‘Shunned Ones - they are tall ragged looking spectral beings with ‘extremely long arms and legs. They have a terrible stanch with drives off humans and non humans alike. Sro’ -“ the Dragon” These mutants of some ancient reptilian stock can walk, swim and fly. They are six legged with a pair of small arms just beneath their long dragon like heads. They can wield a huge broadsword in either hand and bit with their jagged beaks. Ssu' - “the enemies of man” they are tall slender six limbed beings wrapped In what looks like gray shrouds. They smell like musky cinnamon and make a hight sweet chiming sound. Tsu'uru - “the illusion masters” they may appear as anything they wish and can use ESP te determine what the party is most likely to believe. ‘They are a bundle of rope y, lumpy tentacles with a central brain ganglion. Ye'leth - the angel of doom” These androids look like beautiful maids or handsome youths with paper white skin and hair the color of polished ebony. Their victim can be ordered to fight against their friends or may be paralyzed forever. THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN THE UNDERWORLD There are places it is best to avoid. The Fire Pit, the Island of Death, the Temple of Hess, and The Lair of the Demon, KURRITLAKAL. The fire pit is a favorite of the priests of underworld as place to dispose of the unwanted. The island of Death is where he lives and take people whose time has come. Hess is the laughing God and likes company. What more has to said of KURRITLAKAL the cracker of bones and eater of skins WANDERING MONSTERS “Does something come to eat you?” MAR Barker At the beginning of their turn each player is to roll a die for wandering monsters. In the underworld of Tekumel, there are monsters, traps, temples, and treasure. The wandering monsters in the game of Quest are taken from first hand experience of exploring the underworld of the city of Jakalla. They are but two of the horrors the professor Barker has chased players around with. The player will travel though tunnels and into rooms and temples to find the treasure. There are two monsters who wander the underworld you must be aware of. They are Lelmiyani and the Pale Legion of Nyelmu. Let a demon in the form of little girl who plays a flute. Her music is enchanting and when she has caught you she will lead you one of a number of terrible places. She may have the player dance around and around the fire pit until they f She may take the player to some where else. While the Pale Legion are Nyelmu's servants and will take you to his Garden of the Weeping Snows. He likes to keep his guests and you could be there for a very long time. Optional rule: If the player rolls a wandering monster then the monster will enter the underworld through the Room of Colored Door and if there is a player there, the player must make a saving throw. If they do then they roll again to see which level on which the monster will travel taking the player on that level closest to the Room of Colored Doors. Wandering Monsters (roll with one die) 4 -Lelmiyani the singer of doom 2-3 - The Pale Legion of Nyelmu 4-6 - No Monster If there is a wandering monster you may make a second saving roll to see if you avoid them. FOR LELMIYANI 1-4 - she takes you for a dance 5-6 - you escape LELMIYANI takes you to; (roll with one die) - the fire pit - the island of Death - the Garden of the Weeping Snows the Temple of Hess - the Room of Colored Doors — the Lair of the demon, Kurritiakal BUSoONs 1 FOR THE PALE LEGION 4-3 - they take you to the Garden then roll 2 dice for the number of turns you stay there 4-6 - you escape if you fail then; THE PALE LEGION takes you to; THE GARDEN OF THE WEEPING SNOWS There you roll 2 dice for the number of turns you stay there, remember Nyelmu has been known to keep his guests for 10,000 years Optional rule: after the player's first entrapment in the garden, and this time on a roll of 2 Nyelmu decides to keep. Start a new character. If not the legion will leave you in the room of colored doors. TEMPLES When a player comes to a temple, the player takes the top card from that temples deck. After they have read it they may keep it if it is a treasure and if it is a trap the player will act on it. The trap card is returned to the bottom of the temple deck. The player may stay in the temple as long as they want so if the card was a treasure they may draw another card the next turn. There are six temples in the underworld, they are; = WURU"- the unnameable, he who appears where evil dwells, the many legged serpent of Doom, Cohort of HRY’. DLAME'LISH - the green eyed lady of sins, mistress of demons, obstinate primness of the dammed. SA'RKU - the five headed lord of worms, master of the undead, demon ofdecay VIMU'HLA - lord of fire, power of destruction and red ruin, maker of ‘thunders KSA’RUL- ancient lord of secrets, Doomed prince of the Blue Room HRY’ - the supreme principal of Evil, master of Negation and ‘Nothing, Opponent of good and dispenser of calamities. HESS - the God of Comedy 9 OPTIONS If the players wish to attack each other they may do so according to the combat table. The defender may also attack on the same turn. The results of both are taken with the loser(s) rolling on the losing table. The attack on a character is made against a 3“ level if the character is of 1* or 2™ and 6" level if the character is of 3 or 4" level. For those who wish to go on a different quest there is a Quest table which allows the players to go on individual quests which can be kept secret. If the game is too long you may set a goal to attain a experience level or start the players at 4" level. This game may easily be played solitaire. Try to complete the quest before the character is killed by the monsters of the underworld. (suggestion from the Professor) - if a player doesn't die on the island of Death, he will floats down river and rolls a die at each path which crosses the river. On the roll of 4-6 he climbs out there. If fails to climb out before the river leaves the board he float off and start a new character. oO THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN THE UNDERWORLD There are places it is best to avoid. The Fire Pit, the Island of Death, the Temple of Hess, and The Lair of the Demon, KURRITLAKAL. THE FIRE PIT “The fire pit Is a favorite of the priests of underworld as place to dispose of the unwanted guests [THE ISLAND OF DEATH is where he fives and takes people whose time has come. |] ITHE GARDEN OF THE WEEPING SNOWS where Nyelms keeps his guests for a very long time |THE TEMPLE OF HESS THE GoD OF COMDEY Hess is the God of Comedy and tikes Company whom he will make laugh sometimes to death. |THE LAIR OF THE DEMON, KURRITLAKAL What more has to said of KURRITLAKAL the cracker of bones and eater of skins Quest Game of the Underworld of the Empire of the Petal Throne Quick start rules Set Up 1. put monster & treasure card on each room 2. shuffle the temple cards decks and put by the board 3. pick pawn and put on the board Play 1. roll dice to decide turn order 2. first player rolls. a. for wandering monsters and resolves b. rolls for move and moves c. resolves any action involving a room and monsters 1. d. pass to next player 3. Repete a-d PLAYER TURN 4 roll for wandering monster 2 roll and move pawn 3 fight monster and collect treasure USING COMBAT TABLE | find the monster on the left side of the table |2. follow the row to the column of your attack 3. roll dice and add bonus, if the roll is equel or greater you win. 4 on winning remove the monster and treasure cards from that and end your turn |5. if yor e replace monster card face down and roll on the losing table LOSING TABLE (with 2 dice) THE QUEST TABLE (roll with one 2-3 - the player is killed, start again die) |4 = Badly wounded drop all prizes |1 - The Eye of Aerial Excellence |and go. back. to start 2 - The Thoroughly Useful Eye |5_ - Pushed back drop 1 prize & | 3- The Eye of Non-Seeing |go back 2 spaces |4- The Amulet of Power over the 6 - Stunned - drop 1 prize Undead 7-9 - stand & fight 5+ The Gloves of Chirene 10-12 - the player escapes damage |6- The Eye of Being Unimpeachably shielded against Foes. Wandering Monsters (roll with one | SAVING THROWS FROM MONSTERS die) \(roll with one die) |4 - Letmiyani the singer of doom FOR LELMIYANI 2-3 - The Pale Legion of Nyelmu 1-4 she take for a dance |4-6 - No Monster 5-6 you escape FOR THE PALE LEGION LeImiyani takes you to; (roll with _1-3 they take you the Garden then lone die) roll 2 dice for the number of turns |4- the fire pit you stay there |2- the island of Death _ 4-6 you escape 3- the Garden of the Weeping Snows 4- the Temple of Hess | 5 - the Room of Colored Doors 6 - the Lair of the demon, Kurritlakal SAVING THROWS FOR PLACES (roll 2 dice) | THE FIRE PIT the player must get a number greater than 4 to escape or they are burned | to death | THE ISLAND OF DEATH the player must get a number greater than 5 to escape their time has come and Death takes them THE GARDEN OF THE WEEPING SNOWS roll 2 dice for the number of turns you stay there, remember Nyelmu has been known to keep his guests for 10,000 years THE TEMPLE OF HESS THE GOD OF COMDEY here the player is told a first level word which they can not pronounce by the God and they send the next 3 turns laughing about it. THE LAIR OF THE DEMON, KURRITLAKAL the player must get a number greater than 3 or they will be eaten by KURRITLAKAL the cracker of bones and eater of skins THE ROOM OF COLORED DOORS (roll with one die) ‘Once the player enters this room he feels a spinning sensation and when this stops he will see that all of the doors have changed colors. Roll to see which level he come out on. The number rolled is the level. COMBAT TABLE ED N= NOEFFECT sis a) 3/3/28 ; : a) a) als) 3lel3 ‘ Brey 2 E/E; 2] 2/2) 2/8) 8llg [eld HHUA E ARNE E UE | RP RLeLEPR BTR LENT Re é ststeolaly CIEE Radel tia[aa[aa}sa} sa} a} aa sal aa] aal_a|| 400 TIS JSF 19 tBt7I15 | i 9} a} 7 jis iw oe eal s [3 at }4o}| 9 {8 | 121 44] 10 44 4 iN ra tists 313 |tecin ° foe 4 str te 7 2 3 z amine Tw 3 + zis is 5s |3 6 | N va}-aaf a0] aa] aal_a4 on ni 7 ts tate tel? 3[uts rar [2] 42] 12] 12] 42] 42 a1_|nw nfo | a res rae wap 44 [a2 | a4] 10 sn s |e | 12 a2] a2] a2 i bw 2. 9} 8 z 3 n 13 13] 8 7818. 3. - }4 }5 }3_ [aa rope ts @ |S ° atets rE a2} sal 12 | 421) 40 44 n |e | 10) a 7fats Cs lls tute wate 44 2 8 8 jie [nw I. B41? 8 3 9 | 8 8 j/3 [nN | 5 nNi4s¢6 5. z Sj/3 ts Ts T- fs tuts [wie il 5. Sji3 in is|-{afe{wiafs 8 a} 6 }8 || 9 [nw | so! - Bis inuis iz | 7. 9} 8 z — La nis = 446 }nN} 3) 5) 8. to} 9 | 8 +2 jie [ufo }-[7fotunte |s | a apsts 4|fotutst-tatetutsts 9 silizls 1S lie Into z7\e [wn 7 TEMPLE CARDS [TEMPLE OF WURU \TEMPLE OF WURU' | | | | 5000 Kaitar 5000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF WURU' TEMPLE OF WURU" | | |5000 Kaitar 5000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF WURU' TEMPLE OF WURU" | | | | | Caught ! Drop one Prize TEMPLE OF WURU' | TEMPLE OF WURU" . | | 5000 Kaitar 5000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF WURU' TEMPLE OF WURU* Treasure guarded by monster, lose Ritual in Progress wait for 6 turns _4 turns running away [TEMPLE OF SA'RKU TEMPLE OF SA'RKU Caught by Priests save yourself by _Set of trap! Sent back to the room of sacrificing best prize colored doors TEMPLE OF SA'RKU TEMPLE OF SA'RKU fall into the maze of SA’RKU, spend go though secret door find lair of |6 turns finding your way out Kurritiakal (go there) } | TEMPLE OF SA'RKU TEMPLE OF SA'RKU | 7000 Kaitar & the eye of Madness —_ 7000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF SA'RKU TEMPLE OF SA'RKU You carried off an empty chest lose 7000 Kaitar 2 turns In rage | TEMPLE OF SA'RKU TEMPLE OF SA'RKU Go back to start with a sack of gems 7000 Kaitar & the eye of which turn out to be glass Unconquerable army | TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH 6000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH Guards catch you, spend one turn |bribing them with one prize (TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH Hear an unearthly sound! Lose one turn TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH | Meet an old man who tells there is great treasure in the white garden then guards come! Spend the [next 4 turns running TEMPLE OF DLAME‘! LISH |5500 Kaitar & THE eye of | summoning the unconquerable army 3000 Kaitar |TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH ‘6000 Kaitar [TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH 1000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH |4500 Kaitar \TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH TEMPLE OF DLAME'LISH | Step too close to altar! It spins you into another room lose 5 turns finding you war back TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA ql TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Run into guards they take two prizes |TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA | | | | | 8000 Kaitar | | TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Caught by High Priest, he sends you the fire pit TEMPLE OF VIMU"HLA 3500 Kaitar & the eye of raging power TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Too careless of fire moat, lose 2 turns TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Mad priest sees you and friezes you for 4 turns TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Interrupt ritual spend 6 turns hiding from the priests TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA 4000 Kaitar & the eye of Madness TEMPLE OF VIMU'HLA Meet a stranger start telling joke and end in the Temple of Hess TEMPLE OF KSARUL | Overcome by undead (Start new | Character) TEMPLE OF KSARUL Enchanted by spoked services (wears off in 2 turns) TEMPLE OF KSARUL Hear magicians conjuring (wait 5 turns) \TEMPLE OF KSARUL 4000 Kaitar TEMPLE OF KSARUL Found by magicians lose 3 prizes while running away - |TEMPLE OF KSARUL TEMPLE OF KSARUL \wi |white helps you | (go The Garden of The Weeping __|Snows) | TEMPLE OF KSARUL | | Find the Blue Room (lose 3 turns stupefied) |TEMPLE OF KSARUL |6000 Kaitar Caught in enchantment forced to |give up 3 best prizes [TEMPLE OF KSARUL 2500 Kaitar & the eye of Kra the Mighty running from guards warrior in_ TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" Find chest of gold, it breaks spend 1 turn [TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" | | | Smell the stench of the shunned | ones they take you the room of [colored doors TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" \Find large ruby Idol, the room is sealed. Lose 5 turns finding a way lout | TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" Big haul 10,000 kaitar TEMPLE OF HRY'Y’ Forced by hideous creature to fill chest with 3 best prizes |3 turns TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" Take eye from priests in fight, use 3 turns finding out what it is. 6000 kaitar & the throughly Useful eye TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" Given a black diamond to take to Death (if he doesn't want you, you may keep it) 7000 kaitar TEMPLE OF HRY'Y’ You are caught by fiendish guard they suspend you over the fire pit for lose 2 prizes and TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" ‘You have violated HRY'Y"s sanctuary, He Disposes of you TEMPLE OF HRY'Y" ‘Smell Cinnamon, hear high chiming. Drop all prized running from a party (of ssu aa | | | (‘Suck of Gold A 190 Karar ‘eck of Goma only 280 Katte tel avert adds +1 to combat rolls Sack of Gold 740 Kater Sack of Gems only 250 Kaitar Sack of Gold ons 500 Kaitar Gloves of Chirone "Sack of Gold oats 1750 Kattar ‘Sack of Gems Sack of Gold oats 750 Kaltar Steel Sword” adds +1 to combat rolls, | Steel Sword adds +1 to Sack of Gold} Sl Tia. ]wantion a WaRRIOR ij 250 KarTaR, omen 400 Kalter SAD LEVEL 3000 KAITAR | soo karran loaner ear SA) oe) SRO LEVEL, 4100 Kettar wanton [a ga. 100 kaz74R UPS PETE oF nai YA ay Viewed Hievel 220 carne] final || '3000 KarraR. AnocarA {UNNED ONES wi) snotever é YS 2 Hly'ss 2000 KATAR, JveuerH 500 KAITAR, anoaGYA 2000 Karan] Suen 3000 KarTAR. . q

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