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Public & Social Sector Practice

Ahead in the cloud:

Transforming public-
sector performance
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of cloud
technology and analytics in delivering public-sector services.
Can governments build on what they have learned?

by Quirin Maderspacher, Mike McCarthy, Gundbert Scherf, and Sebastian Stern

© Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images

February 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic sent companies, Over the past years, we have collected a
governments, and public agencies across the comprehensive library of detailed bottom-up use
world scrambling to find new ways to deliver cases based on significant prework by the McKinsey
services. Workforces shifted to working partially Global Institute and by our Digital Practice. The
or even fully remotely; existing services were results were used in part to inform a framework for
scaled up or down and reconfigured to changes in helping public-sector organizations identify areas in
demand; and essential new services were rapidly which cloud-enabled solutions would have their
introduced to deal with new delivery needs in greatest potential impact. This article discusses six
policy making and business. opportunity areas where cloud-based analytics
applications can potentially deliver the highest
Cloud-based IT systems played an important role in possible business value—and also the highest
enabling these shifts. The performance benefits of possible return for taxpayers. While the analysis was
the cloud—secure, collaborative multiuser access to based on US and European countries, the
cutting-edge software, coupled with expanded framework can serve as a guide globally.
storage capacity and analytical capabilities—have
long been known. However, adoption in the public
sector has been fragmented and ad hoc, and it has The value proposition of cloud should
often been driven more by the enthusiasm of combine long-term business value
individual chief technology officers (CTOs) than by creation with pure IT cost efficiency
policy objectives. In this respect, the crisis has Public-sector spending on cloud technology is
served as a catalyst, and has brought a greater forecast to grow at an annual rate of around
focus on quality data and robust analysis. We have 20 percent until 2024, that is, double within the next
reviewed potential cloud-based analytics five years (Exhibit 1). Total spending in Europe still
applications in the public sector to help pinpoint lags far behind that of the United States—even when
where governments can achieve the greatest accounting for comparatively larger government
possible business value. budgets. Past investment has not always achieved
the best possible value, however.

Web <2021>
<Ahead in the cloud>
Exhibit 1
Exhibit <1> of <2>

The United States

The United States spends
cloud in government.
on cloud in government.

Total public sector cloud spend, 2019, $ million Expected growth rate
per annum, 2019–24, %


20 20

US UK Germany France
20,117 1,331 1,186 770

US UK Germany France

Source: IDC; McKinsey analysis

2 Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance

“It’s not about money. If you start out
with the expense reduction piece, you’ve
kind of lost your way in the beginning.”
–Director, US Technology Transformation Services

Prior to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, most infrastructure and improving business
business leaders saw the cloud-transformation performance. For example:
process as “something for IT to worry about.”
Cloud-migration initiatives typically focused on — In 2014, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of
efficiency in IT infrastructure and aimed to reduce Defence (MOD) began replacing its core legacy
operating costs in IT by removing captive data on-site IT architecture with a hybrid cloud-based
centers, increasing resilience and stability, solution. Migrating to the cloud has cut costs and
improving the development environment, and improved performance. In particular, its 250,000
enhancing cybersecurity. users can now access modern applications online
via multiple devices, and approximately 80
But cloud-based efforts focused only on percent of MOD data have been migrated to the
cost efficiency in IT, and they have mostly servers of United Kingdom–based cloud service
proven disappointing, as cost benefits delivered providers. Most of MOD’s core IT, nonmilitary
were lower than predicted. There were two architecture is now industry standard.
reasons for this: First, costs and benefits were
not quantified realistically and holistically at — The United States Financial Industry Regulatory
the outset, creating false expectations. Second— Authority (FINRA) is the largest independent
and more importantly—the opportunity to regulator for all security firms operating in the
enhance performance through cloud-based United States, and it employs approximately
transformation was underestimated. Too often, 4,000 employees domestically to monitor financial
the mindset was “business as usual, but in the transactions. As transaction speed and volume
cloud.” As a result, services and applications steadily increased, FINRA’s in-house solutions
were not redesigned to take full advantage of reached the limits of their capacity. In response,
cloud technology, and potential performance the agency adopted a cloud-based solution, which
improvements were lost. allows it to analyze more than 37 billion data sets
per day, steer computing capacity where needed
There are some examples of successful public- in response to changes in market volume, and
sector cloud-transformation projects, and they ensure high performance—even during peak
demonstrate that in order to deliver the best workloads. The system now completes around
possible return for taxpayers, business leaders and 400 times as many calculations as it did previously,
CTOs need to collaborate and adopt a dual and it does so at higher speeds, expanding
perspective that consists of both improving IT FINRA’s insights on market activity as a result.

Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance 3

Governments should take a systematic licensing. Streamlined processes that enable the
and structured approach to determine use of artificial intelligence (AI)–based applications
where cloud technology will unlock the also allow automated analysis and the integration of
most business value across agencies incoming data (such as claims-related data). This
Our research, based on previous work from the both improves decision making and reduces the
McKinsey Global Institute and our Digital Practice, volume of documents for inspection.
drew on two sources: public-sector agencies that
are undergoing cloud-based transformation Use case example: Healthcare systems generate
processes and extensive interviews with our own large numbers of patient-related documents that
public-sector and analytics experts and leaders. require reading and triage to validate the next action.
The research shows that governments should take a Documents pass from one healthcare setting to
systematic structured approach to unlock the full another, which multiplies the amount of effort
value of cloud technology. required from staff. A cloud-enabled process can
allow machine-based document reading, dispatch to
We have synthesised the results of the research into appropriate persons, prediction of subsequent
a heat map (Exhibit 2) that shows cloud-based actions with a high level of confidence, and provision
transformation potential within different government of supporting information that helps staff members
functions (such as defense, general public services, make decisions faster. Well-designed document-
and education) and across different stages of the management projects have achieved 30 to 40
public-sector value chain—from research and percent reductions in manual labor while improving
development, to procurement, to operations and service quality in parallel.
claims processing, to citizen interaction. While many
additional factors may influence cloud-based Area 2: Reducing asset-management and
transformation priorities, we believe the framework maintenance costs. Cloud-based approaches can
provides a valuable starting point for guiding significantly increase asset availability for agencies
strategy in the public sector, because it highlights operating with a high volume of assets, such as
areas where impact is expected to be greatest. defense and public transportation agencies.
Systems that automatically track asset utilization,
Based on our research, we have identified six areas condition, and location (of moveable assets), and
of opportunity where the potential for value creation that predict shortages and breakdown times, greatly
in the public sector is particularly significant. These increase accuracy and effectiveness in asset
are numbered on Exhibit 2 and described in more management, which, for example, allows a more
detail below. The first five areas show the potential optimized distribution of assets.
impact of transforming core processes—such as
procurement or asset management—across one or Use case example: Armed forces rely on
more government departments. The final prescheduled maintenance of their assets (planes,
opportunity area, digital health, focuses on the for example) to ensure that they are ready for
potential to transform delivery of an entire service. operational use. Assets often undergo maintenance
operations before they are actually needed to
Area 1: Improving data management and prevent breakdowns or other conditions that would
document processing. Cloud-based solutions can result in unnecessary costs. Unpredicted
dramatically improve speed and quality as well as breakdowns may still occur, however. Cloud-enabled
reduce costs in general services workflows across AI applications are able to identify faults and predict
all agencies with high volumes of documents—such maintenance needs through pattern recognition.
as healthcare, tax affairs, permit issuance, and This allows asset output, capacity planning, and

4 Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance

Web <2021>
<Ahead in the cloud>
Exhibit 2
Exhibit <2> of <2>

The highest potential

The highest potential for
for cloud
opportunity areas.

Potential for application of cloud analytics in the public sector Low High Opportunity areas

Public sector value chain

Operations Risk Human

R&D and processing management resources
Asset Citizen
Procurement management Policy communication



public services




Public order
and safety

religion, and culture

Housing and
community amenities


Source: Gartner; IMF; MGI; OECD; McKinsey analysis

asset distribution to be optimized and ordering Area 3: Enhancing situational awareness and
processes to be automated. Where cloud-based operational control in uncertain environments.
predictive maintenance has been applied, we have When a physical location is difficult to access (during
seen savings in equipment repair and maintenance a relief unit operation, for example), cloud-based
costs of 5 to 15 percent. solutions can integrate information from different

Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance 5

sources, such as traffic cameras and satellites, and in the context of one or more audits. Since the
they can use these data to map an environment and amount of data to be processed exceeds the
monitor events in real time. This allows holistic, manpower available, only a limited number of cases
considered analysis of environments without the can be audited, leaving “blind spots.” Rather than
need for a physical presence, which facilitates rely on random sampling, cloud-based solutions
improved decision making. enable machine-learning applications to analyze all
machine-readable data available and to identify
Use case example: During relief operations, units cases with high potential for fraud. Available
from different organizations—the fire department, manpower can then be targeted at performing
police department, and emergency medical services— detailed audits. If implemented holistically and
often need to collaborate in difficult situations with rigorously, cloud-based solutions can generate
many variables. Personnel may need to go inside a savings of up to 0.5 percent of payment totals.
burning building or deal with the aftermath of a
terrorist attack, and they may have only limited Area 5: Streamlining procurement processes and
knowledge of the situation when they arrive at the reducing supply-chain-related risks. Procurement
scene, as well as a restricted means for real-time is a particular challenge for agencies that purchase
coordination during an operation. Cloud-based in high volumes across multiple sites. Many public-
solutions allow operational control for anticipating sector organizations also manage complex supply
high-risk situations and coordinating units more chains in, for example, defense, public safety, and
effectively through the use of integrative monitoring healthcare. Cloud-based analytics can fully or
and analysis of geospatial, body-sensor, and body- partially automate procurement processes in spend
cam data. They also provide enhanced interpersonal categories, for example, and they can streamline
communications for units on the ground. high-volume procurement across different agencies
to increase process speeds and reduce costs. By
Area 4: Preventing inappropriate cash outflows integrating data on supply, cloud-based solutions
as well as fraud. Cloud-based systems can perform can also identify interdependencies in the supply
automated analysis of vast amounts of data chain, even at a granular level (a tier-3 supplier level,
(financial, for example) to detect patterns and for example), which ensures greater transparency
anomalies. This ability gives agencies a means for and enhanced risk assessment.
combating payment fraud and errors occurring in
subsidies, welfare payments, or other cash outflows. Use case example: Public requests for the provision
Cloud-based AI applications also allow more- of assets require that contracts for all offers are
targeted inspections and methods of fraud stringently reviewed. This due diligence is costly,
prevention. They can, for example, match existing requires high numbers of skilled individuals, and is
data sets with inspection targets to identify sources vulnerable to human error. Cloud-based AI/machine-
in potentially suspicious transactions; detect learning solutions can automatically identify and
potential cases of identity fraud in the context of extract potentially harmful content, such as risky
healthcare or welfare claims; and focus tax-fraud- clauses related to penalties or value owed. This
prevention efforts through targeted audits. reduces the time and manpower required for review,
and it helps in avoiding conflicts of interest. In typical
Use case example: To detect tax fraud, agencies cases, cost reduction of up to 0.1 percent was
typically need to scan a large number of documents generated for overall procurement volumes.

6 Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance

Area 6: Enabling integrative digital health providers. Processes such as diagnosis can be
solutions. Cloud-based solutions can support streamlined, and cross-organizational collaboration
physicians along patient journeys in areas ranging can be facilitated between physicians and
from data-driven diagnosis (AI-driven analysis of CT specialists, for example.
scans and early detection of disease patterns and
high-risk patients, for example), to prescriptions
(predictive treatment informed by machine-
learning-based analysis of outcomes). Public-sector investment in cloud technology is
predicted to double by 2024 in both Europe and the
Use case example: Health-related information on United States. When contemplating cloud
patients is typically fragmented over various transformation, governments and agencies should
nonstandardized databases, both within and across take into consideration both improvements in the IT
different healthcare providers (physicians, hospital infrastructure as well as benefits of a business
clinics, and pharmacists, for example). This transformation. This will ensure that cloud-related
disconnected approach to recording data spending delivers the strongest possible value for
jeopardizes treatment quality by allowing diagnoses taxpayers. National governments should also
that differ from one another and findings that are not consider the nature of their relationships with major
shared. It also generates unnecessary costs, as the providers of cloud services, such as Amazon,
patient is required to register separately with each Google, and Microsoft—particularly where issues of
provider, and providers must also register each security and data sovereignty are concerned. We
patient separately. A cloud-based approach enables will explore these and other challenges around the
integrative identity management with a single adoption of cloud technology in the public sector in
patient file and identifier across multiple healthcare future articles.

Quirin Maderspacher is a consultant in McKinsey’s Berlin office, where Gundbert Scherf is a partner; Mike McCarthy is an
associate partner in the London office; and Sebastian Stern is a senior partner in the Hamburg office.

The authors wish to thank Daniel Abraham for his contributions to this article.

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Ahead in the cloud: Transforming public-sector performance 7

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