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Cause and effect Paragraph (Joseph Fuji/13111810175/Business 1A)

Smoking makes people addicted towards it. Those who want to get rid
from cigarettes fail to hold themselves from picking up a cigarette and smoking
it. Young people smoke because they think that smoking makes them famous or
cool. After a long time smoking start affecting its smoker’s health. Many people
become a real smokers. Cigarettes that contain nicotine causes cancer, asthma,
damages heart, brain, liver and lungs. Smoking causes a lot of problem in the
system of the body. Smokers generally have bad breathe, smelly room, smelly
hair and smelly clothes. Even if somebody quit smoking it’s very difficult to get
rid of this smell. Smoking makes your teeth look brown or yellow. It is very
difficult to remove cigarette stain from the teeth. Even spending a lot of money
in dentist does not help. Distinguished teeth makes people look older than their
actual age. Many people are not aware of these facts when they start smoking.

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