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Domestication Does Not Explain the Presence of

Inequity Aversion in Dogs
Highlights Authors
d Pack-living dogs and wolves show both reward and quality Jennifer L. Essler,
inequity Sarah Marshall-Pescini,
Friederike Range
d More dominant individuals were more inequity averse for
both dogs and wolves Correspondence
d Inequity conditions influenced social behaviors in
subsequent interactions
In Brief
d Inequity aversion is probably linked to the evolution of Essler et al. show that as pack-living dogs
cooperation in dogs and wolves and wolves react similarly to unequal
outcomes, this response was not a trait
that dogs evolved over the course of
domestication. Their results support the
hypothesis that inequity aversion is
closely linked to the evolution of

Essler et al., 2017, Current Biology 27, 1861–1865

June 19, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Current Biology


Domestication Does Not Explain

the Presence of Inequity Aversion in Dogs
Jennifer L. Essler,1,2,3,4,* Sarah Marshall-Pescini,1,2 and Friederike Range1,2
1Wolf Science Center, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Medical University of Vienna,

€rplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria

and University of Vienna, Veterina
2Comparative Cognition, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Medical University of Vienna,

€rplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria

and University of Vienna, Veterina
3Twitter: @jennyessler
4Lead Contact


SUMMARY to an enhancement of their socio-cognitive abilities brought

about by domestication. More specifically, by evolving alongside
Sensitivity to inequity is thought to be an important humans, dogs are thought to have gained unique abilities to suc-
mechanism for recognizing undesirable cooperative cessfully cooperate with both humans and conspecifics [7, 8].
partners and thus crucial for the evolution of human Based on this hypothesis, dogs’ closest living relatives, wolves
cooperation [1]. This link may not be unique to hu- (Canis lupus), should not exhibit inequity aversion. Alternatively,
mans, as cooperative non-human primates also the ‘‘canine cooperation hypothesis’’ suggests that rather than
dogs gaining these abilities during the course of domestication,
react to unequal outcomes [2], whereas non-cooper-
they maintained such abilities from their ancestors, and hence
ative species do not [3]. Although this hypothesis has
they should be shared with wolves [9]. This hypothesis is sup-
not been tested in non-primate species, studies re- ported by the fact that the wolves’ social ecology remains highly
vealed that pet dogs show a limited form of inequity dependent on cooperation with conspecifics for activities such
aversion, responding to reward, but not quality ineq- as puppy raising, territory defense, and hunting [10–12], and in
uity [4–6]. It has been proposed that this primitive primates at least, cooperation and inequity aversion appear to
form of inequity aversion was selected for during be closely linked [3]. Compared to primates, however, pet
domestication and thus absent in their ancestors, dogs show a reduced sensitivity to inequity in that they show
wolves. Alternatively, wolves, which hunt, raise inequity aversion when receiving no reward next to a rewarded
pups, and defend their territory cooperatively, are partner [4, 6] but do not respond to differences in reward quali-
similarly inequity averse as non-human primates, or ties as some primates do [1]. This reduced sensitivity to inequity
of pet dogs in comparison to non-human primates may be due to
at least to the same degree as pet dogs. Testing simi-
(1) canines showing in general a more primitive form of inequity
larly raised and kept pack-living dogs and wolves, we
aversion, predicting that wolves also do not react to quality ineq-
found both to be inequity averse when their partner uity; (2) the domestication process [13], which selected for un-
was being rewarded but they were not for performing conditional cooperation with humans and perhaps a change in
the same action. Additionally, both wolves and dogs intraspecific cooperation, predicting that although wolves react
reacted to receiving a lower-quality reward than their to quality inequity, dogs do not, even if they have the same expe-
partner. These results suggest that the inequity riences as wolves; or (3) socialization effects, which, due to the
response found in pack-living dogs and wolves is close interaction of pet dogs with their human caregivers, lead
comparable to that observed in non-human pri- to ignoring unfavorable conditions to please the humans, pre-
mates; results from studies on pet dogs may be dicting that dogs raised in packs with a lot less interactions
confounded by the dogs’ relationship with humans. with humans would, like wolves, react to quality inequity.
We aimed to test these hypotheses using an inequity aversion
Consequently, our results suggest that inequity aver-
task based on earlier studies on pet dogs [4–6] by testing
sion was present already in the common—probably
similarly raised and kept pack-living wolves (n = 9) and dogs
cooperative—ancestor of wolves and dogs and (n = 10) at the Wolf Science Center, to determine whether they
thus support the hypothesis of a close link of cooper- show similar responses to inequity. Two animals were placed
ation and inequity aversion. in separate enclosures, each equipped with buzzer apparatuses
placed against the fencing (see Figure 1). The experimenter alter-
RESULTS nately pointed to the two buzzers and asked the respective ani-
mal to press with a paw to receive a reward. Depending on the
Multiple hypotheses have been suggested to account for why condition, they were given a reward (or not) (see Table 1). In order
pet dogs (Canis familiaris) show a form of inequity aversion. First, to keep the test as similar as possible between conditions, in
dogs may have acquired the capacity to respond to inequity due asocial conditions, the experimenter acted as if there were a

Current Biology 27, 1861–1865, June 19, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Ltd. 1861
Figure 1. Set-Up View from One Enclosure
Fencing between the two enclosures allowed for
each individual to fully see their partner’s behavior.
The same setup was used for the dogs (left) and the
wolves (right). See also Figures S1 and S2.

partner, not the lack of reward, is driving

their refusals in the reward inequity condi-
tion. In other words, dogs and wolves
respond to the inequity in the social
partner in the enclosure, including giving commands to and context and not solely to the reward distribution. In contrast to
showing the reward briefly to the partner enclosure; however, previous studies on pet dogs, both wolves and dogs also
after the food rewards were presented, they were discretely completed fewer trials in the quality inequity condition than in
moved back into the bowl. The bowl contained a large amount the equity condition (F = 1.998, df = 59, p = 0.050; Figure 2;
of both food rewards, such that over the course of the session, Data S1). Though there was no significant effect of species
as foods were removed, the bowl remained sufficiently full. (F = 1.490, df = 14, p = 0.158), it appears that the wolves re-
Rewards—a high-value (HVR) and a low-value (LVR) reward— sponded more strongly than the dogs (see Figure 2). We did
were determined prior to testing based on the preferences of not find any difference between the equity condition and our
the animals. Each session lasted a maximum of 30 trials per food control condition (Data S1).
animal. If an individual stopped performing the task, the experi- Furthermore, we investigated how many commands, normal-
menter gave up to ten commands (‘‘press,’’ or ‘‘come’’ if the ized by number of trials, were given by the experimenter in each
animal had moved away, up to ten times each). If the individual condition as a measure of their resistance. Wolves and dogs
refused to press or return to the apparatus, the session was both were given more commands in the reward inequity condi-
ended. Moreover, as we were interested in whether the inequity tion compared to the equity condition (F = 2.176, df = 64,
condition experienced by the subject directly affected subse- p = 0.033; Data S1), but there was no difference between the
quent interactions with its partner and the experimenter, we reward inequity and no reward conditions (F = 1.675, df = 17,
implemented an ‘‘interaction test’’ previously used with pet p = 0.112; Data S1). We found a species interaction for the quality
dogs [4]. After each test condition, both the subject and the part- inequity condition (species 3 QI: F = 2.753, df = 64, p = 0.008;
ner were moved to a neutral enclosure where they had the choice Data S1). Although wolves were given more commands in the
to interact with each other and/or the experimenter. quality inequity condition compared to the equity condition,
Each session consisted of one condition, and only one session this was not the case for the dogs (wolves, QI versus ET:
per day was conducted for each subject. In each condition, we F = 3.415, df = 30, p = 0.002; dogs, QI versus ET: F = 0.688,
changed exactly one factor in regard to the baseline equity con- df = 34, p = 0.496; Data S1). Thus, in order to continue working
dition (quality inequity: food quality of the partner’s food; food in the quality inequity condition (compared to the equity condi-
control: shown HVR but given LVR [to test for frustration effects]; tion), the experimenter had to prompt the wolves significantly
reward inequity: subject unrewarded; assessment control: pres- more times per trial than the dogs, suggesting that the willing-
ence of the partner). To further control that a possible response ness to work in that condition was lower in the wolves than in
in the reward inequity condition was due to the mere absence of the dogs. This finding, paired with the appearance that wolves
food and not the social context, we ran a further condition for responded more strongly to the quality inequity condition,
comparison (the no reward condition) in which, like in the ineq-
uity, the subject did not receive food, but this time the partner
was absent (see Table 1 for a summary of the conditions). Table 1. Summary of Conditions
Conditions were randomized, except that no-reward conditions Condition Subject Partner
(i.e., RI and NR; see Table 1) were never consecutive, to prevent Social Conditions
animals from losing motivation. Since the dominance relation- Equity test (ET; baseline) LVR LVR
ship is known to affect responses to inequity in primates [14], Quality inequity (QI) LVR HVR
we considered both the dominance relationship (dominant- Reward inequity (RI) no reward HVR
submissive) and rank distance between partners. See STAR
Food control (FC) HVR shown, HVR shown,
Methods for more information on all methods.
LVR given LVR given
For both dogs and wolves, there were fewer trials completed
Asocial Conditions
in the reward inequity condition than in the equity condition
(F = 6.698, df = 59, p < 0.001; Figure 2; Data S1), showing Assessment control (AC) LVR LVRa
that both wolves and dogs performed fewer trials when they No reward control (NR) no reward HVRa
were unrewarded in the presence of a rewarded partner. Impor- LVR, low-value reward; HVR, high-value reward.
tantly, wolves and dogs also completed fewer trials in the reward In the asocial conditions, the partner’s site was empty; however, the
inequity than in the asocial no reward condition (F = 0.478, normal procedure was carried out. The food was moved to the partner’s
side and was then re-placed into the food bowl.
df = 18, p < 0.001; Data S1), indicating that the presence of the

1862 Current Biology 27, 1861–1865, June 19, 2017

Figure 2. Number of Trials Completed by
Data are represented as mean ± SE.

(F = 2.516, df = 41.25, p = 0.016; Data

S2). Rank distance affected the latency
to be within 1 m of the partner in the
reward inequity condition (F = 6.943,
df = 1.15, p = 0.019), but not in the
equity condition (F = 0.156, df = 1.13,
p = 0.699): the higher ranking the subject
was, the faster they went to their partner
after the test in the reward inequity condi-
suggests that there may be a difference between dogs and tion. Finally, both dogs and wolves spent more time within 1 m of
wolves in how they respond, or how strongly they respond, to their partner after the equity condition compared to the reward
the quality inequity condition. We did not find any difference be- inequity condition (F = 2.834, df = 53.08, p = 0.006; Data S2).
tween the equity condition and the food control condition for
number of commands per trial (Data S1). DISCUSSION
We found an effect of rank on the number of trials completed.
Regardless of species, the more dominant animals were to their The inequity aversion response shown here in wolves and dogs
partner (i.e., the larger the rank distance between individuals in is more similar to that of non-human primates than previously
the dyad), the fewer trials they completed in the reward inequity thought, as dogs and wolves responded to both reward inequity
condition compared to the equity condition and the fewer trials and quality inequity. Moreover, the more dominant individuals (of
they completed in the reward inequity condition compared to both wolves and dogs) responded similarly to the more dominant
the no reward condition (RI versus ET: F = 2.364, df = 59, non-human primates [14] by refusing to participate earlier when
p = 0.021; RI versus NR: F = 2.491, df = 15, p = 0.025; Data receiving nothing in the presence of a rewarded, lower-ranking
S1; Figure 3). This suggests that the more dominant an individual partner [15]. We found no dominance effect in the control condi-
is to their partner, the more sensitive they are toward the reward tion; thus, it is the relationship between subject and partner, not
inequity. Additionally, there was an interaction between species merely a lack of reward, that drives this response in these
and rank distance for the rate of stress behaviors (e.g., lip licking; subjects.
see Table S1) in the social test conditions (species 3 rank dis- These results support hypotheses that these cognitive skills in
tance: F = 3.101, df = 13, p = 0.008; Data S1). Further analysis dogs are not an effect of domestication, but rather were main-
showed that the more subordinate dogs had a tendency for a tained from their ancestors [9]. In fact, the results here and in pre-
higher rate of stress behaviors seen in the test conditions; this vious studies on pet dogs suggest that rather than increasing
was not the case in wolves (dogs, rank distance: F = 2.340, dogs’ response to unequal treatment, their relationship to hu-
df = 6, p = 0.058; wolves, rank distance: F = 0.765, df = 7, mans may result in a higher tolerance for unequal treatment, at
p = 0.469; Data S1). However, it is not clear that the stress least from humans. Life-long positive interactions and training
seen in the subordinate dogs is due to working next to a more with their human caregivers might prevent dogs from refusing
dominant partner, because there was no effect of condition be- to continue to participate in the experiment due to their willing-
tween the assessment control condition and the equity condition ness to please the human experimenter. The dogs in the present
(ET versus AC: F = 0.841, df = 60, p = 0.403; Data S1). study, though highly socialized with humans in their first weeks of
The test conditions also affected the subject’s subsequent in- life, do not have a pet-owner relationship with humans and so
teractions with both the experimenter and the partner. Dogs took may not have the same eagerness to please humans as a pet
longer to go to the experimenter (F = 2.184, df = 27.83, p = 0.038; dog would. Nevertheless, they were still more eager to please
Data S2) and spent less time with the experimenter (F = 2.225, the human experimenter than were the wolves, as the wolves
df = 35.33, p = 0.033; Data S2) in the quality inequity condition needed more prompts than dogs to comply in the quality inequity
compared to the equity condition. Independent of condition, condition compared to the equity condition.
there was an effect of rank distance, where the more subordinate If inequity aversion does function to maintain cooperative in-
a dog was to their partner, the lower their latency to go to the teractions, we would expect that being treated unequally would
experimenter (F = 4.646, df = 6.080, p = 0.003; Data S2). have consequences for subsequent interactions. And indeed,
For wolves, we found that subjects went to the experimenter we found that, like pet dogs, both wolves and pack-living dogs
faster in the quality inequity compared to the equity condition spent less time with their partner after the reward inequity condi-
(F = 2.261, df = 32, p = 0.031; Data S2), but there was no differ- tion than after the equity condition. Moreover, rank also influ-
ence in time spent with the experimenter between the test con- enced this behavior, since, if the dominant animal of a dyad
ditions (F = 1.398, df = 32, p = 0.172; Data S2). was tested beforehand, the latency to approach each other
In regards to the latency to be within 1 m of their partner, was shorter in the reward inequity than the equity condition.
there was an interaction between rank distance and condition This again supports our results that dominant animals seem to

Current Biology 27, 1861–1865, June 19, 2017 1863

possibly wolves to get a better insight into the effects of domes-
tication. These results are in line with the hypothesis that inequity
aversion evolved alongside cooperation [3], allowing individuals
to recognize disadvantageous pairings in cooperative situations.
Since wolves, and thus most likely the common ancestor of
wolves and dogs, are a highly cooperative species in terms of
hunting, breeding, and territory defense, this probably led early
wolves to develop and maintain responses to inequity in order
to regulate cooperation. However, the fact that wolves and
pack-living dogs respond to the quality inequity condition similar
to primates supports also the possibility of an old evolutionary
origin, rather than convergent evolution.


Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper

Figure 3. Number of Trials Completed by Rank Distance between
and include the following:
Partners for Reward Inequity, No Reward, and Equity Conditions
react stronger to being treated worse than their subordinate d CONTACT FOR RESOURCE SHARING
partners. This might be partly due to the fact that usually it is d SUBJECT DETAILS
the subordinate individual that is at a disadvantage, e.g., has d METHOD DETAILS
later access to food [16, 17], leading to a violation of expectancy B Pre-Testing
in the dominant partner if these roles are reversed. Thus, not only B Training
does unequal treatment appear to have consequences for B Experimental Setup
subsequent interactions between pack-living dogs and wolves, B Test Procedure
but these consequences are possibly augmented further when d QUANTIFICATION AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
the unequal treatment is directed toward the more dominant of B Behavioral Coding
the two individuals. This suggests that inequity between individ- B Social Relationships
uals that are part of the same social hierarchy may vary, with B Statistical Analyses
unequal treatment representing something quite different de- d DATA AVAILABILITY
pending on the relationship between those involved and equal
division of reward not necessarily being as simple as being SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
treated the same (e.g., receiving the same food reward) as
Supplemental Information includes two figures, two tables, and three data files
another individual.
and can be found with this article online at
Interestingly, prior experience of inequity influenced the ani- 2017.05.061.
mals’ subsequent behaviors not only toward each other, but
also toward the experimenter. Whereas the wolves had a lower AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
latency to go to the experimenter after the quality inequity condi-
tion than in the equity condition, the dogs had a higher latency to Conceptualization, J.L.E. and F.R.; Methodology, J.L.E., S.M., and F.R.; Inves-
go to the experimenter and also spent less time with her. We tigation, J.L.E.; Formal Analysis, J.L.E.; Writing – Original Draft, J.L.E., S.M.,
and F.R.; Writing – Review & Editing, J.L.E., S.M., and F.R.; Funding Acquisi-
have no good explanation for why wolves and dogs reacted in
tion, F.R.
opposite ways toward the experimenter, but pet dogs behaved
similarly to our pack dogs [4]. The lack of a differentiated ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
response to the experimenter after the reward inequity condition
in the present study may be due to the fact that the subjects The Wolf Science Center was established by Zsófia Virányi, Kurt Kotrschal,
continued to work for longer in the quality inequity condition, re- and Friederike Range, and we thank all of our helpers who made this
sulting in a more sustained unequitable situation in the quality possible and thus indirectly supported this research. We thank the many stu-
dents at the lab that helped with this study, in particular Julie Carpenter and
inequity condition. This may have elicited a stronger response
Judith Zembrot. We additionally would like to give huge thanks to Marleen
toward the experimenter. In general, subordinate dogs had a Hentrup and János Tardi for building the apparatuses, Jeremy Cain for
lower latency to go to the experimenter, which might be tied to graphical support, Rooobert Bayer for photos, Marianne Heberlein and
subordinate dogs being more stressed during the buzzer test Stephan Reber for statistical support, Jennifer Bentlage for administrative
and thus looking for social support from the experimenter support, and four anonymous reviewers for their comments. This study
(i.e., humans as an attachment figure [18–20]). was supported by funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under
the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC
In summary, the results presented here suggest that canines
grant agreement no. 311870. The authors further thank many private spon-
behave similarly to non-human primates in regard to unequal
sors including Royal Canin for financial support and the Game Park Ernst-
outcomes and that this sensitivity was already present in their brunn for hosting the Wolf Science Center. The funders had no role in study
common ancestor. Furthermore, the study once again highlights design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
that it is important to test different populations of dogs and the manuscript.

1864 Current Biology 27, 1861–1865, June 19, 2017

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Current Biology 27, 1861–1865, June 19, 2017 1865




Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
Gray Wolf, Canis lupus Wolf Science Center
Domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris Wolf Science Center
Software and Algorithms
R: A Language and Environment for [21]
Statistical Computing
‘R’ Package, ‘‘MASS’’ [22]
‘R’ Package, ‘‘lme4’’ [23]
‘R’ Package, ‘‘ggplot2’’ [24]
‘R’ Package, ‘‘car’’ [25]
‘R’ Package, ‘‘lmerTest’’ [26]
Observer XT 10.5 Noldus Information
Fuß- Grobhandtaster (‘Buzzer’) Conrad Electronic Eaton FAK-S/KC11/I IP67
GmbH & Co KG [AT]


Further information and requests for resources should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Jennifer L. Essler


Ten dogs and nine timber wolves were tested at the Wolf Science Center (WSC) in Ernstbrunn, Austria. All animals except those dogs
in 2014 were brought to the center at ten days of age and hand-raised by professional experimenters, spending all of their time in the
presence of a human from the age of ten days to four months. After four months, individuals were introduced into previously estab-
lished packs of adult wolves or dogs, respectively. Dogs born in 2014 were born at the center, and spent at least four hours per day
with a trainer and other puppies (without the mother) before being left in their pack full-time at the age of four months (see [27] for
further information on hand-raising methods). Dogs and wolves are kept in a similar way and have the same life experiences in order
to compare the two species without major differences in life experience. This study was discussed and approved by the institutional
ethics and animal welfare committee at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna in accordance with Good Scientific Practice
guidelines and national legislation (Unser Zeichen #10/09/97/2013).

Subject Partner Subject Sex Partner Sex Pack Birth Year LVR HVR
Kaspar Aragorn M M 1 2008 Kibble Meat
Aragorn Kaspar M M 1 2008 Kibble Meat
Chitto Shima M F 1 2012 Kibble Meat
Shima Chitto F M 1 2008 Kibble Meat
Amarok Kenai M M 2 2012 Kibble Meat
Kenai Amarok M M 2 2011 Kibble Meat
Nanuk Una M F 3 2009 Kibble Meat
Geronimo Yukon M F 4 2009 Kibble Meat
Wamblee Yukon M F 4 2012 Kibble Meat
(Continued on next page)

e1 Current Biology 27, 1861–1865.e1–e3, June 19, 2017

Subject Partner Subject Sex Partner Sex Pack Birth Year LVR HVR
Bansai Bora M F 4 2014 Kibble Sausage
Bora Bansai F M 4 2011 Kibble Sausage
Sahibu Gombo M M 5 2014 Kibble Sausage
Nia Sahibu F M 5 2011 Kibble Sausage
Zuri Layla F F 6 2011 Kibble Sausage
Layla Zuri F F 6 2011 Kibble Sausage
Nuru Layla M F 6 2011 Kibble Sausage
Maisha Binti M F 7 2009 Kibble Meat
Binti Maisha F M 7 2010 Kibble Meat
Meru Hiari M M 8 2009 Kibble Meat


We carried out a food preference test to establish a low- and high-value (LVR and HVR, respectively) reward to be used during testing.
A reward was considered to be of high value if they chose the HVR over the LVR at least 85% of the time, in two consecutive sessions
on different days. To be used in the test, the LVR had to be consumed by the animals at least ten times in a row.

Prior to the test, all animals were trained to place their paw on a buzzer placed on a wooden apparatus (Figure S1) to obtain a reward
in response to an experimenter pointing at the apparatus/buzzer and giving the command ‘press.’ The buzzer was then moved to the
full-apparatus setup, and animals were considered ready for testing when they pressed the buzzer with their paw, in response to an
experimenter pointing and giving the command ‘press,’ ten times in a row. Reward used in the training were not used in the testing.

Experimental Setup
Individuals were placed in two familiar adjacent enclosures (7.3 m2 each). These enclosures were made with large wire mesh. On the
outside of each enclosure, one larger hole (18 cm x 18 cm) was cut into the fence for the buzzer (Eaton FAK-S/KC11/I) to be moved in
and out. Two buzzers were positioned each on a wooden table, so that the action of pressing the buzzer required the animals to lift a
paw upward in order to complete the task. Behind each table, but further obscured from the vision of the animals by opaque panels,
was one helper person per table who inserted and removed the buzzer on each trial. Between the two tables, and fully visible to the
animals, was the experimenter. Food reward for the test were placed in a bowl in front of the experimenter, where half the bowl held
the HVR and the other half held the LVR. Both food reward were present and visible in every condition, and the HVR was always closer
to the subjects than the LVR (see Figure S2). Outside of each enclosure was a camera to film every condition for later coding.
Each subject participated in six conditions across separate sessions on separate days (see Table 1). To test whether subjects
respond to receiving a different reward from their partner, we compared the equity baseline condition (ET), where both individuals
received the LVR, to the quality inequity (QI) condition (subject: LVR, partner: HVR) and the reward inequity (RI) condition (subject:
nothing, partner: HVR). To ensure that any differences in the previous tests were not due to a frustration effect of simply seeing
but not receiving the HVR, we further compared the ET baseline to a food control (FC) test, where both individuals were shown
the HVR but then given the LVR for completing the task. Further, to determine if any differences found between the ET and RI con-
dition were indeed due to not receiving a reward in the presence of a rewarded partner, and not simply due to not receiving any
reward (regardless of the partner), we compared the RI condition to a no reward (NR) solo condition, where the subject was tested
alone and received no reward, while the HVR was shown to the partner’s empty enclosure (controlling for the movement of the food).
In practice, the NR condition was the same as the RI condition, except that there was no animal in the partner’s enclosure.

Test Procedure
For each session for the buzzer task, individuals were placed in the two adjacent enclosures, with the sides randomly assigned. The
experimenter kneeled in-between the tables, with the bowl of food reward situated in front of her. Two helpers, one behind each table,
were responsible for moving the buzzers in and out of the enclosures for each trial. To start a session, the partner’s buzzer was moved
into his/her enclosure, while simultaneously the experimenter pointed to the buzzer and said ‘‘press.’’ Once the individual pressed the
buzzer, the experimenter picked up the food reward for that condition and held it between the two enclosures so both animals had the
opportunity to see the reward. The experimenter then gave the food to the partner animal. This was then repeated for the subject
animal, then continued back and forth until the session was over, with either 60 trials being reached (30 per animal) or one animal
refusing to continue.

Current Biology 27, 1861–1865.e1–e3, June 19, 2017 e2

Animals could refuse to continue, thus ending the session, in different ways. First, if an animal did not press the buzzer, the exper-
imenter repeated the command ‘‘press’’ five times, followed by the name of the subject once, then again ‘‘press’’ five times. If the
animal did not press the buzzer after this, the session was ended. Second, if an animal left the immediate vicinity of the buzzer table
(1 m), the experimenter called the animal’s name five times, then called ‘‘come’’ once, then the animal’s name five times again. If the
animal did not return to the buzzer table after this, the session was ended. Finally, the session was ended if the subject destroyed the
apparatus by removing the buzzer from the table, as this was considered a frustration level at least as high as refusing to participate
After each condition, a social interaction test (hereafter, Interaction Test) was conducted, where the experimenter walked around to
the opposite side of the larger, adjacent test enclosure and sat down on the outside of the fence. Both subject and partner (where
applicable) were then let into this enclosure and were free to interact with each other, or the experimenter, for five minutes. Each
animal was followed with a camera from outside the enclosure for later coding.


Behavioral Coding
Each condition, both during the Buzzer Test and afterward in the Interaction Test, was recoded with video cameras (Sony HDR-
CX220E Camcorder) and later coded in Observer XT 10.5 (Noldus Information Technologies). Behaviors coded included buzzer
presses, number of commands given and stress behaviors in the Buzzer Test, and time spent near partner/experimenter in the Inter-
action Test (see Table S1). 20% of the videos were coded by an independent outside individual (all behaviors above k = 0.85).

Social Relationships
Behavioral observations from the WSC were used to assess the social relationships for the analyses. These daily observations are
done by long-term students at the WSC who have previously shown interrater-reliability with established observers at the lab.
Observations are done when the animals are in their home enclosures with their full pack, where no individual is missing. Each obser-
vation is a ten minute focal on one individual where their social behaviors with their pack members are recorded by instantaneous
sampling (see Table S2). Data from these focals were used to calculate a David Score [28] for each individual and then subtracted
individual A’s score from individual B’s in order to obtain a value of rank distance for each pair.

Statistical Analyses
For all models in this study, we used a p value reduction method where we removed the least-significant variable from each model,
fully reducing it until only significant factors were left. Variables are listed in both the order they were removed (first to last) and with the
values they had in the model when they were removed. ‘‘FINAL’’ under ‘Order Removed’ denotes that the following variables were
present in the final model for that particular model. In all models, ‘‘:’’ between two variables denotes an interaction in the model. See
Data S1, Data S2.
Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were run for the Buzzer Task using the total number of trials completed as the response
variable, and condition, rank distance, and species as predictor variables, with species by condition and by rank distance, run as
possible interactions. Additionally, GLMMs were run for both the number of commands (controlling for test duration) and the rate
of stress behaviors (together, whine, yawn, and lips licking). For the Interaction Test behaviors, we ran Linear Mixed Models
(LMMs) for time spent with experimenter/latency to experimenter and time spent with partner/latency to partner (where applicable)
as response variables and with the same predictor variables as in the Buzzer Task models. Analyses were run in R version 3.2.2 [21]
with the packages MASS [22], lme4 [23], ggplot2 [24], car [25], lmerTest [26].


See Data S3 for a description.

e3 Current Biology 27, 1861–1865.e1–e3, June 19, 2017

Current Biology, Volume 27

Supplemental Information

Domestication Does Not Explain

the Presence of Inequity Aversion in Dogs
Jennifer L. Essler, Sarah Marshall-Pescini, and Friederike Range
Figure S1. View of the setup, with experimenter pointing to buzzer, Related to Figure 1.

Figure S2. Overhead view of the buzzer task setup, Related to Figure 1.
Behavior Definition
Buzzer Test Behaviors
Press/Trial Completed Actor (A) lifts paw up and places paw on buzzer
Experimenter command Experimenter gives A a command, where command is either “come,” “A
name”, or “press”
In sight A is in sight of the camera
Out of sight A is out of sight of the camera
Lips Licking A moves tongue outside of mouth and runs along the side of the mouth or
nose (not coded within 2s of receiving food)
Offensive Behavior A gives an offensive behaviour (growling, barking, snapping) directed
through the fence at R (receiver)
Whine A makes a low cry
Yawn A opens mouth with a long inhalation
Muzzle bite A places mouth around R’s muzzle
Interaction Test Behaviors
Time to partner Latency from when A is let into the large enclosure to when A is within 1
meter of R
Time with partner A is within 1 meter of R
Time to experimenter Latency from when A is let out into the large enclosure to when A is within
1 meter of the experimenter
Time with experimenter A is within 1 meter of the experimenter

Table S1. Behaviours coded in both the Buzzer Test and the Interaction Test, Related to STAR Methods.

Behavior Definition
Dominance Behavior
Stand tall Subject straightens up to full height, with a rigid posture and tail, may include
raised hackles, ears erect and tail perpendicular or above the back.
Paw on To place one or both forepaws on the other’s back.
Ride up To mount another one from behind or from the side, exhibiting a thrusting
motion with the hips.
Head on The subject approaches another’s shoulder/back and puts its heat on it.
Muzzle Bite To graph the muzzle of another subject either softly or with enough pressure to
make the other whimper.
Approach dominant To approach another subject within one body lenght for at least 5 seconds, with
the tail perpendicular or above the plane of the back and the ears erect and
pointed forward.
Submissive Behavior
Crouch Lowering the head, sometimes bending the legs, arching the back, lowering the
tail between the hindlegs, and avoiding eye-contact.
Passive submission To lie on the back showing the stomach and holding the tail between the legs.
The ears are held back and close to the head and the subject raises a hind leg for
inguinal presentation.
Active submission The subject has its tail tucked between the hind legs sometimes wagging it while
he is in a crouched position (with hindquarters lowered) and may attempt to paw
and lick the side of actors’/aggressor’s muzzle. The behavior may also include
Withdrawing The subject withdraws from another moving away slowly in the opposite
direction, displaying a submissive posture. It occurs when a subject has been
threatened or attacked by another, or a fight has taken place.

Flee To run away from another with tail tucked between the legs and body ducked. It
occurs when a subject has been threatened or attacked by another, or after a fight.
Avoidance In response to another reducing the distance towards it, the subject moves away
displaying a submissive posture. The subject may also look at the individual he
is trying to avoid.
Approach submissive To slowly approach another within one body lenght remaining within that
distance for at least 5 seconds. The approach is characterized by a ducked
posture and tail between the legs. Subject can also be moving in a wavy line
and in a hesitant (stop-start) manner.

Table S2 – Behaviors from WSC Ethogram used to calculate the David’s Score and rank distance for dyads

used, Related to STAR Methods.

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