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Camelot and the Round Table

The legend of King Arthur is well-known, a young than pull-out the sacred sword in
the stone and became to king. He and his friends made the round table and they
take to Camelot to glory.
However, what we know about those knight? Who did be the knights closest to
It has exited a lot of stories about the knight of the round table, as the search for
Holy Grail or the battle on the hill Camlant for the Camelot’s fall. Next, we will see
the three knight closest to King Arthur and their stories.

Sir Tristan (the child of Sadness)

He didn’t know his parents, his father was Rivalen, the Leonois’s king, he died in
battle and her mother was Blancheflor, she died when Tristan born.
Tristan grew with her uncle Mark (prince of Cornwall) and became a knight who
served him. For his youth he fell in love with Iseult, but this woman was the one her
uncle has loved and they married.
Tristan should leave the kingdom, he travelled to Camelot and served to King
Arthur. Here, he had many friends but he couldn’t find his true love.
He fell in depression and in the end he left the castle. Before he left, he whispered
his partners “the king doesn’t understand the heart human”.

Sir Lancelot (knight of the Lake)

Known as the strongest knight of the round table, even more than King Arthur. He
born in France and didn’t know his parents, he was grown up for the fairy of the
lake (Nimue). He traveled to Camelot when he heard the King Arthur’s exploits and
he became to knight for the admiration of the king.
After than Tristan left Camelot, the depression invaded to round table and Lancelot
found advice with the Queen Ginevere (Arthur’s wife). In this way, it born a love
between them. The Queen Ginevere was accused about treason to the king and
was sentenced to death. Lancelot tried save her, he killed a few knights, among
them Gareth and Gaheris, Gawain’s brothers, but he counldn’t save her.
King Arthur forgave him but Sir Gawain not, Lancelot was expel of Camelot and
after he went crazy.

Willington Padilla M. 06/09/2019

Sir Gawain (knight of the light)
He kept as the right hand of the King until the Camelot’s fall. Gawain was the
prospect for to replace to King Arthur, even his sword was the twin of Arthur’s
sword, the sword’s name Excalibur Galatine.
Gawain didn’t keep a good relationship with Lancelot and it was worse when the
knight of the lake killed to Gawain’s brothers and the king forgave him.
In the final battle, Mordred (the knight of rebeliion) attacked to king, Lancelot
attempt to fight for the kingdom but Gawain didn’t leave him. Gawain died for a
Mordred’s hit and before he saw to die to his king, he regretted his pride.

I would like be knight and win battle for the glory…

Willington Padilla M. 06/09/2019

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