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The first aid kit serves for the most common accidents, which are burns, people who

themselves accidentally or trip over something and even worse, falls down the stairs, slamming
fingers, injuries, bruises, or broken bones.

What should a first aid kit include? What are the components functions?

Sterile gauze: Protects the area and absorbs the blood from a wound or injuries.

Adhesive tape: Used to fix gauze or bandages.

Adhesive bandages in several sizes.

Elastic bandage: It’s a bandage used to create localized pressure to reduce the pain and

Antiseptic wipes: It´s for kill germs and are used to wash the skin, especially for open wounds.

Antibiotic cream: For rashes or microbial infections on the skin.

Antiseptic solution (like hydrogen

Peroxide): It´s has the same function that the Antiseptic wipes

Hydrocortisone cream (1%) : For allergic skin reactions.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen


Sharp scissors

Safety pins

Alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol


Plastic gloves

Your list of emergency phone numbers

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