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Change In Transportation
Transportation develops along with technological developments. In ancient times, technology
was not as sophisticated as it is now. The use of land transportation at that time used human power
and animal power such as horses, cows, buffaloes, donkeys, and etc. With tools in the form of carts,
horse-drawn carriages, rickshaws, and etc. For air transportation using air balloons with hot air from
burned nitrogen. Meanwhile, sea transportation uses a raft or sailing ship. all of which is of course
very limited and takes a long time to arrive.
Nowadays, the development of transportation technology is increasingly advanced. Many
new innovations are created, the more sophisticated the technology, the more sophisticated the
transportation is. With this technology, today's transportation uses more machine power and
minimizes human and animal labor. For example, horse-drawn carriages have been replaced by
motorbikes, cars, buses or trucks. Air balloon replaced by plane. Rafts were replaced by motor boats
and ships. All of this of course will continue to develop along with the progress of the times.
The mode of transportation will always develop along with the development of technology, so
it is certain that the means of transportation will continue to experience many changes. Maybe in the
future, there will be many new innovations either by developing existing transportation features or
discovering new, much more sophisticated innovations such as electric powered cars, solar powered
cars, driverless cars, flying cars, jetpacks, hyperloops, road trains, nuclear powered car, skytran,
skylon (jet powered passenger aircraft), etc.

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